
Business & Economics

The Most Tax-Burdened States

The Golden State? More like Taxifornia. As the pain of April 15 fades, most Americans are bluntly aware that taxes matter. Too many politicians and bureaucrats, unfortunately, ignore this. They have forgotten that taxes change the incentives for people to work hard, save, invest and be entrepreneurial, the bedrock of ...
Business & Economics

Earth Day Agenda: Cap and Trade Plan for AB 32

California environmental officials have decided against implementing the “cool car” regulations they finalized last June. The move could be a first step toward a better environmental policy and an improved economy. Last June the California Air Resources Board (CARB) adopted a rule forcing car companies to install metallic reflective windows, ...
Business & Economics

Grading California’s Tax System

Every April California workers square up with the federal and state governments. This April deadline is a good time to grade the Golden State on its tax policy, which not only takes a lot of money from workers but manages to do so in a relatively counterproductive way. On the ...

Governor Schwarzenegger Shifts Policy on AB32

In sharp contrast to a recent study from the Legislative Analyst’s Office (LAO) reporting implementation of AB32 would bring about a net job loss and raise state unemployment in the near future and stressing that long term effects are “uncertain”, CARB released their own report this week stating the bill ...

Enviros trade in human misery

SACRAMENTO – One of the most unusual vote-buying scams the Obama administration may have used to pass its health care socialization plan was an alleged promise to two Democratic congressmen to increase federal water supplies to the San Joaquin Valley. It’s the nation’s most fertile farm region, but a region ...
Business & Economics

California’s tax tactics undermine prosperity

California’s bond rating is the country’s lowest. The state faces near unprecedented unemployment and underemployment. State government and most counties face deficits for the foreseeable future. The solution to this predicament, some Sacramento politicians believe, is more taxes. The underlying assumption of such an approach is that taxes don’t have ...
Business & Economics

Another Roosevelt? More like Barack Hoover

President Obama has been talking tough on deficit reduction, but many left-leaning pundits and economists warn that such rhetoric will prolong the economic slump. MSNBC host Rachel Maddow warned that Obama’s proposed partial spending freeze was Herbert Hoover’s strategy, while Budget Director Peter Orszag cautioned that FDR’s attempt in 1937 ...
Business & Economics

‘Jobs’ bills: Why they fizzle

California’s unemployment rate is more than 12 percent, prompting state Senate President pro Tem Darrell Steinberg’s new plan to create some 140,000 jobs. The plan, unfortunately, has a problem. Steinberg’s plan consists of several measures, each expected to create a specific number of jobs. Yet when tallying up the number ...
Business & Economics

Setting the stage for stagflation

Prices rose 2.7 percent during 2009, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ recent update of the Consumer Price Index (CPI). This is a worrisome fact because last year’s unemployment rate averaged more than 9 percent. This trend may signal a return of “stagflation,” a merger of stagnation and inflation. ...
Business & Economics

Cut taxes to boost employment

California’s unemployment rate, according to the most recent figures, is 12.4 percent, fifth highest in the nation behind only such economic basket cases as Michigan and South Carolina. California’s second-largest city, San Diego, is known as America’s Finest City but hasn’t been immune to unemployment problems. San Diego’s unemployment rate ...
Business & Economics

The Most Tax-Burdened States

The Golden State? More like Taxifornia. As the pain of April 15 fades, most Americans are bluntly aware that taxes matter. Too many politicians and bureaucrats, unfortunately, ignore this. They have forgotten that taxes change the incentives for people to work hard, save, invest and be entrepreneurial, the bedrock of ...
Business & Economics

Earth Day Agenda: Cap and Trade Plan for AB 32

California environmental officials have decided against implementing the “cool car” regulations they finalized last June. The move could be a first step toward a better environmental policy and an improved economy. Last June the California Air Resources Board (CARB) adopted a rule forcing car companies to install metallic reflective windows, ...
Business & Economics

Grading California’s Tax System

Every April California workers square up with the federal and state governments. This April deadline is a good time to grade the Golden State on its tax policy, which not only takes a lot of money from workers but manages to do so in a relatively counterproductive way. On the ...

Governor Schwarzenegger Shifts Policy on AB32

In sharp contrast to a recent study from the Legislative Analyst’s Office (LAO) reporting implementation of AB32 would bring about a net job loss and raise state unemployment in the near future and stressing that long term effects are “uncertain”, CARB released their own report this week stating the bill ...

Enviros trade in human misery

SACRAMENTO – One of the most unusual vote-buying scams the Obama administration may have used to pass its health care socialization plan was an alleged promise to two Democratic congressmen to increase federal water supplies to the San Joaquin Valley. It’s the nation’s most fertile farm region, but a region ...
Business & Economics

California’s tax tactics undermine prosperity

California’s bond rating is the country’s lowest. The state faces near unprecedented unemployment and underemployment. State government and most counties face deficits for the foreseeable future. The solution to this predicament, some Sacramento politicians believe, is more taxes. The underlying assumption of such an approach is that taxes don’t have ...
Business & Economics

Another Roosevelt? More like Barack Hoover

President Obama has been talking tough on deficit reduction, but many left-leaning pundits and economists warn that such rhetoric will prolong the economic slump. MSNBC host Rachel Maddow warned that Obama’s proposed partial spending freeze was Herbert Hoover’s strategy, while Budget Director Peter Orszag cautioned that FDR’s attempt in 1937 ...
Business & Economics

‘Jobs’ bills: Why they fizzle

California’s unemployment rate is more than 12 percent, prompting state Senate President pro Tem Darrell Steinberg’s new plan to create some 140,000 jobs. The plan, unfortunately, has a problem. Steinberg’s plan consists of several measures, each expected to create a specific number of jobs. Yet when tallying up the number ...
Business & Economics

Setting the stage for stagflation

Prices rose 2.7 percent during 2009, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ recent update of the Consumer Price Index (CPI). This is a worrisome fact because last year’s unemployment rate averaged more than 9 percent. This trend may signal a return of “stagflation,” a merger of stagnation and inflation. ...
Business & Economics

Cut taxes to boost employment

California’s unemployment rate, according to the most recent figures, is 12.4 percent, fifth highest in the nation behind only such economic basket cases as Michigan and South Carolina. California’s second-largest city, San Diego, is known as America’s Finest City but hasn’t been immune to unemployment problems. San Diego’s unemployment rate ...
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