Teachers Unions


Paulson: It’s time for school choice

Take time to watch Academy Award-winning director Davis Guggenheim’s Waiting for Superman, voted best U.S. documentary at the prestigious Sundance Film Festival, and you’ll be confronted with the sorry state of America’s school system. How can America invent a more innovative and profitable future without a quality education system? In ...

Who’s Qualified to Run New York City Schools? Pitfalls From a Lack of Knowledge

Lacking an official background in public education is different than a lack of knowledge of critical educational issues. An education leader can succeed without the former, but not the latter. As a business executive, Joel Klein brought useful management ideas to the job of chancellor. He knew that employees have ...

Back Stories to Waiting for Superman

Waiting for Superman, touted by Oprah, Bill Gates and other celebrities, is now playing California theatres. Academy Award winner Davis Guggenheim directed the film, best documentary at the Sundance Film Festival. Several back stories, and the star, will not be apparent on the big screen. Waiting for Superman follows five ...

‘Superman’ has a backstory you won’t see on the big screen

‘Waiting for ‘Superman,’” touted by Oprah, Bill Gates and other celebrities, is now playing in California theatres. Academy Award winner Davis Guggenheim directed the film, best documentary at the Sundance Film Festival. Several back stories, and the star, will not be apparent on the big screen. “Waiting for ‘Superman’” follows ...

Back-to-School Lessons from LAUSD

Vol. 16 No. 32, September 8, 2010 Back-to-School Lessons from LAUSD By K. Lloyd Billingsley, editorial director After 15 years of legal and environmental battles, the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) recently opened the Robert F. Kennedy High School, which cost $578 million—more than half a billion dollars—and now ...

California’s Aspiring Education Bosses Face Reform Issues

California’s Aspiring Education Bosses Face Reform Issues By Evelyn B. Stacey, policy fellow in Education Studies Californian is now a finalist in the federal Race to the Top process. That has forced candidates for State Superintendent of Public Instruction to confront key reform issues. “The idea we can’t hold people ...

Less bang for education bucks

California’s public education establishment continually argues that the state ranks near the bottom in funding K-12 education. A just-released study by the U.S. Census Bureau pokes a giant hole in these claims. Those trying to portray California as miserly when it comes to education funding often cite figures put out ...

Race to the Top Proves that Competition Works

Race to the Top Proves that Competition Works By Evelyn Stacey, policy fellow in Education Studies SACRAMENTO—In the first round of Race to the Top (RTTT), California placed 27th out of 41 states that applied and failed to gain a one-time federal grant. Now California is trying again in Phase ...
Charter Schools

N.Y. Times misses the real lesson of charter schools

A recent lengthy New York Times article on charter schools, which are deregulated publicly funded schools of choice, came to the conclusion that the record of these schools was mixed, with some charters doing better than regular public schools, while others perform about the same or worse. That’s no surprise ...

Washington-centric Education “Reforms” Destined for Failure

Last week the Obama administration released changes to No Child Left Behind, now known as Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). The New York Times observed that, “This ambitious agenda presents striking challenges of its own, both political and in terms of implementation.” Indeed, the proposed alterations have elicited divided ...

Paulson: It’s time for school choice

Take time to watch Academy Award-winning director Davis Guggenheim’s Waiting for Superman, voted best U.S. documentary at the prestigious Sundance Film Festival, and you’ll be confronted with the sorry state of America’s school system. How can America invent a more innovative and profitable future without a quality education system? In ...

Who’s Qualified to Run New York City Schools? Pitfalls From a Lack of Knowledge

Lacking an official background in public education is different than a lack of knowledge of critical educational issues. An education leader can succeed without the former, but not the latter. As a business executive, Joel Klein brought useful management ideas to the job of chancellor. He knew that employees have ...

Back Stories to Waiting for Superman

Waiting for Superman, touted by Oprah, Bill Gates and other celebrities, is now playing California theatres. Academy Award winner Davis Guggenheim directed the film, best documentary at the Sundance Film Festival. Several back stories, and the star, will not be apparent on the big screen. Waiting for Superman follows five ...

‘Superman’ has a backstory you won’t see on the big screen

‘Waiting for ‘Superman,’” touted by Oprah, Bill Gates and other celebrities, is now playing in California theatres. Academy Award winner Davis Guggenheim directed the film, best documentary at the Sundance Film Festival. Several back stories, and the star, will not be apparent on the big screen. “Waiting for ‘Superman’” follows ...

Back-to-School Lessons from LAUSD

Vol. 16 No. 32, September 8, 2010 Back-to-School Lessons from LAUSD By K. Lloyd Billingsley, editorial director After 15 years of legal and environmental battles, the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) recently opened the Robert F. Kennedy High School, which cost $578 million—more than half a billion dollars—and now ...

California’s Aspiring Education Bosses Face Reform Issues

California’s Aspiring Education Bosses Face Reform Issues By Evelyn B. Stacey, policy fellow in Education Studies Californian is now a finalist in the federal Race to the Top process. That has forced candidates for State Superintendent of Public Instruction to confront key reform issues. “The idea we can’t hold people ...

Less bang for education bucks

California’s public education establishment continually argues that the state ranks near the bottom in funding K-12 education. A just-released study by the U.S. Census Bureau pokes a giant hole in these claims. Those trying to portray California as miserly when it comes to education funding often cite figures put out ...

Race to the Top Proves that Competition Works

Race to the Top Proves that Competition Works By Evelyn Stacey, policy fellow in Education Studies SACRAMENTO—In the first round of Race to the Top (RTTT), California placed 27th out of 41 states that applied and failed to gain a one-time federal grant. Now California is trying again in Phase ...
Charter Schools

N.Y. Times misses the real lesson of charter schools

A recent lengthy New York Times article on charter schools, which are deregulated publicly funded schools of choice, came to the conclusion that the record of these schools was mixed, with some charters doing better than regular public schools, while others perform about the same or worse. That’s no surprise ...

Washington-centric Education “Reforms” Destined for Failure

Last week the Obama administration released changes to No Child Left Behind, now known as Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). The New York Times observed that, “This ambitious agenda presents striking challenges of its own, both political and in terms of implementation.” Indeed, the proposed alterations have elicited divided ...
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