Public Schools


California Focus: ‘Race to the Top’ won’t get there

Orange County Register, January 26, 2010 As California and other states scramble for shares of Barack Obama’s $4 billion pot of “Race to the Top” education funds, it’s easy to overlook the recent dagger to the heart dealt by the president and the Democratic-controlled Congress to the successful and popular ...

The Lessons of Race To The Top

Yesterday California submitted its application for Race To The Top funds to the U.S. Department of Education. The state recently passed two pieces of legislation to vie for the funds, and by some accounts the process has already been beneficial. “There’s been more state [education reform] legislation in the last ...

An education system more American than America’s

Dallas News (TX), January 15, 2009 ÅSTAD, Sweden – While Texas is struggling to lift sagging standards in its public education system, Sweden’s schools are rockin’ and rollin’. But Sweden’s approach to education is culturally all-American. The Swedish model encourages competition and empowers individuals to take responsibility for their own ...
Charter Schools

Report calls for charter schools

With a pro-charter-school administration in Washington, the time is right for Nebraska to allow charter schools, according to a report being released today by a conservative Nebraska think tank. Charter schools, unencumbered by a bloated education bureaucracy, can deliver quality education at lower cost than traditional public schools, and the ...
Charter Schools

Is there a Need for Charter Schools in Nebraska?

The Platte Institute held a press conference at the State Capitol Wednesday to release a study that outlines a need for Charter Schools in Nebraska. Nebraska’s lack of legislation for allowing charter schools in the state is holding back the quality of education in Nebraska. Platte Institute Executive Director John ...

Money before unions

Orange County Register, January 7, 2010, January 10, 2010 Sacramento legislators and Gov. Schwarzenegger may have achieved one of the most elusive accomplishments in California politics: bucking the teachers unions. The Assembly passed a package of education bills Tuesday that give parents more authority to move their children out ...

The Obama Administration and the DC Student Voucher Program

Independent Women’s Forum, January 5, 2010 In his September 8 back-to-school speech, President Obama urged students to take responsibility for their actions. That is also good advice for the president himself and for his Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan, considering that their recent actions are hurting the prospects of low-income ...

Suburban schools not always great

A prominent California legislator from an inner-city district recently told a friend of mine that there were no poor-performing schools in the wealthy suburbs. This is a common perception among legislators, the media and parents, but it stands at odds with the facts. In 2008, there were 528 schools where ...

My Word: Awful school funding formula plagues Alameda County

Bay Area News Group (Oakland, CA), December 23, 2009 CA Political News, December 23, 2009 CALIFORNIA’S FISCAL outlook continues to worsen. Concern is mounting over the impact the state’s budget deficit will have on education funding. The California Teachers Association (CTA), along with state Superintendent of Public Instruction Jack O’Connell, ...

California Students Need the Gift That Keeps on Giving

The holiday season finds Sacramento legislators scrambling for $700 million in Race to the Top money from the federal government. In the midst of the chaos, policy makers, parents and taxpayers should take time to reflect on what California’s six million public school students really need, starting with high expectations. ...

California Focus: ‘Race to the Top’ won’t get there

Orange County Register, January 26, 2010 As California and other states scramble for shares of Barack Obama’s $4 billion pot of “Race to the Top” education funds, it’s easy to overlook the recent dagger to the heart dealt by the president and the Democratic-controlled Congress to the successful and popular ...

The Lessons of Race To The Top

Yesterday California submitted its application for Race To The Top funds to the U.S. Department of Education. The state recently passed two pieces of legislation to vie for the funds, and by some accounts the process has already been beneficial. “There’s been more state [education reform] legislation in the last ...

An education system more American than America’s

Dallas News (TX), January 15, 2009 ÅSTAD, Sweden – While Texas is struggling to lift sagging standards in its public education system, Sweden’s schools are rockin’ and rollin’. But Sweden’s approach to education is culturally all-American. The Swedish model encourages competition and empowers individuals to take responsibility for their own ...
Charter Schools

Report calls for charter schools

With a pro-charter-school administration in Washington, the time is right for Nebraska to allow charter schools, according to a report being released today by a conservative Nebraska think tank. Charter schools, unencumbered by a bloated education bureaucracy, can deliver quality education at lower cost than traditional public schools, and the ...
Charter Schools

Is there a Need for Charter Schools in Nebraska?

The Platte Institute held a press conference at the State Capitol Wednesday to release a study that outlines a need for Charter Schools in Nebraska. Nebraska’s lack of legislation for allowing charter schools in the state is holding back the quality of education in Nebraska. Platte Institute Executive Director John ...

Money before unions

Orange County Register, January 7, 2010, January 10, 2010 Sacramento legislators and Gov. Schwarzenegger may have achieved one of the most elusive accomplishments in California politics: bucking the teachers unions. The Assembly passed a package of education bills Tuesday that give parents more authority to move their children out ...

The Obama Administration and the DC Student Voucher Program

Independent Women’s Forum, January 5, 2010 In his September 8 back-to-school speech, President Obama urged students to take responsibility for their actions. That is also good advice for the president himself and for his Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan, considering that their recent actions are hurting the prospects of low-income ...

Suburban schools not always great

A prominent California legislator from an inner-city district recently told a friend of mine that there were no poor-performing schools in the wealthy suburbs. This is a common perception among legislators, the media and parents, but it stands at odds with the facts. In 2008, there were 528 schools where ...

My Word: Awful school funding formula plagues Alameda County

Bay Area News Group (Oakland, CA), December 23, 2009 CA Political News, December 23, 2009 CALIFORNIA’S FISCAL outlook continues to worsen. Concern is mounting over the impact the state’s budget deficit will have on education funding. The California Teachers Association (CTA), along with state Superintendent of Public Instruction Jack O’Connell, ...

California Students Need the Gift That Keeps on Giving

The holiday season finds Sacramento legislators scrambling for $700 million in Race to the Top money from the federal government. In the midst of the chaos, policy makers, parents and taxpayers should take time to reflect on what California’s six million public school students really need, starting with high expectations. ...
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