Single Payer
Reject National Health care
America’s medical system has flaws, but government control is no cure Last December, Nataline Sarkisyan, a comatose leukemia patient, failed to receive a liver transplant potentially in time to save her life. Politically motivated opportunists such as former presidential candidate John Edwards have been exploiting the 17-year-old’s tragic death to ...
John R. Graham
February 18, 2008
1 bad health plan dies; another looms
A real alternative to government control would be a system driven by consumer choice The state Senate Health Committee voted overwhelmingly last month to trash the universal health care plan promoted by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and Assembly Speaker Fabian Nuñez. Supporters of the plan, known as ABX1 1, murmured about ...
Diana M. Ernst
February 8, 2008
Think-tank forum weighs merits of health-care solutions
Tallahassee Democrat, February 8, 2008 Ideas about fixing the American health-care system, including market-based answers for providing services, were the focus Thursday at a forum on the campus of Florida State University. Sponsored by The James Madison Institute, a Tallahassee think tank, the event attracted speakers from across the country. ...
Will Brown
February 8, 2008
Religious leaders make health care a moral issue
NEW BRITAIN — Religious leaders from all corners of New England converged on South Church Tuesday to urge establishment of universal health care. Despite the denominational mix of clergy, all seemed to agree the system is broken and needs to be repaired or replaced. Juan Figueroa, president of the Universal ...
Scott Whipple
January 22, 2008
Reject National Health care
America’s medical system has flaws, but government control is no cure Last December, Nataline Sarkisyan, a comatose leukemia patient, failed to receive a liver transplant potentially in time to save her life. Politically motivated opportunists such as former presidential candidate John Edwards have been exploiting the 17-year-old’s tragic death to ...
1 bad health plan dies; another looms
A real alternative to government control would be a system driven by consumer choice The state Senate Health Committee voted overwhelmingly last month to trash the universal health care plan promoted by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and Assembly Speaker Fabian Nuñez. Supporters of the plan, known as ABX1 1, murmured about ...
Think-tank forum weighs merits of health-care solutions
Tallahassee Democrat, February 8, 2008 Ideas about fixing the American health-care system, including market-based answers for providing services, were the focus Thursday at a forum on the campus of Florida State University. Sponsored by The James Madison Institute, a Tallahassee think tank, the event attracted speakers from across the country. ...
Religious leaders make health care a moral issue
NEW BRITAIN — Religious leaders from all corners of New England converged on South Church Tuesday to urge establishment of universal health care. Despite the denominational mix of clergy, all seemed to agree the system is broken and needs to be repaired or replaced. Juan Figueroa, president of the Universal ...