Single Payer
Government run health care won’t improve life expectancy
Between 2021 and 2022, U.S. life expectancy jumped more than 12 months, according to new data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. An American born today can now expect to live 77.5 years — up from 76.4 in 2021. Predictably, this good news didn’t register with progressives working ...
Sally C. Pipes
December 29, 2023
California’s single-payer dream further away than ever
California is facing a record budget deficit next year of $68 billion. As a result, Gov. Gavin Newsom and the Democratic supermajority in the state legislature will have to scale back their progressive ambitions. Can the state really afford the looming rise in the minimum wage for healthcare workers to ...
Sally C. Pipes
December 23, 2023
CAPITAL IDEAS: A 2024 Healthcare Reform Agenda for Achieving Affordable, Accessible, High Quality Care
The following is text of a speech given by PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy Sally C. Pipes to the BYU chapter of the Adam Smith Society. My charge today is to outline a policy reform agenda that will make affordable, accessible, and high-quality ...
Sally C. Pipes
December 4, 2023
Read latest about push for single-payer
Doctors lobbying for Medicare for All should be careful what they wish for
Single-payer health care is what it sounds like — an insurance program where the government is the only insurer. Private insurance would be banned. And the government would pay health-care providers whatever it deemed appropriate and affordable. Read the full article at the New York Post
Sally C. Pipes
November 30, 2023
Read Sally Pipes' latest at Newsmax
Is US Uninsured Crisis a Myth?
The report estimates that 24.3 million Americans lack health insurance in 2023, which amounts to just over 7% of the country. That might seem like an uncomfortably large figure. But consider another crucial fact. The overwhelming majority of uninsured residents — over 20 million — either have access to some ...
Sally C. Pipes
November 27, 2023
Read about state-level push for single-payer
State Legislatures Can’t Shake Their Single-Payer Dreams. That’s A Problem.
Michigan is the latest state to flirt with a government takeover of the health insurance system. Earlier this year, Democratic Rep. Carrie Rheingans, who represents Ann Arbor, and several of her colleagues introduced House Bill 4893, which would create a state-run single-payer healthcare system. It’s part of a nationwide trend. ...
Sally C. Pipes
November 13, 2023
Read latest about single-payer healthcare
Most Americans don’t want Medicare for All
But according to recent polling, neither claim is true. Americans are broadly happy with the existing health insurance system. And single-payer would manifestly worsen — not solve — the problems Americans do face under the status quo. Read the full article at the Boston Herald
Sally C. Pipes
October 23, 2023
Read latest on single-payer healthcare
If There Were a Healthcare Competition, US Would Win
Doctors in England’s National Health Service (NHS) staged a two-day strike in late August over a pay dispute with the country’s government. They plan to strike again in September and October if their demands aren’t met. The walkout is just the latest development in an ever-escalating crisis in Britain’s system ...
Sally C. Pipes
September 6, 2023
Read about dangers of single-payer health care
Lawmakers Can’t Let Single-Payer Health Care Cross The Border—Or The Pond
Unfortunately, many progressives are determined to import something even more dangerous from Canada—single-payer health care. For decades, Canadians have shouldered burdensome taxes for the privilege of waiting weeks to receive subpar care. Things are just as bad in England’s government-run healthcare system. Read full article at Forbes
Sally C. Pipes
September 5, 2023
Read latest on single-payer healthcare
Left’s Rhetoric Unmoored from Reality: U.S. Likes Its Healthcare
Three in four rate their health plan as either good or very good. And satisfaction ratings barely differed across political, racial, or socioeconomic groups. America’s health insurance system isn’t perfect. But, as these numbers suggest, it works pretty well for most people — which is more than can be said for ...
Sally C. Pipes
August 22, 2023
Government run health care won’t improve life expectancy
Between 2021 and 2022, U.S. life expectancy jumped more than 12 months, according to new data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. An American born today can now expect to live 77.5 years — up from 76.4 in 2021. Predictably, this good news didn’t register with progressives working ...
California’s single-payer dream further away than ever
California is facing a record budget deficit next year of $68 billion. As a result, Gov. Gavin Newsom and the Democratic supermajority in the state legislature will have to scale back their progressive ambitions. Can the state really afford the looming rise in the minimum wage for healthcare workers to ...
CAPITAL IDEAS: A 2024 Healthcare Reform Agenda for Achieving Affordable, Accessible, High Quality Care
The following is text of a speech given by PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy Sally C. Pipes to the BYU chapter of the Adam Smith Society. My charge today is to outline a policy reform agenda that will make affordable, accessible, and high-quality ...
Read latest about push for single-payer
Doctors lobbying for Medicare for All should be careful what they wish for
Single-payer health care is what it sounds like — an insurance program where the government is the only insurer. Private insurance would be banned. And the government would pay health-care providers whatever it deemed appropriate and affordable. Read the full article at the New York Post
Read Sally Pipes' latest at Newsmax
Is US Uninsured Crisis a Myth?
The report estimates that 24.3 million Americans lack health insurance in 2023, which amounts to just over 7% of the country. That might seem like an uncomfortably large figure. But consider another crucial fact. The overwhelming majority of uninsured residents — over 20 million — either have access to some ...
Read about state-level push for single-payer
State Legislatures Can’t Shake Their Single-Payer Dreams. That’s A Problem.
Michigan is the latest state to flirt with a government takeover of the health insurance system. Earlier this year, Democratic Rep. Carrie Rheingans, who represents Ann Arbor, and several of her colleagues introduced House Bill 4893, which would create a state-run single-payer healthcare system. It’s part of a nationwide trend. ...
Read latest about single-payer healthcare
Most Americans don’t want Medicare for All
But according to recent polling, neither claim is true. Americans are broadly happy with the existing health insurance system. And single-payer would manifestly worsen — not solve — the problems Americans do face under the status quo. Read the full article at the Boston Herald
Read latest on single-payer healthcare
If There Were a Healthcare Competition, US Would Win
Doctors in England’s National Health Service (NHS) staged a two-day strike in late August over a pay dispute with the country’s government. They plan to strike again in September and October if their demands aren’t met. The walkout is just the latest development in an ever-escalating crisis in Britain’s system ...
Read about dangers of single-payer health care
Lawmakers Can’t Let Single-Payer Health Care Cross The Border—Or The Pond
Unfortunately, many progressives are determined to import something even more dangerous from Canada—single-payer health care. For decades, Canadians have shouldered burdensome taxes for the privilege of waiting weeks to receive subpar care. Things are just as bad in England’s government-run healthcare system. Read full article at Forbes
Read latest on single-payer healthcare
Left’s Rhetoric Unmoored from Reality: U.S. Likes Its Healthcare
Three in four rate their health plan as either good or very good. And satisfaction ratings barely differed across political, racial, or socioeconomic groups. America’s health insurance system isn’t perfect. But, as these numbers suggest, it works pretty well for most people — which is more than can be said for ...