
Business & Economics

Californians Voting with Their Feet

The state government’s stifling economic policies are worsening the downturn and driving citizens elsewhere. With the implosion of its storied investment banks and the future of Wall Street in doubt, New York will suffer the effects of the financial crisis more acutely than many states. But the crisis reaches epicenters ...
Business & Economics

Let Entrepreneurs Fix the Problem Government Made

As the financial crisis intensifies, we hear ever more claims that emergency times justify government measures unthinkable a mere 14 months ago. Even some libertarians, who would cry foul if a third world dictator nationalized an industry, are calling for the government to take equity positions in major financial institutions. ...
Business & Economics

North Carolina: Growing Less Free Every Year!

I recently wrote about North Carolina’s disappointing economic trends since 2001. Rising poverty, unemployment consistently above the national average, job and income growth lagging national and regional averages were among the findings. Now, we can add to that list: less economic freedom. The Pacific Research Institute recently released their U.S. ...
Business & Economics

Ohio next to last in economic performance

Ohio ranked second to last in economic performance, only beating out Michigan, according to a report released Wednesday. Think tank Pacific Research Institute’s study found Ohio ranked in the bottom 10 in its ability to expand the economy and incomes, private-sector employment growth, length of unemployment and the average unemployment ...
Business & Economics

Best U.S. Cities To Earn A Living

Forbes.com, August 18, 2008 Yahoo! Finance, August 21, 2008 How To Do Just About Everything, August 21, 2008 MSNBC.com, August 24, 2008 ActiveRain (Bellevue, WA), August 27, 2008 Though Houston has plenty of fat cats, this is not a story about America’s Most Overweight Cities. Rather, Houston is recognized here ...
Business & Economics

Tort abuse is costing California billions of dollars

The number of California homes in foreclosure surged 327 percent in the first quarter of this year, to an average of more than 500 foreclosures per day. The state unemployment rate is at a nearly five-year high of 6.9 percent. And the budget deficit for the upcoming fiscal year is ...
Business & Economics

Vive la Reagan Revolution

Dressed in jeans, a denim jacket, and cowboy boots, President Ronald Reagan emerged from his humble, hacienda-style adobe ranch house located high in the mountains of Santa Barbara, Calif. With his dog “Millie” by his side, the president walked to the leather covered patio table, sat down in a chair ...

California’s Health Care Elites Rally for Government Handouts

California’s budget crisis has caused Gov. Schwarzenegger to propose putting the brakes on Medi-Cal’s out-of-control, autopilot, growth. Of course, the governor is only doing it because California law requires him to close the deficit. Once he’s patched it for this year, he’ll be back on the bandwagon, selling his intrusive ...

In a Time of Economic Trouble, Which Presidential Health Reform is Good Medicine?

With the specter of a serious recession looming, many Americans fear unemployment and loss of health coverage. Economists anticipate that the unemployment rate will jump from 6 percent up to 8 or 9 percent. Because most working people are entirely dependent upon their employer for health benefits, thousands will likely ...
Business & Economics

Mississippi’s Tort Reform Triumph

For most of the past 30 years, Mississippi has ranked as one of the poorest as well as one of the most litigious states. The two statistics are related. I met with Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour recently, and this politician, best known for helping his state rebuild after Hurricane Katrina ...
Business & Economics

Californians Voting with Their Feet

The state government’s stifling economic policies are worsening the downturn and driving citizens elsewhere. With the implosion of its storied investment banks and the future of Wall Street in doubt, New York will suffer the effects of the financial crisis more acutely than many states. But the crisis reaches epicenters ...
Business & Economics

Let Entrepreneurs Fix the Problem Government Made

As the financial crisis intensifies, we hear ever more claims that emergency times justify government measures unthinkable a mere 14 months ago. Even some libertarians, who would cry foul if a third world dictator nationalized an industry, are calling for the government to take equity positions in major financial institutions. ...
Business & Economics

North Carolina: Growing Less Free Every Year!

I recently wrote about North Carolina’s disappointing economic trends since 2001. Rising poverty, unemployment consistently above the national average, job and income growth lagging national and regional averages were among the findings. Now, we can add to that list: less economic freedom. The Pacific Research Institute recently released their U.S. ...
Business & Economics

Ohio next to last in economic performance

Ohio ranked second to last in economic performance, only beating out Michigan, according to a report released Wednesday. Think tank Pacific Research Institute’s study found Ohio ranked in the bottom 10 in its ability to expand the economy and incomes, private-sector employment growth, length of unemployment and the average unemployment ...
Business & Economics

Best U.S. Cities To Earn A Living

Forbes.com, August 18, 2008 Yahoo! Finance, August 21, 2008 How To Do Just About Everything, August 21, 2008 MSNBC.com, August 24, 2008 ActiveRain (Bellevue, WA), August 27, 2008 Though Houston has plenty of fat cats, this is not a story about America’s Most Overweight Cities. Rather, Houston is recognized here ...
Business & Economics

Tort abuse is costing California billions of dollars

The number of California homes in foreclosure surged 327 percent in the first quarter of this year, to an average of more than 500 foreclosures per day. The state unemployment rate is at a nearly five-year high of 6.9 percent. And the budget deficit for the upcoming fiscal year is ...
Business & Economics

Vive la Reagan Revolution

Dressed in jeans, a denim jacket, and cowboy boots, President Ronald Reagan emerged from his humble, hacienda-style adobe ranch house located high in the mountains of Santa Barbara, Calif. With his dog “Millie” by his side, the president walked to the leather covered patio table, sat down in a chair ...

California’s Health Care Elites Rally for Government Handouts

California’s budget crisis has caused Gov. Schwarzenegger to propose putting the brakes on Medi-Cal’s out-of-control, autopilot, growth. Of course, the governor is only doing it because California law requires him to close the deficit. Once he’s patched it for this year, he’ll be back on the bandwagon, selling his intrusive ...

In a Time of Economic Trouble, Which Presidential Health Reform is Good Medicine?

With the specter of a serious recession looming, many Americans fear unemployment and loss of health coverage. Economists anticipate that the unemployment rate will jump from 6 percent up to 8 or 9 percent. Because most working people are entirely dependent upon their employer for health benefits, thousands will likely ...
Business & Economics

Mississippi’s Tort Reform Triumph

For most of the past 30 years, Mississippi has ranked as one of the poorest as well as one of the most litigious states. The two statistics are related. I met with Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour recently, and this politician, best known for helping his state rebuild after Hurricane Katrina ...
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