Renewable Energy
Free-market Environmentalism
Many of you may be unaware, but this past week was National Clean Energy Week. And, while many economically harmful policies have been proposed in pursuit of clean, efficient, and cost-effective renewable energy, the goal is worthwhile. It just matters how we get there. The Clean Capitalist Coalition (full disclosure, I participate in ...
Wayne Winegarden
September 28, 2018
Watch PRI’s Tim Anaya Discuss Signing of 100 Percent Renewable Bill on KIEM Redwood News
Watch video! var w=window,d=document,e;w._fpes||(w._fpes=[],w.addEventListener("load",function(){var s=d.createElement("script");s.src="",d.body.appendChild(s)})),e=[]"script"),-1)[0].parentNode,w._fpes.push({e:e,l:"//",c:{"ratio":0.5625,"rtmp":0,"live":false,"origin":"","key":"$768903038890374","swf":"//","swfHls":"//","embed":{"library":"//","script":"//","skin":"//","swf":"//","swfHls":"//"},"adaptiveRatio":false,"clip":{"sources":[{"src":"","type":"video/mp4"}]}}}); Watch PRI’s Communications Director Tim Anaya respond to the signing of legislation creating a 100 percent renewable energy mandate in California (SB 100) on Redwood News on KIEM-TV in Eureka.
Pacific Research Institute
September 11, 2018
Advice for Global Climate Summit-goers: Don’t Do What We’re Doing!
Today, thousands are gathering in San Francisco for a so-called “Global Climate Action Summit.” Co-hosted by Gov. Jerry Brown, several UN organizations and other leaders, it is billed as a “launchpad for deeper worldwide commitments and accelerated action from countries.” The conference will explore “transformational changes” that are the result ...
Tim Anaya
September 11, 2018
Shutting Down California Energy Production Would Be Foolish
Of the 50 states, only Texas and North Dakota have more proved oil reserves than California. The state should be capitalizing on the riches, shouldn’t it? But, no. That’s not the plan. California politicians want to leave crude in the ground where it doesn’t do anyone any good. And it’s ...
Kerry Jackson
September 4, 2018
Watch PRI’s Tim Anaya Respond to California 100 Percent Renewable Energy Mandate
Watch PRI Communications Director Tim Anaya discuss the Legislature’s passage of SB 100, which would impose a 100 percent renewable energy mandate in California by 2045, on the KCRA 3 News in Sacramento. Click here to watch the interview
Tim Anaya
August 30, 2018
Wayne Winegarden Discusses CA’s Renewable Mandate and SB 100 on Air Talk
Listen to PRI’s Senior Fellow in Business and Economics Wayne Winegarden discuss SB 100, legislation to increase California’s renewable energy mandate, on “Air Talk with Larry Mantle” on Southern California Public Radio. Winegarden makes the case that such renewable energy mandates raise electricity costs for manufacturers and businesses, and increases ...
Pacific Research Institute
July 6, 2018
Could Regional Electric Grid Impose Costly CA Policies on Other States?
When talking about the management of California’s power grid, people’s eyelids will surely grow heavy before you finish making your point. But how California’s power grid is managed is incredibly important. Think back to 2001 and California’s electricity crisis and the rolling blackouts. I once had the chance to visit ...
Tim Anaya
March 21, 2018
Are California’s Poor Losing Out In State’s Drive For Clean Energy Future?
California policymakers have been on overdrive in recent years pursuing a clean energy future for the Golden State. State policymakers have enacted scores of government mandates and programs to push employers and individuals to reduce emissions, including unrealistic renewable energy mandates, cap-and-trade, and its embrace of high-speed rail. Many of ...
Wayne Winegarden
March 7, 2018
Is Cap-and-Trade Really A Free Market Solution To Climate Change?
The mood was reportedly celebratory on the evening of July 17 after legislators approved a decade-long extension of the state’s carbon dioxide cap-and-trade program. But that’s not to say everyone was happy, or should be. Assembly Bill 398 will continue the current cap-and-trade system through 2030. It places a cap ...
Kerry Jackson
July 21, 2017
Unless Legislature Embraces Free Market Energy Future, California Faces Next Solyndra
California’s solar power system generated such a glut of electricity for two weeks in March that some of it had to be sent out of state. Supporters of solar energy might believe this is evidence that it works. But it actually highlights solar energy’s biggest flaw. In late June, the ...
Kerry Jackson
July 14, 2017
Free-market Environmentalism
Many of you may be unaware, but this past week was National Clean Energy Week. And, while many economically harmful policies have been proposed in pursuit of clean, efficient, and cost-effective renewable energy, the goal is worthwhile. It just matters how we get there. The Clean Capitalist Coalition (full disclosure, I participate in ...
Watch PRI’s Tim Anaya Discuss Signing of 100 Percent Renewable Bill on KIEM Redwood News
Watch video! var w=window,d=document,e;w._fpes||(w._fpes=[],w.addEventListener("load",function(){var s=d.createElement("script");s.src="",d.body.appendChild(s)})),e=[]"script"),-1)[0].parentNode,w._fpes.push({e:e,l:"//",c:{"ratio":0.5625,"rtmp":0,"live":false,"origin":"","key":"$768903038890374","swf":"//","swfHls":"//","embed":{"library":"//","script":"//","skin":"//","swf":"//","swfHls":"//"},"adaptiveRatio":false,"clip":{"sources":[{"src":"","type":"video/mp4"}]}}}); Watch PRI’s Communications Director Tim Anaya respond to the signing of legislation creating a 100 percent renewable energy mandate in California (SB 100) on Redwood News on KIEM-TV in Eureka.
Advice for Global Climate Summit-goers: Don’t Do What We’re Doing!
Today, thousands are gathering in San Francisco for a so-called “Global Climate Action Summit.” Co-hosted by Gov. Jerry Brown, several UN organizations and other leaders, it is billed as a “launchpad for deeper worldwide commitments and accelerated action from countries.” The conference will explore “transformational changes” that are the result ...
Shutting Down California Energy Production Would Be Foolish
Of the 50 states, only Texas and North Dakota have more proved oil reserves than California. The state should be capitalizing on the riches, shouldn’t it? But, no. That’s not the plan. California politicians want to leave crude in the ground where it doesn’t do anyone any good. And it’s ...
Watch PRI’s Tim Anaya Respond to California 100 Percent Renewable Energy Mandate
Watch PRI Communications Director Tim Anaya discuss the Legislature’s passage of SB 100, which would impose a 100 percent renewable energy mandate in California by 2045, on the KCRA 3 News in Sacramento. Click here to watch the interview
Wayne Winegarden Discusses CA’s Renewable Mandate and SB 100 on Air Talk
Listen to PRI’s Senior Fellow in Business and Economics Wayne Winegarden discuss SB 100, legislation to increase California’s renewable energy mandate, on “Air Talk with Larry Mantle” on Southern California Public Radio. Winegarden makes the case that such renewable energy mandates raise electricity costs for manufacturers and businesses, and increases ...
Could Regional Electric Grid Impose Costly CA Policies on Other States?
When talking about the management of California’s power grid, people’s eyelids will surely grow heavy before you finish making your point. But how California’s power grid is managed is incredibly important. Think back to 2001 and California’s electricity crisis and the rolling blackouts. I once had the chance to visit ...
Are California’s Poor Losing Out In State’s Drive For Clean Energy Future?
California policymakers have been on overdrive in recent years pursuing a clean energy future for the Golden State. State policymakers have enacted scores of government mandates and programs to push employers and individuals to reduce emissions, including unrealistic renewable energy mandates, cap-and-trade, and its embrace of high-speed rail. Many of ...
Is Cap-and-Trade Really A Free Market Solution To Climate Change?
The mood was reportedly celebratory on the evening of July 17 after legislators approved a decade-long extension of the state’s carbon dioxide cap-and-trade program. But that’s not to say everyone was happy, or should be. Assembly Bill 398 will continue the current cap-and-trade system through 2030. It places a cap ...
Unless Legislature Embraces Free Market Energy Future, California Faces Next Solyndra
California’s solar power system generated such a glut of electricity for two weeks in March that some of it had to be sent out of state. Supporters of solar energy might believe this is evidence that it works. But it actually highlights solar energy’s biggest flaw. In late June, the ...