What We’re Watching: Even Fabio Has Turned on California

There were simply too many great videos to choose from for this week’s “What We’re Watching”. Narrowing down our choices this week was as hard as the task faced by the judges on American Idol on Monday night having to cut down 5 contestants. For the record, I’m still upset that they cut Modesto’s Effie Passero, who in my book was a top contender to win it all!

Without further ado, here’s our click bait of the videos that we’re watching this week that you should be watching too . . .

Kerry Jackson – Fabio Says California is a Mess Because of Liberal Policies

We can’t remember the last time that Fabio entered our consciousness, but Kerry Jackson came across an interview he gave to Tucker Carlson not too long ago where he says that liberal policies are the primary cause for the Golden State’s many challenges. Not sure why we’re asking Fabio for his political analysis, but this video is nonetheless an entertaining watch.

Tim Anaya – Shameless Self-Promotion #1 – New Animated Video on PRI’s Pharmacy Vaccine Study

Since coming to PRI, I’ve had the opportunity to dabble in making animated films to promote our studies. It’s a lot of fun and I even get the chance to narrate the videos. This week, we released a new study showing that consumers could benefit if the law was reformed to allow pharmacists to administer more vaccines. It was another opportunity to produce an animated film promoting our study.

Rowena Itchon – Shameless Self-Promotion #2 – Sally Pipes Talks About The False Promise of Single-Payer

Since we’re in the shameless self-promotion game this week, Rowena Itchon wanted to get in the act too. She recommends watching a talk given recently by our President and CEO on her new book, The False Promise of Single-Payer Health Care at a launch party held at the Salesforce headquarters in San Francisco. And if you want to buy a copy of Sally’s new book, click here.

Click here to watch the video.

Nothing contained in this blog is to be construed as necessarily reflecting the views of the Pacific Research Institute or as an attempt to thwart or aid the passage of any legislation.

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