What We’re Watching – July 19


Tim Anaya – Is FaceApp a Russian Agent?
Like many of you, I’ve watched with amusement everyone posting their “old age” photos this week using the FaceApp. However, you should always be careful before so willfully submitting your images online or via an app (most of us aren’t). Those “terms and conditions” we usually ignore mean something. As CBS News reports here, FaceApp is a Russian company who, via the terms of signing up for the app, gets the rights to all of the photos you upload. Yet another reminder of the importance of showing scrutiny before willfully giving up your private info online.

Ben Smithwick – Remember to Mow the Lawn This Weekend or You Might Lose Your House!
This remarkable video highlights the story of Jim Ficken, a Florida resident who could lose his home for having long grass. Ficken has partnered with the Institute for Justice to challenge excessive fines levied by the city of Dunedin.

Kerry Jackson – Was Jesus a Socialist?
The political left has long claimed Jesus was a socialist. The argument has found greater traction in recent years as the Democratic Party has become more open about its socialist disposition. But was Jesus a socialist? Watch and decide.

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