Single Payer
Teacher Unions Veer Far Left
Recently, The Washington Times published an op-ed that I authored where I describe how the National Education Association and the American Federation of Teachers, to use the newspaper’s headline, “Careen Left.” But the reality is that the political landscape and momentum of teacher unions across the country is actually trending ...
Lance Izumi
August 6, 2019
Charter Schools
Read Lance Izumi’s op-ed in the Washington Times: When national teacher unions careen left
As the national teacher unions careen farther and farther left, they now brazenly proclaim politics and power as their goals, while openly dismissing quality education as their priority. Education analyst and retired Los Angeles teacher Larry Sand observed that at the recent annual meeting of the National Education Association, the country’s ...
Lance Izumi
July 29, 2019
‘Medicare for All’ Is A Trap for Businesses and Employees
Some business leaders are hopping aboard the Medicare for All bandwagon. The Business Alliance for a Healthy California, for example, now has 300 businesses calling for universal healthcare. But any businessman considering getting behind Medicare for All should know the sales pitch is flawed. The architects of Medicare for All ...
Sally C. Pipes
June 24, 2019
It’s Taxfest in Sacramento
Will Rogers said, “The only difference between death and taxes is that death doesn’t get worse every time Congress meets.” But Rogers never came up against the current California legislature, which these days isn’t just holding a legislative session but an all-out Tax Hike Convention. Today, the state enjoys a ...
Rowena Itchon
April 8, 2019
Health Care
Sally Pipes Comments on Gov. Newsom’s Health Care Plans to Capital Public Radio
Universal Health Care Push Expected To Regain Momentum In Newsom’s First Budget By Sammy Caiola The fight to expand coverage under the Affordable Care Act never petered out in California, even as the federal government moved repeatedly to dismantle the Obama-era policy. Now, the Golden State seems to have a ...
Pacific Research Institute
January 9, 2019
Florida voters rejected Medicare for All in the midterms. Thank goodness.
This month, Democrats took the House of Representatives. But many of the party’s most progressive candidates outside deep-blue coastal enclaves fell short at the polls. Voters in Nebraska, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Kansas, Florida, and Maryland all rejected Democratic candidates who campaigned on Medicare for All. And thank goodness. The idea polled ...
Sally C. Pipes
November 25, 2018
Would Gavin Newsom Gut Prop. 98 to Fund Single-Payer Health Care?
Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom, likely the next governor of California, is a single-payer health care evangelist. He has a vision of the state under his charge leading “this conversation in a way that ultimately advances” a single-payer system nationwide. Idealists like Newsom often talk about “guaranteed health care for all,” ...
Kerry Jackson
November 1, 2018
Health Care
Sally Pipes Comments to Heartland News on Gavin Newsom’s Health Care Proposals
California Considers Taxpayer-Funded Health Care for Illegal Immigrants By Leo Pusateri Gavin Newsom, the former mayor of San Francisco and current California Democratic gubernatorial candidate, is calling for taxpayer-funded free health care for illegal immigrants. Touting the universal health care model he introduced as mayor of San Francisco, Newsom says ...
Pacific Research Institute
October 26, 2018
Obama Flip-Flops On Single-Payer
Barack Obama just hopped aboard the single-payer bandwagon. During a speech at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign earlier this month, the former president praised Democratic candidates for “running on good new ideas like Medicare for all.” His endorsement of single-payer represents a bit of an about-face. As commander-in-chief, he ...
Sally C. Pipes
October 1, 2018
Health Care
Sally Pipes Talks Single-Payer with Daily Wire
EXCLUSIVE: Sally Pipes On Why A Single-Payer Healthcare System Is Bad For America By Jacob Airey As healthcare premiums go up, Obamacare has become increasingly unpopular with the American public as more people lose their coverage, health plan, and their doctors. While Conservatives have offered free-market solutions to these issues, ...
Pacific Research Institute
August 5, 2018
Teacher Unions Veer Far Left
Recently, The Washington Times published an op-ed that I authored where I describe how the National Education Association and the American Federation of Teachers, to use the newspaper’s headline, “Careen Left.” But the reality is that the political landscape and momentum of teacher unions across the country is actually trending ...
Read Lance Izumi’s op-ed in the Washington Times: When national teacher unions careen left
As the national teacher unions careen farther and farther left, they now brazenly proclaim politics and power as their goals, while openly dismissing quality education as their priority. Education analyst and retired Los Angeles teacher Larry Sand observed that at the recent annual meeting of the National Education Association, the country’s ...
‘Medicare for All’ Is A Trap for Businesses and Employees
Some business leaders are hopping aboard the Medicare for All bandwagon. The Business Alliance for a Healthy California, for example, now has 300 businesses calling for universal healthcare. But any businessman considering getting behind Medicare for All should know the sales pitch is flawed. The architects of Medicare for All ...
It’s Taxfest in Sacramento
Will Rogers said, “The only difference between death and taxes is that death doesn’t get worse every time Congress meets.” But Rogers never came up against the current California legislature, which these days isn’t just holding a legislative session but an all-out Tax Hike Convention. Today, the state enjoys a ...
Sally Pipes Comments on Gov. Newsom’s Health Care Plans to Capital Public Radio
Universal Health Care Push Expected To Regain Momentum In Newsom’s First Budget By Sammy Caiola The fight to expand coverage under the Affordable Care Act never petered out in California, even as the federal government moved repeatedly to dismantle the Obama-era policy. Now, the Golden State seems to have a ...
Florida voters rejected Medicare for All in the midterms. Thank goodness.
This month, Democrats took the House of Representatives. But many of the party’s most progressive candidates outside deep-blue coastal enclaves fell short at the polls. Voters in Nebraska, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Kansas, Florida, and Maryland all rejected Democratic candidates who campaigned on Medicare for All. And thank goodness. The idea polled ...
Would Gavin Newsom Gut Prop. 98 to Fund Single-Payer Health Care?
Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom, likely the next governor of California, is a single-payer health care evangelist. He has a vision of the state under his charge leading “this conversation in a way that ultimately advances” a single-payer system nationwide. Idealists like Newsom often talk about “guaranteed health care for all,” ...
Sally Pipes Comments to Heartland News on Gavin Newsom’s Health Care Proposals
California Considers Taxpayer-Funded Health Care for Illegal Immigrants By Leo Pusateri Gavin Newsom, the former mayor of San Francisco and current California Democratic gubernatorial candidate, is calling for taxpayer-funded free health care for illegal immigrants. Touting the universal health care model he introduced as mayor of San Francisco, Newsom says ...
Obama Flip-Flops On Single-Payer
Barack Obama just hopped aboard the single-payer bandwagon. During a speech at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign earlier this month, the former president praised Democratic candidates for “running on good new ideas like Medicare for all.” His endorsement of single-payer represents a bit of an about-face. As commander-in-chief, he ...
Sally Pipes Talks Single-Payer with Daily Wire
EXCLUSIVE: Sally Pipes On Why A Single-Payer Healthcare System Is Bad For America By Jacob Airey As healthcare premiums go up, Obamacare has become increasingly unpopular with the American public as more people lose their coverage, health plan, and their doctors. While Conservatives have offered free-market solutions to these issues, ...