Who Has The Best Plan?


As the Trump administration and members of Congress consider how they will repeal and replace Obamacare, the Pacific Research Institute today released The Way Out of Obamacare, a nonpartisan guide to help policymakers craft a market-based plan that protects doctors and patients.

The guide, an updated version of PRI’s pre-election health care guide, compares Secretary of Health and Human Services nominee Dr. Tom Price’s “Empowering Patients First Act”, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan’s “A Better Way”, and President Trump’s “Trumpcare” released during the presidential campaign.

Voters can compare the candidates’ health care reform plans in a variety of areas, such as:

– How tax credits or tax deductions can reduce costs to individuals and expand coverage;

– How the candidates’ plans will impact Medicare prescription drug coverage;

– What taxes people, businesses, and individuals will have to pay; and

– Whether consumers can use tax-advantaged Health Savings Accounts.

The guide also compares the plans with The Way Out of Obamacare plan authored by PRI’s Sally Pipes. The Way Out of Obamacare was released by Encounter Books in January 2016 and is available for purchase here

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