Special Education


Florida Fumbles A Fine Opportunity for Health Reform

We’ve had some positive chatter about Governor Crist and the Republican-majority legislature’s health reform. Sure, they’ve got a couple of things right: lightening up on hospital Certificate of Need, permitting “mandate-lite” policies, and allowing portability between the individual and small-group markets. But what a mess the rest of it is! ...

Investigate Grand Theft Education

SACRAMENTO – Last month the California Department of Education (CDE) paid out $4.6 million to settle the longstanding case of CDE employee James Lindberg. Though previously addressed in this column, the case remains rich in lessons for legislators, educators, taxpayers, and even law enforcement. Mr. Lindberg got in trouble not ...

Florida Fumbles A Fine Opportunity for Health Reform

We’ve had some positive chatter about Governor Crist and the Republican-majority legislature’s health reform. Sure, they’ve got a couple of things right: lightening up on hospital Certificate of Need, permitting “mandate-lite” policies, and allowing portability between the individual and small-group markets. But what a mess the rest of it is! ...

Investigate Grand Theft Education

SACRAMENTO – Last month the California Department of Education (CDE) paid out $4.6 million to settle the longstanding case of CDE employee James Lindberg. Though previously addressed in this column, the case remains rich in lessons for legislators, educators, taxpayers, and even law enforcement. Mr. Lindberg got in trouble not ...
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