What We’re Watching – A Royal Shocker


Tim Anaya – The Royal Shocker That Happened While Everyone Was Focused on Foreign Affairs

In public relations 101, there’s the old adage of the Friday news dump – drop major news or do a document dump either during some other major event or on a Friday afternoon at 4 PM when folks are already focused on the weekend.  The Duke and Duchess of Sussex appeared to do their own version of a Friday afternoon news dump this week.  While the world – including the Queen and the Prince of Wales – were focused on rising tensions in Iran – Harry and Megan announced that they would be stepping back from their official royal duties, wish to become financially independent, and are planning to spend at least half the year in North America (likely Canada).  Watch this segment from the UK’s “This Morning” program to hear what royal experts have to say about this major announcement that has Buckingham Palace shaking.

Rowena Itchon – What Really Causes Instability in the Middle East?

This panel discussion held at the American Enterprise Institute this past week was very timely “The land of endless wars: What really causes instability in the Middle East?”

Ben Smithwick – How The Other Half Learns

This is a great, in-depth interview with Thomas B. Fordham Institute scholar and educator Robert Pondiscio on his book, How The Other Half Learns: Equality, Excellence, and the Battle Over School Choice. Pondiscio spent a year inside Success Academy Charter Schools and his book examines the factors that contribute to the charter network’s success and the challenges facing the broader school choice movement.

Kerry Jackson – What They Haven’t Told You About Climate Change

Patrick Moore, formerly of Greenpeace, deserves wider exposure. But he’s on the wrong side of the media narrative, so it takes videos such as this one spread the facts about the climate.

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