Public Schools


Tax-credit scholarships offer school choice

The Sacramento Bee (CA), May 7, 2009 How many parents would send their child to a better school if they could? A boy I know was going to school in a gang-infested neighborhood, kept getting in trouble and was suspended several times. His parents wanted to send him to a ...

Failing D.C. Students

The Gadfly, May 6, 2009 The Washington, D.C. public school system is among the nation’s worst. In fact, it’s relatively uncontroversial to say that public schools in D.C. are the worst in the nation—despite the District spending over $15,000 per pupil in its public school system, by far the highest ...
Charter Schools

Lessons from California’s Charter Schools of the Year

The Oakland Charter Academy in northern California and the Our Community Charter School in the San Fernando Valley have won the Hart Vision “Charter School of the Year” award from the California Charter Schools Association. “These exemplary charter schools should be studied and their best practices replicated in the broader ...

Virtual Ventures Expand Choice for K-12 Students

Not long ago, online courses were programs only for universities and vocational schools. But today, online offerings at public elementary, middle, and high schools are gaining ground, bringing more choices to parents, students, and teachers in the world of K-12 education. Connections Academy, launched in 2002, has led the charge ...

Obama’s Credibility Chasm

Barack Obama’s stubborn refusal to re-think his opposition to the school-choice voucher program in Washington, DC is further evidence, as if we need any more, that the centrist-talking candidate of 2008 was a smokescreen for the ideologically liberal now president who’s unafraid to show his true colors. Throughout the campaign ...

Fuzzy funding for L.A. County schools make little sense

CALIFORNIA’S fiscal outlook continues to worsen. Concern is now mounting over the impact the state’s budget deficit will have on education funding. The California Teachers Association, along with State Superintendent of Public Instruction Jack O’Connell, claims California’s per-pupil funding now ranks 47th nationally. Most experts agree California is around the ...

Court Rules Tax-Credit Scholarship Program Constitutional

On April 21, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that a tax-credit scholarship program remains constitutional under the Establishment Clause of the U.S. Constitution. The ruling marks the latest failure by opponents of parental choice in education to halt the program and spells good news for California. Choice opponents ...
Business & Economics

Prop. 1A’s passage would open doors to more taxation

In 1987, Gov. George Deukmejian gave California taxpayers a $1.1 billion rebate. Due to the Gann spending limit enacted in 1979, named after Proposition 13 co-author Paul Gann, the state had a budget surplus, making the rebate mandatory. Subsequent ballot measures, however, rendered the limit meaningless. Now we are being ...
Business & Economics

The Left’s pension dilemma

You know the pension tsunami is getting close to shore when the mainstream media are filled with hard-hitting stories about the coming crisis, such as the front-page article April 11 in the Sacramento Bee and Fresno Bee, documenting the manner in which huge pension costs for retired public employees “threaten ...

New California School Finance Center Database Brings Transparency to Public Education Finance

With the state’s budget deficit worsening, concern grows over the impact on school funding and Californians seek a way to make informed decisions about education policies affecting millions of school children each year. The just-launched California School Finance Center online database brings much-needed transparency amidst the charges and countercharges. The ...

Tax-credit scholarships offer school choice

The Sacramento Bee (CA), May 7, 2009 How many parents would send their child to a better school if they could? A boy I know was going to school in a gang-infested neighborhood, kept getting in trouble and was suspended several times. His parents wanted to send him to a ...

Failing D.C. Students

The Gadfly, May 6, 2009 The Washington, D.C. public school system is among the nation’s worst. In fact, it’s relatively uncontroversial to say that public schools in D.C. are the worst in the nation—despite the District spending over $15,000 per pupil in its public school system, by far the highest ...
Charter Schools

Lessons from California’s Charter Schools of the Year

The Oakland Charter Academy in northern California and the Our Community Charter School in the San Fernando Valley have won the Hart Vision “Charter School of the Year” award from the California Charter Schools Association. “These exemplary charter schools should be studied and their best practices replicated in the broader ...

Virtual Ventures Expand Choice for K-12 Students

Not long ago, online courses were programs only for universities and vocational schools. But today, online offerings at public elementary, middle, and high schools are gaining ground, bringing more choices to parents, students, and teachers in the world of K-12 education. Connections Academy, launched in 2002, has led the charge ...

Obama’s Credibility Chasm

Barack Obama’s stubborn refusal to re-think his opposition to the school-choice voucher program in Washington, DC is further evidence, as if we need any more, that the centrist-talking candidate of 2008 was a smokescreen for the ideologically liberal now president who’s unafraid to show his true colors. Throughout the campaign ...

Fuzzy funding for L.A. County schools make little sense

CALIFORNIA’S fiscal outlook continues to worsen. Concern is now mounting over the impact the state’s budget deficit will have on education funding. The California Teachers Association, along with State Superintendent of Public Instruction Jack O’Connell, claims California’s per-pupil funding now ranks 47th nationally. Most experts agree California is around the ...

Court Rules Tax-Credit Scholarship Program Constitutional

On April 21, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that a tax-credit scholarship program remains constitutional under the Establishment Clause of the U.S. Constitution. The ruling marks the latest failure by opponents of parental choice in education to halt the program and spells good news for California. Choice opponents ...
Business & Economics

Prop. 1A’s passage would open doors to more taxation

In 1987, Gov. George Deukmejian gave California taxpayers a $1.1 billion rebate. Due to the Gann spending limit enacted in 1979, named after Proposition 13 co-author Paul Gann, the state had a budget surplus, making the rebate mandatory. Subsequent ballot measures, however, rendered the limit meaningless. Now we are being ...
Business & Economics

The Left’s pension dilemma

You know the pension tsunami is getting close to shore when the mainstream media are filled with hard-hitting stories about the coming crisis, such as the front-page article April 11 in the Sacramento Bee and Fresno Bee, documenting the manner in which huge pension costs for retired public employees “threaten ...

New California School Finance Center Database Brings Transparency to Public Education Finance

With the state’s budget deficit worsening, concern grows over the impact on school funding and Californians seek a way to make informed decisions about education policies affecting millions of school children each year. The just-launched California School Finance Center online database brings much-needed transparency amidst the charges and countercharges. The ...
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