Public Schools


A New Strategy to Improve Math and Science Learning

Governor Jerry Brown’s new budget proposes an additional $10 billion for K-14 education, but he also wants public school districts to increase and improve services for low-income students, foster youth, and other at-risk children. While commendable, there is bill in the State Assembly that seeks to address the needs of ...

Here come more Obamacare lawsuits

The Obamacare rollout has been a debacle, with delays in the implementation of mandates, technical glitches in the exchanges, cancelled individual policies and more. It’s about to get worse. The federal judiciary is currently hearing four cases challenging decisions made by the Internal Revenue Service that could soon deliver more ...

A Key Reason Why American Students Do Poorly

Although some young Americans graduate from high school with superb academic skills, a great many leave high school with pathetic abilities in crucial areas: reading, writing, basic math, and reasoning. One of the key reasons why that’s so is that many of their teachers are not very good themselves. Yes, ...

Hope in child obesity fight

The recent report that obesity among preschoolers has dipped slightly is positive news for our communities. While we cheer the steps communities and families have taken to make children healthier, it is important not to lose sight of the bigger picture. Obesity in children ages 2-4 may be decreasing; however ...
Business & Economics

High taxes push people out of California

On Election Day, California’s voters approved Prop. 30 by a margin of more than 700,000 votes. Championed by Gov. Jerry Brown, this ballot initiative will ratchet up income and sales tax rates over the next few years. It’s expected to pull in some $6 billion in new funding for public ...

Jerry Brown using kids as bait, again

It’s become a cliché that whenever governments want more money from taxpayers, officials insist the added burden must be borne “for the children.” With 50 years in the game, Gov. Jerry Brown knows that clichés work. So, Thursday he kicked of his campaign for Proposition 30, which would increase state ...

Obama also centralizing education

In his insightful analysis of the Supreme Court’s decision on the Affordable Care Act, former Congressional Budget Office director Douglas Holtz-Eakin concluded that Americans “did not want a costly government intrusion that threatened private coverage and promised a legacy of debt to the next generation.” Such expensive federal invasions, however, ...

Two sides of Obama’s federal takeover of education

If states adopt his Common Core standards, they will be exempt from the onerous provisions of No Child Left Behind (NCLB) mandates. Waivers recently granted by President Obama to 10 states allowing them to escape the requirements of the federal No Child Left Behind Act are themselves filled with prescriptive ...

Health care gurus: Idaho needs to return the exchange money and wait on the idea

A pair of health policy experts Thursday talked about state and federal health exchanges and they have a single message for Idaho lawmakers: Give the money back and wait. John Graham, health care studies director for the Pacific Research Institute, a California-based think tank, and Christie Herrera, with the American ...
Business & Economics

Obama Defends Bailouts, Handouts and Cop-Outs

State of the Union addresses provide insight into the vision of America embraced by the president, and in that regard Tuesday’s address by President Barack Obama didn’t disappoint. He envisions a country where the federal government protects and creates union jobs and where the public sector is leading the charge ...

A New Strategy to Improve Math and Science Learning

Governor Jerry Brown’s new budget proposes an additional $10 billion for K-14 education, but he also wants public school districts to increase and improve services for low-income students, foster youth, and other at-risk children. While commendable, there is bill in the State Assembly that seeks to address the needs of ...

Here come more Obamacare lawsuits

The Obamacare rollout has been a debacle, with delays in the implementation of mandates, technical glitches in the exchanges, cancelled individual policies and more. It’s about to get worse. The federal judiciary is currently hearing four cases challenging decisions made by the Internal Revenue Service that could soon deliver more ...

A Key Reason Why American Students Do Poorly

Although some young Americans graduate from high school with superb academic skills, a great many leave high school with pathetic abilities in crucial areas: reading, writing, basic math, and reasoning. One of the key reasons why that’s so is that many of their teachers are not very good themselves. Yes, ...

Hope in child obesity fight

The recent report that obesity among preschoolers has dipped slightly is positive news for our communities. While we cheer the steps communities and families have taken to make children healthier, it is important not to lose sight of the bigger picture. Obesity in children ages 2-4 may be decreasing; however ...
Business & Economics

High taxes push people out of California

On Election Day, California’s voters approved Prop. 30 by a margin of more than 700,000 votes. Championed by Gov. Jerry Brown, this ballot initiative will ratchet up income and sales tax rates over the next few years. It’s expected to pull in some $6 billion in new funding for public ...

Jerry Brown using kids as bait, again

It’s become a cliché that whenever governments want more money from taxpayers, officials insist the added burden must be borne “for the children.” With 50 years in the game, Gov. Jerry Brown knows that clichés work. So, Thursday he kicked of his campaign for Proposition 30, which would increase state ...

Obama also centralizing education

In his insightful analysis of the Supreme Court’s decision on the Affordable Care Act, former Congressional Budget Office director Douglas Holtz-Eakin concluded that Americans “did not want a costly government intrusion that threatened private coverage and promised a legacy of debt to the next generation.” Such expensive federal invasions, however, ...

Two sides of Obama’s federal takeover of education

If states adopt his Common Core standards, they will be exempt from the onerous provisions of No Child Left Behind (NCLB) mandates. Waivers recently granted by President Obama to 10 states allowing them to escape the requirements of the federal No Child Left Behind Act are themselves filled with prescriptive ...

Health care gurus: Idaho needs to return the exchange money and wait on the idea

A pair of health policy experts Thursday talked about state and federal health exchanges and they have a single message for Idaho lawmakers: Give the money back and wait. John Graham, health care studies director for the Pacific Research Institute, a California-based think tank, and Christie Herrera, with the American ...
Business & Economics

Obama Defends Bailouts, Handouts and Cop-Outs

State of the Union addresses provide insight into the vision of America embraced by the president, and in that regard Tuesday’s address by President Barack Obama didn’t disappoint. He envisions a country where the federal government protects and creates union jobs and where the public sector is leading the charge ...
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