Single Payer
For Brits, A Government Mandated New Year’s Resolution?
My husband, Charles Kesler, and I have spent the last several Christmas holidays in London. Each year, the news headlines about the National Health Service (single-payer British style) seem to get worse and worse. I often save the articles to use as fodder for my writings. Here are just a ...
Sally C. Pipes
January 19, 2018
Expanding SF Restaurant Surcharge Statewide is a Bad Idea
Dining at a premium San Francisco restaurant will always be expensive. But add in the cost of The City’s health care surcharge and eating out, even at modest and lesser establishments, is even more expensive. What’s more, one gubernatorial candidate wants to expand the program that requires the surcharge to ...
Kerry Jackson
January 7, 2018
Single-Payer Health Care Means You Might Be Denied Surgery for Being Too Fat — No, Really
Do people who are overweight or obese deserve health care? In the United Kingdom’s socialized health care system, the answer appears to be “no.” And if Democrats get their way, the same could be true in the United States. To save money, the U.K. National Health Service recently announced it ...
Sally C. Pipes
October 8, 2017
Here’s What Single-Payer Advocates Don’t Want You To Know
Single-payer is back on the docket in California. Late last month, Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon announced that he’d formed a special committee “to develop plans for achieving universal health care in California.” Rendon has been under pressure from progressive activists all summer, ever since he shelved SB 562, a bill ...
Sally C. Pipes
September 5, 2017
Is The Horror Story Of Single-payer Health Care Coming Soon To A Theater Near You?
Hollywood loves a sequel. This summer, studios are releasing a fifth Pirates of the Caribbean, a third edition of the Despicable Me franchise, and yet another Spiderman. But warmed-over ideas are not the sole province of the film industry. Progressive lawmakers are launching a reboot of their own — Single-Payer ...
Sally C. Pipes
July 2, 2017
CAPITAL IDEAS: Majority Party’s War on Trump Is Really War on California’s Middle Class
Download the Brief KUSI television reported on June 12 that “Gov. Brown and the Democrats in Sacramento are in open revolt against President Trump.” While not a new development, it seems to indicate that California is seceding from the Union as it had threatened without providing official notice. Yes, it’s ...
Kerry Jackson
June 20, 2017
California’s ‘Free’ Health Care Won’t Come Cheap
(Note: After the column went to print, SB 562 passed the State Senate on June 1 by a vote of 23 to 14.) Democrats in California’s state Senate spent Thursday hemming and hawing over Senate Bill 562, the Healthy California Act. When this column went to print, the Democratic caucus ...
Sally C. Pipes
June 2, 2017
San Francisco’s Universal Health Care Plan Eyed As Model For California
SAN FRANCISCO — Maria Consuelo believes she’s alive today because of a groundbreaking program this left-leaning city created a decade ago – one that guarantees health coverage to every one of its 864,000 residents. It’s made San Francisco the only place in the country where truly universal health coverage exists, ...
Tracy Seipel
April 2, 2017
Single Payer Is Fool’s Gold For California
While the latest Republican attempt to repeal and replace ObamaCare may have failed, Democrats in California and in D.C. are just getting started in their effort to eliminate the health law. Unfortunately, they’re angling to replace ObamaCare with something even worse. In California, State Senators Ricardo Lara and Toni Atkins ...
Sally C. Pipes
March 31, 2017
Health Care
Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom To Propose Universal Health Care In Race To Succeed Jerry Brown
Democratic Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom is drafting a health care plan for California that he plans to unveil as a core component of his gubernatorial run, based in part on the universal health care program he signed into law when he was mayor of San Francisco. Newsom, seen as a ...
Angela Hart
March 13, 2017
For Brits, A Government Mandated New Year’s Resolution?
My husband, Charles Kesler, and I have spent the last several Christmas holidays in London. Each year, the news headlines about the National Health Service (single-payer British style) seem to get worse and worse. I often save the articles to use as fodder for my writings. Here are just a ...
Expanding SF Restaurant Surcharge Statewide is a Bad Idea
Dining at a premium San Francisco restaurant will always be expensive. But add in the cost of The City’s health care surcharge and eating out, even at modest and lesser establishments, is even more expensive. What’s more, one gubernatorial candidate wants to expand the program that requires the surcharge to ...
Single-Payer Health Care Means You Might Be Denied Surgery for Being Too Fat — No, Really
Do people who are overweight or obese deserve health care? In the United Kingdom’s socialized health care system, the answer appears to be “no.” And if Democrats get their way, the same could be true in the United States. To save money, the U.K. National Health Service recently announced it ...
Here’s What Single-Payer Advocates Don’t Want You To Know
Single-payer is back on the docket in California. Late last month, Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon announced that he’d formed a special committee “to develop plans for achieving universal health care in California.” Rendon has been under pressure from progressive activists all summer, ever since he shelved SB 562, a bill ...
Is The Horror Story Of Single-payer Health Care Coming Soon To A Theater Near You?
Hollywood loves a sequel. This summer, studios are releasing a fifth Pirates of the Caribbean, a third edition of the Despicable Me franchise, and yet another Spiderman. But warmed-over ideas are not the sole province of the film industry. Progressive lawmakers are launching a reboot of their own — Single-Payer ...
CAPITAL IDEAS: Majority Party’s War on Trump Is Really War on California’s Middle Class
Download the Brief KUSI television reported on June 12 that “Gov. Brown and the Democrats in Sacramento are in open revolt against President Trump.” While not a new development, it seems to indicate that California is seceding from the Union as it had threatened without providing official notice. Yes, it’s ...
California’s ‘Free’ Health Care Won’t Come Cheap
(Note: After the column went to print, SB 562 passed the State Senate on June 1 by a vote of 23 to 14.) Democrats in California’s state Senate spent Thursday hemming and hawing over Senate Bill 562, the Healthy California Act. When this column went to print, the Democratic caucus ...
San Francisco’s Universal Health Care Plan Eyed As Model For California
SAN FRANCISCO — Maria Consuelo believes she’s alive today because of a groundbreaking program this left-leaning city created a decade ago – one that guarantees health coverage to every one of its 864,000 residents. It’s made San Francisco the only place in the country where truly universal health coverage exists, ...
Single Payer Is Fool’s Gold For California
While the latest Republican attempt to repeal and replace ObamaCare may have failed, Democrats in California and in D.C. are just getting started in their effort to eliminate the health law. Unfortunately, they’re angling to replace ObamaCare with something even worse. In California, State Senators Ricardo Lara and Toni Atkins ...
Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom To Propose Universal Health Care In Race To Succeed Jerry Brown
Democratic Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom is drafting a health care plan for California that he plans to unveil as a core component of his gubernatorial run, based in part on the universal health care program he signed into law when he was mayor of San Francisco. Newsom, seen as a ...