
Business & Economics

Radical rethink for state workers’ pay

Never-ending deficits and unemployment at 12-percent-plus are just two illustrations of a seriously sick California economy. Many sensible solutions have been discarded out of hand because of the power of public-sector unions. The challenge for state leaders is to make these unions part of the solution instead of the problem. ...
Business & Economics

California ignores the truth

Anyone who has dealt with a loved one deeply involved in some destructive behavior understands that there is only so much you can do until the person hits whatever low point is necessary to spark a commitment to turn around their life. I think of my beloved California in the ...
Business & Economics

NH is among many states that could boost manufacturing with lawsuit reform

THE UNEMPLOYMENT rate in manufacturing is 10 percent, above the overall national level. If state lawmakers are serious about putting nearly 1.6 million people back to work in manufacturing, they should enact desperately needed lawsuit reforms. The newly released U.S. Tort Liability Index: 2010 Report ranks each of the 50 ...

Reform Fails To Fix Uninsured Problem

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention just announced that 59.1 million Americans went without health insurance for at least part of this year — an all-time high. The CDC estimate comes on the heels of a report from the Census Bureau that arrived at a similar conclusion. Supporters of ...
Business & Economics

Tort reform boosts growth

Politicians have spent billions on so-called stimulus and bailouts, yet today’s unemployment rate is about two times greater than in January 2008. If state legislators want an effective solution — one that will actually create jobs — they should enact tort reforms, an area where many states need help. In ...

AB 32: Cost now, benefits later … maybe

During the recent election, the spin on Proposition 23 became drearily familiar. Voters who favored it were backing “greedy oil companies,” as Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger put it, out to protect their own financial interests. Those who opposed the measure, on the other hand, supported Clean Energy, The Environment and, of ...


California voters rejected Proposition 23 and thereby missed their chance to delay implementation of AB 32, California’s Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006. That measure is certain to worsen a state economy still in recession, with an unemployment rate of more than 12 percent. AB 32 seeks to turn back ...
Business & Economics

Puerto Rico’s epic tax blunder

Let’s say you’re an elected leader faced with a tough decision about how to revive the lagging economy. Your predecessors had tremendous success spurring growth by making the local tax environment exceptionally friendly to investment. However, in recent years, as the global economy has contracted, so has yours. GDP has ...
Business & Economics

Voting against jobs in California

Buried under the political headlines in California, which largely focus on Jerry Brown’s gubernatorial victory, Barbara Boxer’s winning a fourth Senate term and the Republican takeover of the House of Representatives, lie two ballot decisions that will have serious long-lasting consequences for the California economy. The first is the rejection ...
Business & Economics

Memo to DC: Don’t follow California’s bad example

In instance after instance, Washington has mimicked the failed policies of the Golden State. For the sake of the nation, it’s time Washington stopped following California and started heading in a new direction. Between the budget and legislation such as Obamacare, the Democrats have proposed large-scale increases in taxes on ...
Business & Economics

Radical rethink for state workers’ pay

Never-ending deficits and unemployment at 12-percent-plus are just two illustrations of a seriously sick California economy. Many sensible solutions have been discarded out of hand because of the power of public-sector unions. The challenge for state leaders is to make these unions part of the solution instead of the problem. ...
Business & Economics

California ignores the truth

Anyone who has dealt with a loved one deeply involved in some destructive behavior understands that there is only so much you can do until the person hits whatever low point is necessary to spark a commitment to turn around their life. I think of my beloved California in the ...
Business & Economics

NH is among many states that could boost manufacturing with lawsuit reform

THE UNEMPLOYMENT rate in manufacturing is 10 percent, above the overall national level. If state lawmakers are serious about putting nearly 1.6 million people back to work in manufacturing, they should enact desperately needed lawsuit reforms. The newly released U.S. Tort Liability Index: 2010 Report ranks each of the 50 ...

Reform Fails To Fix Uninsured Problem

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention just announced that 59.1 million Americans went without health insurance for at least part of this year — an all-time high. The CDC estimate comes on the heels of a report from the Census Bureau that arrived at a similar conclusion. Supporters of ...
Business & Economics

Tort reform boosts growth

Politicians have spent billions on so-called stimulus and bailouts, yet today’s unemployment rate is about two times greater than in January 2008. If state legislators want an effective solution — one that will actually create jobs — they should enact tort reforms, an area where many states need help. In ...

AB 32: Cost now, benefits later … maybe

During the recent election, the spin on Proposition 23 became drearily familiar. Voters who favored it were backing “greedy oil companies,” as Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger put it, out to protect their own financial interests. Those who opposed the measure, on the other hand, supported Clean Energy, The Environment and, of ...


California voters rejected Proposition 23 and thereby missed their chance to delay implementation of AB 32, California’s Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006. That measure is certain to worsen a state economy still in recession, with an unemployment rate of more than 12 percent. AB 32 seeks to turn back ...
Business & Economics

Puerto Rico’s epic tax blunder

Let’s say you’re an elected leader faced with a tough decision about how to revive the lagging economy. Your predecessors had tremendous success spurring growth by making the local tax environment exceptionally friendly to investment. However, in recent years, as the global economy has contracted, so has yours. GDP has ...
Business & Economics

Voting against jobs in California

Buried under the political headlines in California, which largely focus on Jerry Brown’s gubernatorial victory, Barbara Boxer’s winning a fourth Senate term and the Republican takeover of the House of Representatives, lie two ballot decisions that will have serious long-lasting consequences for the California economy. The first is the rejection ...
Business & Economics

Memo to DC: Don’t follow California’s bad example

In instance after instance, Washington has mimicked the failed policies of the Golden State. For the sake of the nation, it’s time Washington stopped following California and started heading in a new direction. Between the budget and legislation such as Obamacare, the Democrats have proposed large-scale increases in taxes on ...
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