Rent Control
Would A Vacancy Tax Reduce State’s Housing Shortage? History Says No.
While it might seem impossible given the state’s perpetual housing shortage, there are empty homes in California. Some policymakers believe that forcing the owners to put tenants in their properties will help solve an unaffordability problem that has priced so many out of the market. Sounds simple. Of course it’s ...
Kerry Jackson
November 7, 2022
Rent control is destroying a city near you
In 1977, President Jimmy Carter stood on a vacant lot on Charlotte Street in the South Bronx, surrounded by empty, burned-out buildings, something reminiscent of Berlin at the end of World War II. The scene looked like something from a scene in “Escape from New York,” but Carter promised he ...
William L. Anderson
October 12, 2022
Permanent Solutions or Band-Aids: Solving the Decades-Old California Homelessness Crisis
California’s budget last year contained $12 billion, a record number, to address homelessness. Yet, California has the largest homeless population in the nation with, as of January 2020, around 161,500 individuals. California is one of the few states that experienced one of the largest homelessness increases between 2019-2020 with a ...
Pacific Research Institute
April 25, 2022
Rent Control Can’t Stop Soaring Housing Rents
California’s “Been There, Done That” California’s sky-high rental housing rates are now being felt by the rest of the country. Apartment List’s most recent report in February showed that rents grew 17.6 percent annually for all housing types and increased 0.6 percent over the month. This tracks the Bureau of ...
Rowena Itchon
March 28, 2022
Business & Economics
Rent control in response to rising housing costs? Wayne Winegarden responds on NTD News
Is enacting rent control measures a positive approach to dramatically rising housing costs? Watch economist and PRI senior fellow Wayne Winegarden respond below.
Wayne Winegarden
March 15, 2022
When Public Policy Is Predatory
The same city that requires employers to pay workers at least $16.32 an hour, far more than twice the federal minimum wage, also limits how much some businesses can charge for their services. It’s enough to send some companies seeking relief from the court system. Two have done just that. ...
Kerry Jackson
July 20, 2021
Key Supreme Court ruling protects Californians’ private property rights
“I’m going to take this to the Supreme Court,” is almost always an empty, baseless threat generated by in-the-moment fury from someone who believes they were wronged. But sometimes cases get that far. Sometimes the offended party wins. And on occasion, that victory undergirds the framework of a free society. ...
Kerry Jackson
June 30, 2021
Proposition Roundup
As is often the case, California voters had to sort through a number of ballot propositions on Election Day. Here’s a quick breakdown of the statewide measures. Proposition 14. Issues $5.5 billion in bonds for stem cell research, winning 51-49. Instant analysis: In 2004, voters approved Proposition 71, authorizing the ...
Kerry Jackson
November 5, 2020
PRI’s 2020 Free-Market Election Analysis
For hard-working Californians who are busy with their everyday lives, it can be hard to sort through the various measures we’ll be voting on this November. To help you get educated on the issues, below are links to PRI’s free-market analysis on the November ballot. We hope you will find ...
Tim Anaya
October 26, 2020
California Plays Voting Age Limbo with Prop. 18
Voters will be asked to decide on many important ballot propositions on November 3 with rent control, the future of independent contractors, and data privacy among the most impactful issues on the ballot. One proposition that voters may overlook is Proposition 18, which would allow 17-year-olds to vote. Before you ...
Evan Harris
October 6, 2020
Would A Vacancy Tax Reduce State’s Housing Shortage? History Says No.
While it might seem impossible given the state’s perpetual housing shortage, there are empty homes in California. Some policymakers believe that forcing the owners to put tenants in their properties will help solve an unaffordability problem that has priced so many out of the market. Sounds simple. Of course it’s ...
Rent control is destroying a city near you
In 1977, President Jimmy Carter stood on a vacant lot on Charlotte Street in the South Bronx, surrounded by empty, burned-out buildings, something reminiscent of Berlin at the end of World War II. The scene looked like something from a scene in “Escape from New York,” but Carter promised he ...
Permanent Solutions or Band-Aids: Solving the Decades-Old California Homelessness Crisis
California’s budget last year contained $12 billion, a record number, to address homelessness. Yet, California has the largest homeless population in the nation with, as of January 2020, around 161,500 individuals. California is one of the few states that experienced one of the largest homelessness increases between 2019-2020 with a ...
Rent Control Can’t Stop Soaring Housing Rents
California’s “Been There, Done That” California’s sky-high rental housing rates are now being felt by the rest of the country. Apartment List’s most recent report in February showed that rents grew 17.6 percent annually for all housing types and increased 0.6 percent over the month. This tracks the Bureau of ...
Rent control in response to rising housing costs? Wayne Winegarden responds on NTD News
Is enacting rent control measures a positive approach to dramatically rising housing costs? Watch economist and PRI senior fellow Wayne Winegarden respond below.
When Public Policy Is Predatory
The same city that requires employers to pay workers at least $16.32 an hour, far more than twice the federal minimum wage, also limits how much some businesses can charge for their services. It’s enough to send some companies seeking relief from the court system. Two have done just that. ...
Key Supreme Court ruling protects Californians’ private property rights
“I’m going to take this to the Supreme Court,” is almost always an empty, baseless threat generated by in-the-moment fury from someone who believes they were wronged. But sometimes cases get that far. Sometimes the offended party wins. And on occasion, that victory undergirds the framework of a free society. ...
Proposition Roundup
As is often the case, California voters had to sort through a number of ballot propositions on Election Day. Here’s a quick breakdown of the statewide measures. Proposition 14. Issues $5.5 billion in bonds for stem cell research, winning 51-49. Instant analysis: In 2004, voters approved Proposition 71, authorizing the ...
PRI’s 2020 Free-Market Election Analysis
For hard-working Californians who are busy with their everyday lives, it can be hard to sort through the various measures we’ll be voting on this November. To help you get educated on the issues, below are links to PRI’s free-market analysis on the November ballot. We hope you will find ...
California Plays Voting Age Limbo with Prop. 18
Voters will be asked to decide on many important ballot propositions on November 3 with rent control, the future of independent contractors, and data privacy among the most impactful issues on the ballot. One proposition that voters may overlook is Proposition 18, which would allow 17-year-olds to vote. Before you ...