

Lessons from the Left Coast: The economic costs from adopting California’s approach to global climate change

All signs indicate that the Biden Administration is adopting California’s approach to global climate of prohibit, discourage, and subsidize. The prohibit plank refers to punishing the politically disfavored energy sources of nuclear and natural gas. California has punished nuclear power generation by shuttering the San Onofre Nuclear Generating station in ...

Poor Communications Are Hurting the Governor on Covid

Last week, California should have celebrated an important step to help small business owners and Californians reclaim some sense in of normal. Instead, Governor Gavin Newsom’s announcement to lift stay-at-home restrictions across the state was met with surprise, confusion, and more questions. Late Sunday night on Jan. 24, 2021, Sacramento ...
Climate Change

President Biden Should Not Adopt California’s Approach To The Environment

Whether it is canceling the Keystone XL pipeline or obstructing new permits for oil and gas projects on federal lands, President Biden appears to be adopting California’s approach to addressing the problem of global climate change. If fully adopted, there will be large economic consequences with little net environmental benefit. ...

Apple’s Superbowl “1984” Ad – Who’s Big Brother Now?

It was 38 years ago this weekend when during Super Bowl XVIII, Apple debuted one of the most powerful and provocative ads of all time. “1984” opens with an army of clone-like humans marching into a theater to watch on a giant screen a menacing Big Brother figure glorifying the ...

‘Agroecology’: A pest to California farmers

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to ravage our lives through diminished social contact, disrupted commerce and illness and death. One unobvious example has been interruptions in food supply chains, from farmers’ markets to large food manufacturers. To respond to crises, agriculture must be as efficient, innovative and resilient as possible. Even ...

Californians Reverse the State’s Legislature Providing a Fighting Chance for Innovation

Last month, Californians may very well have begun the process of saving their state, reversing a move by the state legislature. They voted by a large margin via Proposition 22 to preserve the ability of people to pursue flexible working arrangements if they so choose. In September 2019, the California ...

Critical but Little-Known Facts About the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, there have been many thousands of articles and commentaries published on almost every imaginable aspect of the SARS-Cov-2 virus and the COVID-19 pandemic it has caused. They have appeared online, in journals, on preprint servers, in newspapers, and on blogs. As much as ...

Dr. Henry Miller Talks Moderna/Pfizer Vaccine Impact by Age on the Lars Larson Show

Henry Miller, M.S., M.D., joins the nationally-syndicated Lars Larson Show based in Portland, Oregon, to discuss little known facts about the rollout and use of the current COVID-19 coronavirus vaccines. One of the main points Dr. Miller makes is the difference in how the two vaccines have performed in various ...
Press Release

PRI’s Bartlett Cleland Quoted in Federal Data Privacy Article

Democrats control Congress. Will 2021 be the year for federal privacy laws? By Samantha Schwartz Democrats cemented control of federal executive and legislative branches this week, after two Democrats won run-off Senate elections in Georgia. The transition creates the potential for a federal privacy law to make it out of chambers ...

At The Intersection Of Lockdown Business Destruction And A Minimum-Wage Hike

Way back in August, in what seems like an entirely different historical era, when California was open relative to the restrictions we’re under today, 44% of small business owners said they were at risk of permanent closure in the next six months, unless they received additional stimulus funding. Six percent ...

Lessons from the Left Coast: The economic costs from adopting California’s approach to global climate change

All signs indicate that the Biden Administration is adopting California’s approach to global climate of prohibit, discourage, and subsidize. The prohibit plank refers to punishing the politically disfavored energy sources of nuclear and natural gas. California has punished nuclear power generation by shuttering the San Onofre Nuclear Generating station in ...

Poor Communications Are Hurting the Governor on Covid

Last week, California should have celebrated an important step to help small business owners and Californians reclaim some sense in of normal. Instead, Governor Gavin Newsom’s announcement to lift stay-at-home restrictions across the state was met with surprise, confusion, and more questions. Late Sunday night on Jan. 24, 2021, Sacramento ...
Climate Change

President Biden Should Not Adopt California’s Approach To The Environment

Whether it is canceling the Keystone XL pipeline or obstructing new permits for oil and gas projects on federal lands, President Biden appears to be adopting California’s approach to addressing the problem of global climate change. If fully adopted, there will be large economic consequences with little net environmental benefit. ...

Apple’s Superbowl “1984” Ad – Who’s Big Brother Now?

It was 38 years ago this weekend when during Super Bowl XVIII, Apple debuted one of the most powerful and provocative ads of all time. “1984” opens with an army of clone-like humans marching into a theater to watch on a giant screen a menacing Big Brother figure glorifying the ...

‘Agroecology’: A pest to California farmers

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to ravage our lives through diminished social contact, disrupted commerce and illness and death. One unobvious example has been interruptions in food supply chains, from farmers’ markets to large food manufacturers. To respond to crises, agriculture must be as efficient, innovative and resilient as possible. Even ...

Californians Reverse the State’s Legislature Providing a Fighting Chance for Innovation

Last month, Californians may very well have begun the process of saving their state, reversing a move by the state legislature. They voted by a large margin via Proposition 22 to preserve the ability of people to pursue flexible working arrangements if they so choose. In September 2019, the California ...

Critical but Little-Known Facts About the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, there have been many thousands of articles and commentaries published on almost every imaginable aspect of the SARS-Cov-2 virus and the COVID-19 pandemic it has caused. They have appeared online, in journals, on preprint servers, in newspapers, and on blogs. As much as ...

Dr. Henry Miller Talks Moderna/Pfizer Vaccine Impact by Age on the Lars Larson Show

Henry Miller, M.S., M.D., joins the nationally-syndicated Lars Larson Show based in Portland, Oregon, to discuss little known facts about the rollout and use of the current COVID-19 coronavirus vaccines. One of the main points Dr. Miller makes is the difference in how the two vaccines have performed in various ...
Press Release

PRI’s Bartlett Cleland Quoted in Federal Data Privacy Article

Democrats control Congress. Will 2021 be the year for federal privacy laws? By Samantha Schwartz Democrats cemented control of federal executive and legislative branches this week, after two Democrats won run-off Senate elections in Georgia. The transition creates the potential for a federal privacy law to make it out of chambers ...

At The Intersection Of Lockdown Business Destruction And A Minimum-Wage Hike

Way back in August, in what seems like an entirely different historical era, when California was open relative to the restrictions we’re under today, 44% of small business owners said they were at risk of permanent closure in the next six months, unless they received additional stimulus funding. Six percent ...
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