
Business & Economics

The Fed won’t relinquish its bigger role

SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) — Financial analysts have been parsing Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke’s speech at the August meeting of central bankers in Jackson Hole, Wyo. More worthy of attention, however, is the statement made earlier in August by the Fed’s Federal Open Market Committee. It not only represented a ...

Employment Gains Expected if Prop 23 Passes

The California electorate next month will vote on Proposition 23, which would suspend the implementation of the state’s global warming (i.e., energy taxation) law (“AB32″) until the unemployment rate reaches 5.5 percent for four consecutive quarters. My new paper on the employment effects of this initiative can be found here ...
Business & Economics

The Prospective Effects of Proposition 23 on Employment in California

Suspension of AB 32 Would Add 150,000 Jobs in California in 2011 and More than 500,000 in 2012, According to New Study San Francisco— A new study by the Pacific Research Institute, a free-market think tank based in San Francisco, finds that the approval of Proposition 23, suspending the implementation ...

Prop 23 Will Boost California Employment By Half Million In 2012, 1.3 Million in 2020, Study Estimates

If approved by the California electorate this November, Proposition 23 will suspend the implementation of AB 32, the California Global Warming Solutions Act, until the State’s unemployment rate declines to 5.5% or less for four consecutive quarters. AB 32 requires a reduction in the State’s greenhouse gas emissions to 1990 ...
Business & Economics

Does California’s Budget Crisis Discriminate Against Women?

A group of California legislators and community leaders recently met on the steps of the state capitol to protest Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s proposed budget cuts. The group charged that these budget cuts disproportionately affect women, but the claim ignores some key realities. “We are here to say we’d like to ...
Business & Economics

An ironic twist in fiscal policy

In an ironic twist in world politics, European leaders are calling for fiscal austerity while U.S. officials are preaching about more borrowing and spending. In the wake of the Greek debt crisis, major European governments are recognizing the value of reining in the massive deficit spending that has not “stimulated” ...
Business & Economics

More ‘fixes’ won’t fix California

It’s easy to conclude that California may become, as former state librarian Kevin Starr put it, a “failed state.” It’s just too big, unruly and diverse to be effectively governed, commentators frequently say. SACRAMENTO – It’s easy to conclude that California may become, as former state librarian Kevin Starr put ...
Business & Economics

California’s recipe for stagnation

As legislators finished their session and scattered to their home districts this week without a realistic budget plan and two months after the deadline for approving a budget, one cannot help but wonder if our elected leaders truly grasp the depths of economic crisis and despair facing Californians. Unemployment in ...

Toss Fraud-Ridden State Program and Recycle E-waste a Better Way

Vol. 16 No. 30, August 18, 2010 Toss Fraud-Ridden State Program and Recycle E-waste a Better Way By K. Lloyd Billingsley, editorial director SACRAMENTO—California’s Electronic Waste Recycling Act (EWRA) is a magnet for fraud on a massive scale, totaling tens of millions of dollars, as Tom Knudson revealed in a ...
Business & Economics

Democrats picking on oil companies

SACRAMENTO – Legislators are more than six weeks past the constitutional deadline for passing a state budget, yet the state’s majority Democrats last week weren’t even holding budget hearings. Why bother? The state is $19 billion in the red, but the two sides aren’t even close to coming to terms. ...
Business & Economics

The Fed won’t relinquish its bigger role

SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) — Financial analysts have been parsing Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke’s speech at the August meeting of central bankers in Jackson Hole, Wyo. More worthy of attention, however, is the statement made earlier in August by the Fed’s Federal Open Market Committee. It not only represented a ...

Employment Gains Expected if Prop 23 Passes

The California electorate next month will vote on Proposition 23, which would suspend the implementation of the state’s global warming (i.e., energy taxation) law (“AB32″) until the unemployment rate reaches 5.5 percent for four consecutive quarters. My new paper on the employment effects of this initiative can be found here ...
Business & Economics

The Prospective Effects of Proposition 23 on Employment in California

Suspension of AB 32 Would Add 150,000 Jobs in California in 2011 and More than 500,000 in 2012, According to New Study San Francisco— A new study by the Pacific Research Institute, a free-market think tank based in San Francisco, finds that the approval of Proposition 23, suspending the implementation ...

Prop 23 Will Boost California Employment By Half Million In 2012, 1.3 Million in 2020, Study Estimates

If approved by the California electorate this November, Proposition 23 will suspend the implementation of AB 32, the California Global Warming Solutions Act, until the State’s unemployment rate declines to 5.5% or less for four consecutive quarters. AB 32 requires a reduction in the State’s greenhouse gas emissions to 1990 ...
Business & Economics

Does California’s Budget Crisis Discriminate Against Women?

A group of California legislators and community leaders recently met on the steps of the state capitol to protest Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s proposed budget cuts. The group charged that these budget cuts disproportionately affect women, but the claim ignores some key realities. “We are here to say we’d like to ...
Business & Economics

An ironic twist in fiscal policy

In an ironic twist in world politics, European leaders are calling for fiscal austerity while U.S. officials are preaching about more borrowing and spending. In the wake of the Greek debt crisis, major European governments are recognizing the value of reining in the massive deficit spending that has not “stimulated” ...
Business & Economics

More ‘fixes’ won’t fix California

It’s easy to conclude that California may become, as former state librarian Kevin Starr put it, a “failed state.” It’s just too big, unruly and diverse to be effectively governed, commentators frequently say. SACRAMENTO – It’s easy to conclude that California may become, as former state librarian Kevin Starr put ...
Business & Economics

California’s recipe for stagnation

As legislators finished their session and scattered to their home districts this week without a realistic budget plan and two months after the deadline for approving a budget, one cannot help but wonder if our elected leaders truly grasp the depths of economic crisis and despair facing Californians. Unemployment in ...

Toss Fraud-Ridden State Program and Recycle E-waste a Better Way

Vol. 16 No. 30, August 18, 2010 Toss Fraud-Ridden State Program and Recycle E-waste a Better Way By K. Lloyd Billingsley, editorial director SACRAMENTO—California’s Electronic Waste Recycling Act (EWRA) is a magnet for fraud on a massive scale, totaling tens of millions of dollars, as Tom Knudson revealed in a ...
Business & Economics

Democrats picking on oil companies

SACRAMENTO – Legislators are more than six weeks past the constitutional deadline for passing a state budget, yet the state’s majority Democrats last week weren’t even holding budget hearings. Why bother? The state is $19 billion in the red, but the two sides aren’t even close to coming to terms. ...
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