Opinion: The bioengineered food label is not expected to have any benefits to human health or the environment
By Henry I. Miller and Drew L. Kershen It’s no secret that Congress sometimes does things – including creating laws – that make little sense and that are contrary to the public interest. One of the most egregious of those laws has just taken effect. The subject – labeling of foods ...
Pacific Research Institute
January 10, 2022
Hospital Emergency Rooms Are Not Covid-19 Testing Centers
A few days ago, I called my pediatrician to set appointments for my children. One child needed to be seen for a potential UTI, the infant needed the next round of standard vaccinations. However, because one child had symptoms related to Covid-19 (a stuffy nose) the pediatrician would not set ...
McKenzie Richards
January 7, 2022
In 2022, Will Lawmakers, Courts Respect Freedom of Californians to Work as they Choose?
Just before the pandemic struck, a new law infected California. Known as AB 5, the law upended 30 years of the freedom for people to work as independent contractors and reclassified millions as employees. The worst of legislative hubris, the law was unprincipled, exempting the politically-well-connected and clearly targeting certain ...
Bartlett Cleland
January 4, 2022
The FDA needs reform. Biden’s nominee is not the person to do it
By Henry I. Miller, M.S., M.D. and Jeff Stier When President Joe Biden nominated Obama-era Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Dr. Robert Califf to return to his old post, he made what is widely seen as a safe, if uninspired, choice. Califf is a distinguished cardiologist and clinical trial specialist, ...
Pacific Research Institute
December 29, 2021
Building Back To Canadian Health Care?
Senate Democrats have delayed action on their multi-trillion-dollar Build Back Better Act until the New Year. If it passes, even more people will be dependent on the federal government for health coverage. It would represent the latest stepping-stone toward single-payer health care, which progressives like Senator Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., have dreamed of ...
Sally C. Pipes
December 20, 2021
The nuclear option can keep the lights on in California
A funny thing has happened on the way to California closing all of its nuclear power plants. Biden administration official Jennifer Granholm says the state should rethink its commitment to scrapping atomic energy. In an interview that will be released at an energy conference this week, the U.S. energy secretary ...
Kerry Jackson
December 8, 2021
‘Workers’ Who Don’t Complain When They Don’t Make The Minimum Wage
With California losing a seat in the U.S. House because due to its flat population growth, maybe Sacramento should try to convince Washington to count robots as residents in the next census. Because they’re on their way. In the first nine months of 2021, North American companies “added a record ...
Kerry Jackson
December 6, 2021
Business & Economics
Mark Mills – The Cloud Revolution
Manhattan Institute senior fellow Mark Mills joins us to discuss his new book “The Cloud Revolution,” which explores how the convergence of new technologies centered around the Cloud has the potential to unleash the next great American economic boom and could set the stage for another “Roaring ‘20s”.
Pacific Research Institute
November 29, 2021
The Once and Future “Net Neutrality”
Late last month the Biden Administration finally got around to nominating a new commissioner to the Federal Communications Commission to replace Chairman Ajit Pai, who left the FCC at the beginning of the year. Also nominated was a current commissioner, Jessica Rosenworcel, for another term and also to become the ...
Bartlett Cleland
November 29, 2021
PRI’s 2021 Holiday Book List
Right by the Bay is proud to present our annual tradition – PRI’s 2021 holiday book list. Each year, we offer suggestions for the booklover on your holiday shopping list. This year’s selections include fiction, classics, books on history and sports, and books that will make you think. With ...
Pacific Research Institute
November 25, 2021
Opinion: The bioengineered food label is not expected to have any benefits to human health or the environment
By Henry I. Miller and Drew L. Kershen It’s no secret that Congress sometimes does things – including creating laws – that make little sense and that are contrary to the public interest. One of the most egregious of those laws has just taken effect. The subject – labeling of foods ...
Hospital Emergency Rooms Are Not Covid-19 Testing Centers
A few days ago, I called my pediatrician to set appointments for my children. One child needed to be seen for a potential UTI, the infant needed the next round of standard vaccinations. However, because one child had symptoms related to Covid-19 (a stuffy nose) the pediatrician would not set ...
In 2022, Will Lawmakers, Courts Respect Freedom of Californians to Work as they Choose?
Just before the pandemic struck, a new law infected California. Known as AB 5, the law upended 30 years of the freedom for people to work as independent contractors and reclassified millions as employees. The worst of legislative hubris, the law was unprincipled, exempting the politically-well-connected and clearly targeting certain ...
The FDA needs reform. Biden’s nominee is not the person to do it
By Henry I. Miller, M.S., M.D. and Jeff Stier When President Joe Biden nominated Obama-era Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Dr. Robert Califf to return to his old post, he made what is widely seen as a safe, if uninspired, choice. Califf is a distinguished cardiologist and clinical trial specialist, ...
Building Back To Canadian Health Care?
Senate Democrats have delayed action on their multi-trillion-dollar Build Back Better Act until the New Year. If it passes, even more people will be dependent on the federal government for health coverage. It would represent the latest stepping-stone toward single-payer health care, which progressives like Senator Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., have dreamed of ...
The nuclear option can keep the lights on in California
A funny thing has happened on the way to California closing all of its nuclear power plants. Biden administration official Jennifer Granholm says the state should rethink its commitment to scrapping atomic energy. In an interview that will be released at an energy conference this week, the U.S. energy secretary ...
‘Workers’ Who Don’t Complain When They Don’t Make The Minimum Wage
With California losing a seat in the U.S. House because due to its flat population growth, maybe Sacramento should try to convince Washington to count robots as residents in the next census. Because they’re on their way. In the first nine months of 2021, North American companies “added a record ...
Mark Mills – The Cloud Revolution
Manhattan Institute senior fellow Mark Mills joins us to discuss his new book “The Cloud Revolution,” which explores how the convergence of new technologies centered around the Cloud has the potential to unleash the next great American economic boom and could set the stage for another “Roaring ‘20s”.
The Once and Future “Net Neutrality”
Late last month the Biden Administration finally got around to nominating a new commissioner to the Federal Communications Commission to replace Chairman Ajit Pai, who left the FCC at the beginning of the year. Also nominated was a current commissioner, Jessica Rosenworcel, for another term and also to become the ...
PRI’s 2021 Holiday Book List
Right by the Bay is proud to present our annual tradition – PRI’s 2021 holiday book list. Each year, we offer suggestions for the booklover on your holiday shopping list. This year’s selections include fiction, classics, books on history and sports, and books that will make you think. With ...