Single Payer

Health Care

Sally Pipes Featured in National Circa Story on Democrats Pushing Single-Payer

Democrats turn to a socialist economic agenda ahead of midterms By Leandra Bernstein Self-declared socialists are fueling the energy of the Democratic Party, marked by the rise of figures like Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and New York congressional candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and the mainstream of the party is embracing their ...

Why Does the Left Want Universal Health Care? Britain’s Is on Its Deathbed

The U.K.’s government-run healthcare system, the National Health Service, turns 70 this month. There’s not much to celebrate. The NHS is collapsing. Patients routinely face treatment delays, overcrowded hospitals, and doctor shortages. Even its most ardent defenders admit that the NHS is in crisis. Yet American progressives want to import ...

For Californians, Rejecting Single-Payer Means Transcending Party Politics

Last month, Republican businessman John Cox comfortably coasted to a second-place finish in California’s gubernatorial primary. But his emergence as the runner-up to Democratic candidate Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom was no sure thing. California’s unique open primary rules allow the two candidates with the most votes to advance to the ...

This Year’s Budget Earns a “Participation Trophy”

It’s amazing what a difference one voter-approved proposition can make.  The Legislature is poised again to pass a budget before the June 15 constitutional deadline.  Gov. Brown has until June 30 to sign it into law. Budgets used to be a lengthy, messy fight at the Capitol. Back in the ...

Lieutenant Governor’s Race is a Political Chess Match

Candidates Sen. Ed Hernandez and Eleni Kounalakis One of the most hotly contested races this year is the race for Lieutenant Governor. Gavin Newsom once called the lieutenant governor’s office “a largely ceremonial post . . . with no real authority and no real portfolio.” Of course, that hasn’t stopped ...

Sacramento Taxes Nearly Everything. Is Drinking Water Next?

Apparently, there’s nothing so sacred nor so ordinary that Sacramento won’t tax it. Possibly next up on the tax table is a first-ever levy on drinking water. During last year’s legislative session, lawmakers proposed through Senate Bill 623 a 95-cent monthly tax on water bills. The revenue, about $200 million, ...

Don’t Fall for Single-Payer’s False Promises

Support for single-payer health care has reached an all-time high, according to Gallup. Seven in 10 Democratic voters — and one in three Republicans — favor a government takeover of the health sector. They should be careful what they wish for. Single-payer systems have failed everywhere they’ve been implemented, from ...

Trump Is Right: The UK’s NHS Is Failing And More Money Won’t Save It

President Trump recently “slammed” socialized medicine on Twitter. He was referring to a massive “NHS in Crisis: Fix It Now” protest that occurred on Feb. 3 in London. As the British might say, the president’s analysis is “spot on.” The United Kingdom’s single-payer system is in turmoil. It’d be foolish to import ...

Doctors Who Support Single-Payer Should Seek a Second Opinion

Sen. Bernie Sanders isn’t alone in his adoration for universal healthcare. According to one recent survey, 56 percent of U.S. doctors are at least somewhat supportive of government-run healthcare. Their support is somewhat understandable. Every insurer has different administrative requirements, covers different therapies at different levels, and reimburses on a ...

God Save The Queen’s Health Care System

On Jan. 23, Senator Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., hosted an online town hall to promote “Medicare for All.” Over 1 million people tuned in to watch Vermont’s junior senator tout his single-payer plan, which he promised would “guarantee care for all Americans.” His pledge is about as sound as a Venezuelan ...
Health Care

Sally Pipes Featured in National Circa Story on Democrats Pushing Single-Payer

Democrats turn to a socialist economic agenda ahead of midterms By Leandra Bernstein Self-declared socialists are fueling the energy of the Democratic Party, marked by the rise of figures like Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and New York congressional candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and the mainstream of the party is embracing their ...

Why Does the Left Want Universal Health Care? Britain’s Is on Its Deathbed

The U.K.’s government-run healthcare system, the National Health Service, turns 70 this month. There’s not much to celebrate. The NHS is collapsing. Patients routinely face treatment delays, overcrowded hospitals, and doctor shortages. Even its most ardent defenders admit that the NHS is in crisis. Yet American progressives want to import ...

For Californians, Rejecting Single-Payer Means Transcending Party Politics

Last month, Republican businessman John Cox comfortably coasted to a second-place finish in California’s gubernatorial primary. But his emergence as the runner-up to Democratic candidate Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom was no sure thing. California’s unique open primary rules allow the two candidates with the most votes to advance to the ...

This Year’s Budget Earns a “Participation Trophy”

It’s amazing what a difference one voter-approved proposition can make.  The Legislature is poised again to pass a budget before the June 15 constitutional deadline.  Gov. Brown has until June 30 to sign it into law. Budgets used to be a lengthy, messy fight at the Capitol. Back in the ...

Lieutenant Governor’s Race is a Political Chess Match

Candidates Sen. Ed Hernandez and Eleni Kounalakis One of the most hotly contested races this year is the race for Lieutenant Governor. Gavin Newsom once called the lieutenant governor’s office “a largely ceremonial post . . . with no real authority and no real portfolio.” Of course, that hasn’t stopped ...

Sacramento Taxes Nearly Everything. Is Drinking Water Next?

Apparently, there’s nothing so sacred nor so ordinary that Sacramento won’t tax it. Possibly next up on the tax table is a first-ever levy on drinking water. During last year’s legislative session, lawmakers proposed through Senate Bill 623 a 95-cent monthly tax on water bills. The revenue, about $200 million, ...

Don’t Fall for Single-Payer’s False Promises

Support for single-payer health care has reached an all-time high, according to Gallup. Seven in 10 Democratic voters — and one in three Republicans — favor a government takeover of the health sector. They should be careful what they wish for. Single-payer systems have failed everywhere they’ve been implemented, from ...

Trump Is Right: The UK’s NHS Is Failing And More Money Won’t Save It

President Trump recently “slammed” socialized medicine on Twitter. He was referring to a massive “NHS in Crisis: Fix It Now” protest that occurred on Feb. 3 in London. As the British might say, the president’s analysis is “spot on.” The United Kingdom’s single-payer system is in turmoil. It’d be foolish to import ...

Doctors Who Support Single-Payer Should Seek a Second Opinion

Sen. Bernie Sanders isn’t alone in his adoration for universal healthcare. According to one recent survey, 56 percent of U.S. doctors are at least somewhat supportive of government-run healthcare. Their support is somewhat understandable. Every insurer has different administrative requirements, covers different therapies at different levels, and reimburses on a ...

God Save The Queen’s Health Care System

On Jan. 23, Senator Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., hosted an online town hall to promote “Medicare for All.” Over 1 million people tuned in to watch Vermont’s junior senator tout his single-payer plan, which he promised would “guarantee care for all Americans.” His pledge is about as sound as a Venezuelan ...
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