Bartlett Cleland – Everything You Need to Know About California’s New Privacy Law
PRI Senior Fellow in Tech and Innovation Bartlett Cleland joins us to discuss the California Consumer Privacy Act, which took effect on July 1. He discusses the serious flaws with the new law and how it will impact consumers and business owners, looks ahead to November when voters would have ...
Pacific Research Institute
July 27, 2020
What We’re Watching – July 24
Kerry Jackson – Don’t “Abolish the Police.” Privatize Them. Defund the police? Increase funding? Do nothing? Here’s a video that proposes something few would ever think of. Rowena Itchon – On Joe Biden’s $2 Trillion Green New Deal Check out Reason TV’s analysis of Biden’s $2 trillion Green New Deal. ...
Pacific Research Institute
July 24, 2020
California Doubles Down on Unworkable Data Privacy Law During Second COVID Shutdown
Businesses were ordered to close. Schools were shuttered. People were told to stay home. Many believed that in a week or two life for the most part would return to normal and that COVID would be a bad memory. Now, four months later, California has not just halted reopening but ...
Bartlett Cleland
July 23, 2020
Covid’s Harrowing Complications
It’s good news that the death rate from Covid-19 has trended dramatically downward since April, even as the number of new cases is surging. But it’s far from the whole story. Unlike common colds caused by other coronaviruses, Covid-19 is more than a transient, self-limited respiratory infection. There have been ...
Henry Miller, M.S., M.D.
July 20, 2020
Flattening the Curve Is Still the Right Answer.
The COVID-19 trends in the United States are moving in the wrong direction. More than 4,200 deaths occurred during the week of July 5th, and the highest number of new infections in a single day—more than 66,000—was reported on July 10th. As the numbers of cases, hospitalizations, and deaths surge ...
Henry Miller, M.S., M.D.
July 14, 2020
CIO Dive Features Bartlett Cleland, PRI in Data Privacy Article
CCPA critics warn innovation could lose under the law. What’s at stake? By: Samantha Schwartz, CIO Dive Companies built empires on user data — information volunteered in exchange for services. But with heightened privacy scrutiny, could those companies survive today? The California Consumer Privacy Act is challenging how companies use ...
Pacific Research Institute
July 14, 2020
Telehealth’s Success During COVID-19 Shows Need to Empower Health Care Innovators
The COVID-19 crisis has tested America’s health care system like no other event in recent memory. One irony during this pandemic is that America has actually experienced the promise of health care innovation in an important way, namely through telehealth. Telehealth allows patients to talk with their doctors online using ...
Wayne Winegarden
July 9, 2020
Business & Economics
California Should Deregulate to Encourage More Private Equity Investment
Private equity firms are an important source of financing for both new businesses and existing firms. States with more private equity investment experience more business start-ups, more innovation, and generally have a more efficient business sector. Fortunately, California leads the pack in job-creating private equity investments according to a recent ...
Wayne Winegarden
July 8, 2020
American Political Divide Enters Social Media
Political partisanship can be found in every part of society. What you say, or even what you do not say, is ripe for political criticism these days. It is no surprise then that social media, where a majority of the world devotes multiple hours each day, would be impacted, too. ...
Evan Harris
July 7, 2020
What We’re Watching – June 26
Rowena Itchon – “Project Home: 3D Printing the Future” I ran across this teaser on the upcoming documentary “Project Home: 3D Printing the Future” by the Moving Picture Institute. The first 3D printed homes are located in a neighborhood in southern Mexico. A way to solve California’s homeless problem? Ben Smithwick ...
Pacific Research Institute
June 26, 2020
Bartlett Cleland – Everything You Need to Know About California’s New Privacy Law
PRI Senior Fellow in Tech and Innovation Bartlett Cleland joins us to discuss the California Consumer Privacy Act, which took effect on July 1. He discusses the serious flaws with the new law and how it will impact consumers and business owners, looks ahead to November when voters would have ...
What We’re Watching – July 24
Kerry Jackson – Don’t “Abolish the Police.” Privatize Them. Defund the police? Increase funding? Do nothing? Here’s a video that proposes something few would ever think of. Rowena Itchon – On Joe Biden’s $2 Trillion Green New Deal Check out Reason TV’s analysis of Biden’s $2 trillion Green New Deal. ...
California Doubles Down on Unworkable Data Privacy Law During Second COVID Shutdown
Businesses were ordered to close. Schools were shuttered. People were told to stay home. Many believed that in a week or two life for the most part would return to normal and that COVID would be a bad memory. Now, four months later, California has not just halted reopening but ...
Covid’s Harrowing Complications
It’s good news that the death rate from Covid-19 has trended dramatically downward since April, even as the number of new cases is surging. But it’s far from the whole story. Unlike common colds caused by other coronaviruses, Covid-19 is more than a transient, self-limited respiratory infection. There have been ...
Flattening the Curve Is Still the Right Answer.
The COVID-19 trends in the United States are moving in the wrong direction. More than 4,200 deaths occurred during the week of July 5th, and the highest number of new infections in a single day—more than 66,000—was reported on July 10th. As the numbers of cases, hospitalizations, and deaths surge ...
CIO Dive Features Bartlett Cleland, PRI in Data Privacy Article
CCPA critics warn innovation could lose under the law. What’s at stake? By: Samantha Schwartz, CIO Dive Companies built empires on user data — information volunteered in exchange for services. But with heightened privacy scrutiny, could those companies survive today? The California Consumer Privacy Act is challenging how companies use ...
Telehealth’s Success During COVID-19 Shows Need to Empower Health Care Innovators
The COVID-19 crisis has tested America’s health care system like no other event in recent memory. One irony during this pandemic is that America has actually experienced the promise of health care innovation in an important way, namely through telehealth. Telehealth allows patients to talk with their doctors online using ...
California Should Deregulate to Encourage More Private Equity Investment
Private equity firms are an important source of financing for both new businesses and existing firms. States with more private equity investment experience more business start-ups, more innovation, and generally have a more efficient business sector. Fortunately, California leads the pack in job-creating private equity investments according to a recent ...
American Political Divide Enters Social Media
Political partisanship can be found in every part of society. What you say, or even what you do not say, is ripe for political criticism these days. It is no surprise then that social media, where a majority of the world devotes multiple hours each day, would be impacted, too. ...
What We’re Watching – June 26
Rowena Itchon – “Project Home: 3D Printing the Future” I ran across this teaser on the upcoming documentary “Project Home: 3D Printing the Future” by the Moving Picture Institute. The first 3D printed homes are located in a neighborhood in southern Mexico. A way to solve California’s homeless problem? Ben Smithwick ...