Public Schools


Milwaukee School Choice Program Sets Example for California, Nation

Low-income Milwaukee students using vouchers to attend independent schools have a graduation rate 18 percent higher than students in Milwaukee Public Schools (MPS), according to Graduation Rates for Choice and Public School Students in Milwaukee, 2003-2008, a new report by John Robert Warren of the University of Minnesota. California would ...

Garden State Ripe for Tax-Credit Scholarships

So what changed? The study doesn’t say, but the Wall Street Journal notes that taxes on incomes starting at $500,000 increased 40 percent, from 6.37 percent to 8.97 percent beginning in 2004. Today, New Jersey faces a $2.2 billion budget deficit. Governor Chris Christie proposed freezing some spending and coming ...

Tax-credit scholarships could ease school funding burden

Gov. Chris Christie has proposed freezing $475 million in education spending to help shrink New Jersey’s $2.2 billion budget deficit, focusing on school districts with budget surpluses. (“Deep budget cuts carry economic risk for N.J.,” Feb. 14.) This plan raises concerns about punishing fiscally responsible school districts. It also raises ...

Taking the “Public Option” in Schooling to Task

For anyone still unconvinced that a single-payer (i.e. government-run) healthcare system is a good idea, try looking at the government-run schooling sector. The average per-pupil expenditure in government-run schools nationwide is nearly $11,000 compared to average private school tuition that’s less than $8,600. In spite of a 20 percent funding ...
Charter Schools

Performance Not Population: Why Charter Schools are an Educational and Civil Rights Solution

Last week researchers at UCLA’s Civil Rights Project released Choice Without Equity: Charter School Segregation and the Need for Civil Rights Standards. The authors contend that charter schools are more racially segregated than traditional public schools and that charter schools therefore represent a civil rights problem and should be shut ...

State meddling hamstrings schools

SACRAMENTO To show the results of union dominance of the public education system, John Stossel, host of Fox News’ “Stossel,” on a recent show held up a convoluted chart that detailed, in small print, the amazing lengths to which New York school administrators must go to fire an incompetent teacher. ...

Will the Senate Save the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program?

Sens. Lieberman and Collins will hold a press conference this morning on the importance of saving the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program (OSP) and their plans to offer a bipartisan reauthorization proposal as an amendment to legislation that is moving in the Senate. Last summer, Sens. Lieberman and Collins, along with ...

The President’s Budget: “No Justifiable Reason” for Killing the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program

Still, buried within the appendix of president’s budget (p. 1244) is a $3.8 million cut to the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program (DC OSP), which reduces funding for this much-needed program from $13.2 million to $9.4 million. To put this into better perspective, consider that eliminating about $4 million from a ...

California Passes Reforms to Compete in Race to the Top

California started the year by passing two new bills and submitting an application to the federal government to win a piece of the funding pie known as Race to the Top. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger (R) signed both bills into law on January 7. Both had passed the legislature with the ...

Book Calls for Advancement Through Disruption

Review of Disrupting Class: How Disruptive Innovation Will Change the Way the World Learns, by Clayton M. Christensen with Michael B. Horn and Curtis W. Johnson (New York: McGraw-Hill Companies, 2008), 288 pages, hardcover, ISBN: 0071592067 / 9780071592062, $32.95 This book offers brilliant insights into the United States’ education woes—and ...

Milwaukee School Choice Program Sets Example for California, Nation

Low-income Milwaukee students using vouchers to attend independent schools have a graduation rate 18 percent higher than students in Milwaukee Public Schools (MPS), according to Graduation Rates for Choice and Public School Students in Milwaukee, 2003-2008, a new report by John Robert Warren of the University of Minnesota. California would ...

Garden State Ripe for Tax-Credit Scholarships

So what changed? The study doesn’t say, but the Wall Street Journal notes that taxes on incomes starting at $500,000 increased 40 percent, from 6.37 percent to 8.97 percent beginning in 2004. Today, New Jersey faces a $2.2 billion budget deficit. Governor Chris Christie proposed freezing some spending and coming ...

Tax-credit scholarships could ease school funding burden

Gov. Chris Christie has proposed freezing $475 million in education spending to help shrink New Jersey’s $2.2 billion budget deficit, focusing on school districts with budget surpluses. (“Deep budget cuts carry economic risk for N.J.,” Feb. 14.) This plan raises concerns about punishing fiscally responsible school districts. It also raises ...

Taking the “Public Option” in Schooling to Task

For anyone still unconvinced that a single-payer (i.e. government-run) healthcare system is a good idea, try looking at the government-run schooling sector. The average per-pupil expenditure in government-run schools nationwide is nearly $11,000 compared to average private school tuition that’s less than $8,600. In spite of a 20 percent funding ...
Charter Schools

Performance Not Population: Why Charter Schools are an Educational and Civil Rights Solution

Last week researchers at UCLA’s Civil Rights Project released Choice Without Equity: Charter School Segregation and the Need for Civil Rights Standards. The authors contend that charter schools are more racially segregated than traditional public schools and that charter schools therefore represent a civil rights problem and should be shut ...

State meddling hamstrings schools

SACRAMENTO To show the results of union dominance of the public education system, John Stossel, host of Fox News’ “Stossel,” on a recent show held up a convoluted chart that detailed, in small print, the amazing lengths to which New York school administrators must go to fire an incompetent teacher. ...

Will the Senate Save the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program?

Sens. Lieberman and Collins will hold a press conference this morning on the importance of saving the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program (OSP) and their plans to offer a bipartisan reauthorization proposal as an amendment to legislation that is moving in the Senate. Last summer, Sens. Lieberman and Collins, along with ...

The President’s Budget: “No Justifiable Reason” for Killing the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program

Still, buried within the appendix of president’s budget (p. 1244) is a $3.8 million cut to the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program (DC OSP), which reduces funding for this much-needed program from $13.2 million to $9.4 million. To put this into better perspective, consider that eliminating about $4 million from a ...

California Passes Reforms to Compete in Race to the Top

California started the year by passing two new bills and submitting an application to the federal government to win a piece of the funding pie known as Race to the Top. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger (R) signed both bills into law on January 7. Both had passed the legislature with the ...

Book Calls for Advancement Through Disruption

Review of Disrupting Class: How Disruptive Innovation Will Change the Way the World Learns, by Clayton M. Christensen with Michael B. Horn and Curtis W. Johnson (New York: McGraw-Hill Companies, 2008), 288 pages, hardcover, ISBN: 0071592067 / 9780071592062, $32.95 This book offers brilliant insights into the United States’ education woes—and ...
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