Since our founding 45 years ago, PRI has established itself as one of the leading free-market think tanks in America. We fight against an overreaching government that thinks it should have more control over our lives than we do.
Our work would not be possible without the support of individuals who understand why big government policies are not the path to prosperity – for California or the nation.
Our scholars have generated hundreds of influential policy studies, many of which have been published in major journals around the country. Our work has appeared in diverse news outlets like the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Forbes, Fortune, Newsweek, Fox News, NBC, and CNN.
As the year draws to a close, we hope that you will consider making a tax-deductible gift to PRI before December 31st to help us warn the nation that California’s heavy-handed, big government policies aren’t working here and they won’t work anywhere else.
Part of what makes PRI so effective is an advantage that few other organizations have: we can see the future.
Being in California, we know that our culture, our policies, and our struggles today will set the tone for the whole nation tomorrow – for better or for worse.
Thanks to the support of our donors, this year PRI published The California Left Coast Survivor’s Guide – a handbook for the nation, highlighting the policies that brought California down to the bottom in rankings for prosperity, education, housing affordability, homelessness, and crime.
The Orange County Register, San Diego Union-Tribune, Detroit News, and the Washington Times (among others) are just a few of the newspapers across the country that have published op-eds from the authors promoting the book’s findings.
It has also received widespread acclaim and was a #1 new release on multiple categories on Amazon. New York Times bestselling author Carol Roth said of The California Left Coast Survivor’s Guide, “Whether you live in California or just want to make sure your state does not turn into California, check it out.”
That’s why your year-end gift to the Pacific Research Institute is so critical. Your partnership ensures that PRI will continue to serve as a valuable and trusted national voice, waking more and more Americans up to the devastation that comes from out-of-control government.
As we look forward to 2025, I think it’s important to remember something:
If California represents anything, it’s a spirit of optimism.
Like no other state in the nation, for centuries, we have been a shining symbol of America’s bright future. From pioneers in wagon trains to gold prospectors to starlets on the silver screen, California has promised endless possibilities for those willing to take hold of them.
It has been the destination of people – and a nation – with big dreams. In a way that no other state can boast, the story of California is the story of America.
I hope you will join us as we redouble our efforts in 2025 to bring people hope. Hope that there is a way to truly turn our school systems, our economies, and our communities around.
The free market, economic opportunity, and individual freedom offer that hope.
These ideas are the foundation for a bright future that have – and will continue to bring generations of prosperity to California and the nation.
Thank you for your generous support of PRI.