What We’re Watching – January 17

Evan Harris – Secretary of State Mike Pompeo Joins the Commonwealth Club of California 

Sec. Mike Pompeo sat down with Carl Guardino, CEO of the Silicon Valley Leadership Group on Monday, Jan. 13 at the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco. Secretary Pompeo discussed the threats to American intellectual property rights from China, the pending phase one trade deal, the role of big tech companies, and more.


Ben Smithwick – The Benefits of School Choice

Gloria Romero, former Democratic majority leader of the California state Senate, discusses the benefits of school choice and the challenges facing charter schools in California in this interview with The Epoch Times.

Kerry Jackson – The Chart of the Century

It’s not a video, but as economist Mark J. Perry says, it might be the chart of the century. What stands out first, and continues to stand out, is that the data show the prices for goods and services most regulated by government are spiking while prices for the goods subject to less regulation remain either largely unchanged or are falling.

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