Public Schools


No Ed Reform Cred for the Obama Administration

Granted, in some cases like California, anything seems better than the status quo; however, consider the Obama administration’s own track record when it comes to “reform.” According to the Post, the real test of this administration’s ed reform creds will be “whether the administration takes on the task of overhauling ...

Choice Could Help Children “Write Their Own Destiny”

On September 8, the nation tuned in as President Barack Obama delivered an address on education to a group of students in Arlington, Virginia. The speech proved instructive, in a number of ways. Critics and pundits worried that President Obama would use his speech to promote a political agenda and ...

Universal School Choice Prevails – For Sweden

In socialist Sweden, universal school choice allows every parent to choose the best school for their child. The voucher program, which has been in effect since 1992 and was created to tackle the kind of problems plaguing the U.S. educational system, provides families with the opportunity to send their child ...

What Is Socialism in 2009?

It seems that whatever President Obama talks about — whether it’s overhauling health care, or regulating Wall Street, or telling schoolchildren to study hard — his opponents have called him a socialist. “Socialism” was an epithet on many placards at protests in Washington over the weekend. What does the word ...

My Word: Insanity in San Mateo County school funding

The San Mateo County Times, (CA), September 11 2009 Greenwich Time (CT), September 11, 2009 CALIFORNIA’S FISCAL outlook continues to worsen. Concern is now mounting over the impact the state’s budget deficit will have on education funding. The California Teachers Association (CTA), along with state Superintendent of Public Instruction Jack ...

A Follow-Up Question for Arne Duncan:What Does D.C. Know About Education that Works?

Well, in California’s case it’s the equivalent of “a football stadium [full] of students,” about 70,000 Duncan explained, who drop out of school. This should matter to people outside of the not-so-Golden State because California educates around 1/8 of all American students-so our dysfunction is the country’s dysfunction. Despite an ...

Finding balance not easy

Nebraska’s kindergarten teachers are sounding the alarm about the push for rigorous academic instruction in their classrooms, calling instead for more playtime that scientists say stimulates young brains. Teachers and children feel intense pressure to perform and meet increasing standards and expectations, according to a new draft report that takes ...

Texas Expands Charter Authorization Options

Texas has taken steps to enhance the quality and quantity of charter schools by expanding the involvement of colleges as an authorizing force. State Rep. Ryan Guillen (D-Starr County) and state Sen. Florence Shapiro (R-Dallas) cosponsored House Bill 1423, signed by the governor into law on June 19 and effective ...

Failing the International Test

Freedom Politics, August 31, 2009 American students lag behind most of their international counterparts in math achievement, according to recent analysis from the U.S. Department of Education. In the face of this bad news, however, state and federal policymakers continue to push government-centered “solutions” destined to make matters worse. According ...

Schwarzenegger Sets Trap for Obama’s “Race to the Top” Education Initiative

In the 1985 action film, Commando, Arnold Schwarzenegger plays John Matrix, a commando who uses a little humor when taking revenge on the bad guys, “Remember when I said I’d kill you last… I lied!” Though this is a forgettable little line, President Obama should pay attention to it because ...

No Ed Reform Cred for the Obama Administration

Granted, in some cases like California, anything seems better than the status quo; however, consider the Obama administration’s own track record when it comes to “reform.” According to the Post, the real test of this administration’s ed reform creds will be “whether the administration takes on the task of overhauling ...

Choice Could Help Children “Write Their Own Destiny”

On September 8, the nation tuned in as President Barack Obama delivered an address on education to a group of students in Arlington, Virginia. The speech proved instructive, in a number of ways. Critics and pundits worried that President Obama would use his speech to promote a political agenda and ...

Universal School Choice Prevails – For Sweden

In socialist Sweden, universal school choice allows every parent to choose the best school for their child. The voucher program, which has been in effect since 1992 and was created to tackle the kind of problems plaguing the U.S. educational system, provides families with the opportunity to send their child ...

What Is Socialism in 2009?

It seems that whatever President Obama talks about — whether it’s overhauling health care, or regulating Wall Street, or telling schoolchildren to study hard — his opponents have called him a socialist. “Socialism” was an epithet on many placards at protests in Washington over the weekend. What does the word ...

My Word: Insanity in San Mateo County school funding

The San Mateo County Times, (CA), September 11 2009 Greenwich Time (CT), September 11, 2009 CALIFORNIA’S FISCAL outlook continues to worsen. Concern is now mounting over the impact the state’s budget deficit will have on education funding. The California Teachers Association (CTA), along with state Superintendent of Public Instruction Jack ...

A Follow-Up Question for Arne Duncan:What Does D.C. Know About Education that Works?

Well, in California’s case it’s the equivalent of “a football stadium [full] of students,” about 70,000 Duncan explained, who drop out of school. This should matter to people outside of the not-so-Golden State because California educates around 1/8 of all American students-so our dysfunction is the country’s dysfunction. Despite an ...

Finding balance not easy

Nebraska’s kindergarten teachers are sounding the alarm about the push for rigorous academic instruction in their classrooms, calling instead for more playtime that scientists say stimulates young brains. Teachers and children feel intense pressure to perform and meet increasing standards and expectations, according to a new draft report that takes ...

Texas Expands Charter Authorization Options

Texas has taken steps to enhance the quality and quantity of charter schools by expanding the involvement of colleges as an authorizing force. State Rep. Ryan Guillen (D-Starr County) and state Sen. Florence Shapiro (R-Dallas) cosponsored House Bill 1423, signed by the governor into law on June 19 and effective ...

Failing the International Test

Freedom Politics, August 31, 2009 American students lag behind most of their international counterparts in math achievement, according to recent analysis from the U.S. Department of Education. In the face of this bad news, however, state and federal policymakers continue to push government-centered “solutions” destined to make matters worse. According ...

Schwarzenegger Sets Trap for Obama’s “Race to the Top” Education Initiative

In the 1985 action film, Commando, Arnold Schwarzenegger plays John Matrix, a commando who uses a little humor when taking revenge on the bad guys, “Remember when I said I’d kill you last… I lied!” Though this is a forgettable little line, President Obama should pay attention to it because ...
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