Worker Freedom


Rebecca Friedrichs – Janus Before Janus

Rebecca Friedrichs of For Kids and Country joins us to talk about the victory for worker freedom in the Janus decision, and her experiences as lead plaintiff in a prior case that ended in a 4-4 tie in the Supreme Court.  We discuss what’s next for disaffected union members after ...

California’s move away from retrogressive politics?

Public employee unions took a deserved beating when the U.S. Supreme Court issued its Janus vs. AFSCME ruling, and their pain will eventually trickle down to the Democratic Party. The worst, though, is not over for them. What’s ahead has the potential to alter California’s political landscape. The 5-4 Court ...

A post-Janus California — will we look more like Wisconsin or Michigan?

On the heels of the Supreme Court’s decision on Janus, the State Controller’s Office announced that beginning in July, it would stop deducting “fair share fees” from the paychecks of state workers who are not full union members.  The fair share fee, or agency fee, is the fee that’s charged ...

Sacramento lying in wait for worker freedom movement after Janus ruling

Public employee unions are rubbing a purple bruise, inflicted by the U.S. Supreme Court when it ruled in Janus vs. AFSCME that government workers don’t have to pay unions to keep their jobs. But the unions and their partners in Sacramento aren’t going to let a little Supreme Court decision ...

Would Public Employees Really Lose Income After Janus Ruling?

Public-sector employees who want to be freed of forced unionization are hoping that the Supreme Court will release them from their yoke when it issues its impending ruling in the case of a government worker who sued the union that claims to represent him. Others, though, fear a future in ...
Business & Economics

Will Swaim – Is Worker Freedom On the Horizon in California?

California Policy Center head Will Swaim joins us to discuss the effort to increase worker freedom in California.  We explore the Janus case pending before the Supreme Court, efforts to expand pension reform and government transparency, and the 2018 campaign – and stay tuned for his gourmet coffee recommendations.

Today Could Be a Red-Letter Day for Worker Freedom

The two red-letter days on labor union calendars are May Day and Labor Day. After today, though, February 26 might appear as a black-letter day, marking the downfall of once-mighty organized labor. The U.S. Supreme Court is hearing arguments today in Janus vs. AFSCME. The plaintiff is Mark Janus, an ...

Janus Case Could Deliver Win for Workers and Boost Economy

Click here to download the brief Nerves are apparently raw in union halls across California. Labor leaders are waiting in dread over a coming Supreme Court ruling. The decision could cost them members, and more importantly to the union bosses, money. The case they fear is Janus vs. AFSCME. Its ...

Rebecca Friedrichs – Janus Before Janus

Rebecca Friedrichs of For Kids and Country joins us to talk about the victory for worker freedom in the Janus decision, and her experiences as lead plaintiff in a prior case that ended in a 4-4 tie in the Supreme Court.  We discuss what’s next for disaffected union members after ...

California’s move away from retrogressive politics?

Public employee unions took a deserved beating when the U.S. Supreme Court issued its Janus vs. AFSCME ruling, and their pain will eventually trickle down to the Democratic Party. The worst, though, is not over for them. What’s ahead has the potential to alter California’s political landscape. The 5-4 Court ...

A post-Janus California — will we look more like Wisconsin or Michigan?

On the heels of the Supreme Court’s decision on Janus, the State Controller’s Office announced that beginning in July, it would stop deducting “fair share fees” from the paychecks of state workers who are not full union members.  The fair share fee, or agency fee, is the fee that’s charged ...

Sacramento lying in wait for worker freedom movement after Janus ruling

Public employee unions are rubbing a purple bruise, inflicted by the U.S. Supreme Court when it ruled in Janus vs. AFSCME that government workers don’t have to pay unions to keep their jobs. But the unions and their partners in Sacramento aren’t going to let a little Supreme Court decision ...

Would Public Employees Really Lose Income After Janus Ruling?

Public-sector employees who want to be freed of forced unionization are hoping that the Supreme Court will release them from their yoke when it issues its impending ruling in the case of a government worker who sued the union that claims to represent him. Others, though, fear a future in ...
Business & Economics

Will Swaim – Is Worker Freedom On the Horizon in California?

California Policy Center head Will Swaim joins us to discuss the effort to increase worker freedom in California.  We explore the Janus case pending before the Supreme Court, efforts to expand pension reform and government transparency, and the 2018 campaign – and stay tuned for his gourmet coffee recommendations.

Today Could Be a Red-Letter Day for Worker Freedom

The two red-letter days on labor union calendars are May Day and Labor Day. After today, though, February 26 might appear as a black-letter day, marking the downfall of once-mighty organized labor. The U.S. Supreme Court is hearing arguments today in Janus vs. AFSCME. The plaintiff is Mark Janus, an ...

Janus Case Could Deliver Win for Workers and Boost Economy

Click here to download the brief Nerves are apparently raw in union halls across California. Labor leaders are waiting in dread over a coming Supreme Court ruling. The decision could cost them members, and more importantly to the union bosses, money. The case they fear is Janus vs. AFSCME. Its ...
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