California’s costly green subsidies
If there was any doubt about the economic success of state-mandated green programs, it was erased this week after a state Senate hearing about the future of alternate fuels. By the end of the four-hour session, it was clear that environmental special interests are thriving in California. At the hearing, ...
Katy Grimes
October 30, 2011
California global warming law choking food processors
As California’s unemployment rate hovers above 12 percent, even the state’s Democratic leaders – notorious for regulating, taxing and complaining about California’s business community – are talking about jobs. They are championing the occasional job expansion in Silicon Valley (i.e., a new Dell research and development center) and proposing their ...
Steven Greenhut
October 22, 2011
Business & Economics
Governor should ground tax proposal
Gov. Jerry Brown wants to increase sales and income taxes in a quest to “find another $10 billion” in revenue. He will have to craft a plan soon to get it on the 2012 ballot. To help California’s struggling economy, any tax proposals should be rooted in sound economics, which ...
Lawrence J. McQuillan
October 17, 2011
Health Care
Part D Price Controls Kill Jobs
Washington faces two pressing tasks getting a handle on escalating federal debt and addressing the country’s unemployment crisis. Unfortunately, the White House, thanks to its usual ideological blinders, has come up with a plan that will actually cost jobs even as it achieves only trifling savings. The proposal, ...
Sally C. Pipes
October 12, 2011
Health Care
An ObamaCare Reform Law that Is a CLASS in Fiscal Irresponsibility
An internal Obama administration e-mail recently leaked to the press appeared to reveal that officials would shut down a controversial component of the health reform law the Community Living Assistance Services and Supports, or CLASS Act. Long championed by the late Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.), CLASS would establish a ...
Sally C. Pipes
October 3, 2011
Delta Water rules smelt of extremism
If you want to understand the fundamental things wrong with our nation and California, in particular, you ought to peruse the 140-page opinion recently issued by Judge Oliver Wanger in the “Consolidated Delta Smelt Cases.” It describes many of the most frustrating elements in our society – abuses of federal ...
Steven Greenhut
October 3, 2011
Health Care
The Best Jobs Program? Full Repeal of ObamaCare
President Barack Obama is currently barnstorming around the country to drum up support for his $447-billion plan to put unemployed Americans back to work. But Congress need not hand him a check for half a trillion dollars in order to jump start the economy. If lawmakers are really serious about ...
Sally C. Pipes
September 19, 2011
Business & Economics
California ‘Jobs Gap’ Jumps to Record High
California’s “Jobs Gap” with the rest of America jumped to a record high, according to new calculations. In 2010, I devised the “Jobs Gap” to measure how much worse unemployment is in California than the rest of America. The Jobs Gap is calculated by subtracting the national unemployment level from ...
John Seiler
September 1, 2011
Business & Economics
Educated Legislators, Bad Economy
California has the most educated legislators, according to a recent Chronicle of Higher Education study. Those stellar academic credentials, unfortunately, have not lifted the state from its economic malaise. California’s unemployment rate, as of May, is nearly 12 percent, higher than every state in the bottom five of the study. ...
Alison Meyer
July 6, 2011
Business & Economics
Brown Busts the Budget
The California Legislature just passed a budget. Less than 24 hours later, the governor vetoed it, leaving many scratching their heads why Gov. Jerry Brown vetoed a budget from his own party. For the first time in history, the state budget has been vetoed, Brown said in a news conference. ...
Katy Grimes
June 22, 2011
California’s costly green subsidies
If there was any doubt about the economic success of state-mandated green programs, it was erased this week after a state Senate hearing about the future of alternate fuels. By the end of the four-hour session, it was clear that environmental special interests are thriving in California. At the hearing, ...
California global warming law choking food processors
As California’s unemployment rate hovers above 12 percent, even the state’s Democratic leaders – notorious for regulating, taxing and complaining about California’s business community – are talking about jobs. They are championing the occasional job expansion in Silicon Valley (i.e., a new Dell research and development center) and proposing their ...
Governor should ground tax proposal
Gov. Jerry Brown wants to increase sales and income taxes in a quest to “find another $10 billion” in revenue. He will have to craft a plan soon to get it on the 2012 ballot. To help California’s struggling economy, any tax proposals should be rooted in sound economics, which ...
Part D Price Controls Kill Jobs
Washington faces two pressing tasks getting a handle on escalating federal debt and addressing the country’s unemployment crisis. Unfortunately, the White House, thanks to its usual ideological blinders, has come up with a plan that will actually cost jobs even as it achieves only trifling savings. The proposal, ...
An ObamaCare Reform Law that Is a CLASS in Fiscal Irresponsibility
An internal Obama administration e-mail recently leaked to the press appeared to reveal that officials would shut down a controversial component of the health reform law the Community Living Assistance Services and Supports, or CLASS Act. Long championed by the late Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.), CLASS would establish a ...
Delta Water rules smelt of extremism
If you want to understand the fundamental things wrong with our nation and California, in particular, you ought to peruse the 140-page opinion recently issued by Judge Oliver Wanger in the “Consolidated Delta Smelt Cases.” It describes many of the most frustrating elements in our society – abuses of federal ...
The Best Jobs Program? Full Repeal of ObamaCare
President Barack Obama is currently barnstorming around the country to drum up support for his $447-billion plan to put unemployed Americans back to work. But Congress need not hand him a check for half a trillion dollars in order to jump start the economy. If lawmakers are really serious about ...
California ‘Jobs Gap’ Jumps to Record High
California’s “Jobs Gap” with the rest of America jumped to a record high, according to new calculations. In 2010, I devised the “Jobs Gap” to measure how much worse unemployment is in California than the rest of America. The Jobs Gap is calculated by subtracting the national unemployment level from ...
Educated Legislators, Bad Economy
California has the most educated legislators, according to a recent Chronicle of Higher Education study. Those stellar academic credentials, unfortunately, have not lifted the state from its economic malaise. California’s unemployment rate, as of May, is nearly 12 percent, higher than every state in the bottom five of the study. ...
Brown Busts the Budget
The California Legislature just passed a budget. Less than 24 hours later, the governor vetoed it, leaving many scratching their heads why Gov. Jerry Brown vetoed a budget from his own party. For the first time in history, the state budget has been vetoed, Brown said in a news conference. ...