Single Payer

Health Care

Medical Care Facts and Fables

A new book, “The Truth About ObamaCare” by Sally Pipes of the Pacific Research Institute lays out the facts in the plainest English. There is so much political spin, and so many numbers games being played, when it comes to medical care, that we have to go back to square ...

Mass. mess: ObamaCare’s ugly future

Massachusetts’ struggle to make “universal health insurance” work continues to be an excellent peek at what the entire nation faces when ObamaCare kicks in — and the picture remains ugly. Gov. Deval Patrick has just reached a truce with three of the four top insurers in the state, compromising on ...

Massachusetts’ ‘reform’ mess

Federal lawmakers pondering how to vote on Obama-Care this week should notice that Massachusetts is back asking Washington for hundreds of millions more to bail out its universal health-coverage system. When it became law in 2006, the Bay State’s plan was supposed to fix everything — with much the same ...

Health Care Subject Matter Experts Part 2 Sally C. Pipes

A few weeks ago, my Leadership Program of the Rockies class heard Sally C. Pipes speak on the American health care system. Who is Sally Pipes, you ask? (It’s okay, I didn’t know either!) She is author of The Top Ten Myths of American Health Care: A Citizen’s Guide, and ...

No cost control here

National Journal – Health Care, January 11, 2010 The idea that the massive new taxes raised in either House or Senate health care bills are in service of overall cost control is just one of the great many collective fictions proponents of doing something on health care have perpetuated. The ...

Obamacare’s Ugly Math

The Senate’s $2.5 trillion bill will create higher taxes and higher premiums with little return. The scoring is in on the health-care bills, and it’s hard to see what the Democrats’ proposed health-care overhaul would achieve apart from centralizing and consolidating power in Washington. During the campaign, then-Senator Obama said, ...

The Nanny State and the Cost of Unfunded Government Liabilities

The Market Oracle, November 1, 2009 “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among ...

Say No To Government Health Care

Government insurance for health care—the public option—is an inappropriate cure that the American body politic is rejecting. Canadians spend 10 percent of annual GDP on health care, while Americans spend 16 percent. However, Canadians experience long waiting lists for diagnosis and treatment, rationed care, and limited access to doctors and ...
Health Care

Fixing an ailing health system

The World Today (Australia), September 10, 2009 ELEANOR HALL: So will this speech by Barack Obama swing policy makers behind the President’s healthcare plans? The issue was always expected to be divisive but former Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin’s talk of “death panels” ramped up fears about a government ...

Having It All

Last night, President Obama gave a passionate 48-minute address to Congress and the nation laying out his views on health-care reform. It was his 29th speech on the topic. He made the case for a government takeover of health care — even while promising that nothing will change for the ...
Health Care

Medical Care Facts and Fables

A new book, “The Truth About ObamaCare” by Sally Pipes of the Pacific Research Institute lays out the facts in the plainest English. There is so much political spin, and so many numbers games being played, when it comes to medical care, that we have to go back to square ...

Mass. mess: ObamaCare’s ugly future

Massachusetts’ struggle to make “universal health insurance” work continues to be an excellent peek at what the entire nation faces when ObamaCare kicks in — and the picture remains ugly. Gov. Deval Patrick has just reached a truce with three of the four top insurers in the state, compromising on ...

Massachusetts’ ‘reform’ mess

Federal lawmakers pondering how to vote on Obama-Care this week should notice that Massachusetts is back asking Washington for hundreds of millions more to bail out its universal health-coverage system. When it became law in 2006, the Bay State’s plan was supposed to fix everything — with much the same ...

Health Care Subject Matter Experts Part 2 Sally C. Pipes

A few weeks ago, my Leadership Program of the Rockies class heard Sally C. Pipes speak on the American health care system. Who is Sally Pipes, you ask? (It’s okay, I didn’t know either!) She is author of The Top Ten Myths of American Health Care: A Citizen’s Guide, and ...

No cost control here

National Journal – Health Care, January 11, 2010 The idea that the massive new taxes raised in either House or Senate health care bills are in service of overall cost control is just one of the great many collective fictions proponents of doing something on health care have perpetuated. The ...

Obamacare’s Ugly Math

The Senate’s $2.5 trillion bill will create higher taxes and higher premiums with little return. The scoring is in on the health-care bills, and it’s hard to see what the Democrats’ proposed health-care overhaul would achieve apart from centralizing and consolidating power in Washington. During the campaign, then-Senator Obama said, ...

The Nanny State and the Cost of Unfunded Government Liabilities

The Market Oracle, November 1, 2009 “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among ...

Say No To Government Health Care

Government insurance for health care—the public option—is an inappropriate cure that the American body politic is rejecting. Canadians spend 10 percent of annual GDP on health care, while Americans spend 16 percent. However, Canadians experience long waiting lists for diagnosis and treatment, rationed care, and limited access to doctors and ...
Health Care

Fixing an ailing health system

The World Today (Australia), September 10, 2009 ELEANOR HALL: So will this speech by Barack Obama swing policy makers behind the President’s healthcare plans? The issue was always expected to be divisive but former Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin’s talk of “death panels” ramped up fears about a government ...

Having It All

Last night, President Obama gave a passionate 48-minute address to Congress and the nation laying out his views on health-care reform. It was his 29th speech on the topic. He made the case for a government takeover of health care — even while promising that nothing will change for the ...
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