Watch Videos from PRI's 2025
California Ideas in Action Conference

The 2025 PRI California Ideas in Action Conference featured conversations and panel discussions with leading state policy makers, real life changemakers, and top free market thinkers on some of California’s top challenges, including what’s next for stronger criminal justice policy reform after the passage of Prop. 36, how to improve student achievement in the classroom through better reading instruction, why bad government prescription drug policy could harm patients and threaten innovation, and whether there is a “war on suburbia” in California.
Sally Pipes:  The World’s Medicine Chest

PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy Sally C. Pipes discusses her new book The World’s Medicine Chest, in conversation with PRI Senior Fellow, Dr. Wayne Winegarden. 

A Conversation with Sacramento County Sheriff Jim Cooper

Sacramento County Sheriff Jim Cooper discusses what’s next for public safety policy reform after voter approval of Prop. 36, in conversation with PRI Senior Fellow Steve Smith.

A Conversation with Asm. Blanca Rubio

Lance Izumi, senior director of PRI’s Center for Education, discusses how to improve student achievement in the classroom through better reading instruction with Assemblymember Blanca Rubio. Asm. Rubio is profiled in the recent PRI book, “The Great Classroom Collapse.”

Panel Discussion – Is There a War on Suburbia?

Free Cities Center director Steven Greenhut moderates a panel discussion featuring some of the state’s top housing experts on whether there is a “war on suburbia” in California. The panel discussion previews a booklet by Greenhut soon to be released by PRI.

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