Worker Freedom


Post-Janus, How Unions Keep Teachers Trapped

By Lance Izumi and Rebecca Friedrichs Reports reveal that 10-15% of teachers have said “No thanks” to funding unions since the U.S. Supreme Court set them free from forced unionism through the Janus decision in June 2018. While these numbers might suggest that the great majority of teachers are happy ...
Charter Schools

Read Lance Izumi’s op-ed in the Washington Times: When national teacher unions careen left

As the national teacher unions careen farther and farther left, they now brazenly proclaim politics and power as their goals, while openly dismissing quality education as their priority. Education analyst and retired Los Angeles teacher Larry Sand observed that at the recent annual meeting of the National Education Association, the country’s ...

The Next Battle in the Fight for Worker Freedom in California

As PRI has documented extensively, last year’s landmark Janus ruling has not stopped California’s public employee unions from continuing to siphon off dues from disaffected members. Our Kerry Jackson has written that, “long before the Janus ruling was announced, California lawmakers, many of whom have been widely criticized as being ...

Government unions ignore waste while making mountains out of molehills

By Lance Izumi and Rebecca Friedrichs Ever wonder why government agencies like the DMV make simple chores like registering a vehicle a lot more frustrating, and expensive, than they need to be, or why the lines are so long? Mariam Noujaim, longtime hard-working California DMV employee and Egyptian immigrant was ...

Kamala’s Promise to End Right-to-Work Would Make Every State Like California

Democratic presidential candidate and California Sen. Kamala Harris has said that if she’s elected, she would issue an executive order to rescind hard-won worker freedom. Maybe it’s a “California value” to support conscripted unionism. But before Harris’ position becomes too hardened to walk back, she should consider how reforms would ...

Union Membership Doesn’t Mean a Job Forever

PRI has a helpful calculator that shows how much a union member could save throughout his or her working years from not paying union dues.  In California, the average fee-paying teacher owes $650 a year while the average worker owes $1,000.  A 45-year old teacher who leaves the union and ...

How Saving $1,000 Annually in Union Dues Can Turn into Real Money

“A penny saved is a penny earned,” said Ben Franklin.  So, imagine what saving $1,000 each year by opting out of paying union dues can do for a government worker’s bottom line. The U.S. Supreme Court’s Janus decision affirmed the right of government workers to opt-out of a union and ...
Business & Economics

Tommy Few – A Front Row Seat in the Fight for Worker Freedom

Tommy Few talks about his legal efforts to fully secure the freedoms won by all public employees following the Janus decision. He shares his first-hand experience with how his local teachers unions is trying to preserve membership, and his legal battle to quit the union and keep more money in ...

Samuel Coleman on the Impact of the Janus Decision in California

Samuel Coleman, California Outreach Director of the Freedom Foundation, discusses his organization’s efforts to inform union members of their First Amendment rights after the landmark Supreme Court Janus decision in 2018.  Janus ruled that non-union members no longer have to pay dues to their union, effectively making California and other ...

LAUSD teachers should exercise their Janus rights, not follow their union off a fiscal cliff

Despite the recent settlement of the Los Angeles teachers strike, mostly in the teacher union’s favor, the deal largely ignores the shaky financial realities of the school district. While the union crows about its apparent victory, the potential fiscal disaster should make teachers consider leaving the union, not rallying around ...

Post-Janus, How Unions Keep Teachers Trapped

By Lance Izumi and Rebecca Friedrichs Reports reveal that 10-15% of teachers have said “No thanks” to funding unions since the U.S. Supreme Court set them free from forced unionism through the Janus decision in June 2018. While these numbers might suggest that the great majority of teachers are happy ...
Charter Schools

Read Lance Izumi’s op-ed in the Washington Times: When national teacher unions careen left

As the national teacher unions careen farther and farther left, they now brazenly proclaim politics and power as their goals, while openly dismissing quality education as their priority. Education analyst and retired Los Angeles teacher Larry Sand observed that at the recent annual meeting of the National Education Association, the country’s ...

The Next Battle in the Fight for Worker Freedom in California

As PRI has documented extensively, last year’s landmark Janus ruling has not stopped California’s public employee unions from continuing to siphon off dues from disaffected members. Our Kerry Jackson has written that, “long before the Janus ruling was announced, California lawmakers, many of whom have been widely criticized as being ...

Government unions ignore waste while making mountains out of molehills

By Lance Izumi and Rebecca Friedrichs Ever wonder why government agencies like the DMV make simple chores like registering a vehicle a lot more frustrating, and expensive, than they need to be, or why the lines are so long? Mariam Noujaim, longtime hard-working California DMV employee and Egyptian immigrant was ...

Kamala’s Promise to End Right-to-Work Would Make Every State Like California

Democratic presidential candidate and California Sen. Kamala Harris has said that if she’s elected, she would issue an executive order to rescind hard-won worker freedom. Maybe it’s a “California value” to support conscripted unionism. But before Harris’ position becomes too hardened to walk back, she should consider how reforms would ...

Union Membership Doesn’t Mean a Job Forever

PRI has a helpful calculator that shows how much a union member could save throughout his or her working years from not paying union dues.  In California, the average fee-paying teacher owes $650 a year while the average worker owes $1,000.  A 45-year old teacher who leaves the union and ...

How Saving $1,000 Annually in Union Dues Can Turn into Real Money

“A penny saved is a penny earned,” said Ben Franklin.  So, imagine what saving $1,000 each year by opting out of paying union dues can do for a government worker’s bottom line. The U.S. Supreme Court’s Janus decision affirmed the right of government workers to opt-out of a union and ...
Business & Economics

Tommy Few – A Front Row Seat in the Fight for Worker Freedom

Tommy Few talks about his legal efforts to fully secure the freedoms won by all public employees following the Janus decision. He shares his first-hand experience with how his local teachers unions is trying to preserve membership, and his legal battle to quit the union and keep more money in ...

Samuel Coleman on the Impact of the Janus Decision in California

Samuel Coleman, California Outreach Director of the Freedom Foundation, discusses his organization’s efforts to inform union members of their First Amendment rights after the landmark Supreme Court Janus decision in 2018.  Janus ruled that non-union members no longer have to pay dues to their union, effectively making California and other ...

LAUSD teachers should exercise their Janus rights, not follow their union off a fiscal cliff

Despite the recent settlement of the Los Angeles teachers strike, mostly in the teacher union’s favor, the deal largely ignores the shaky financial realities of the school district. While the union crows about its apparent victory, the potential fiscal disaster should make teachers consider leaving the union, not rallying around ...
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