Public Schools


Fake Achievement: The Rising High School Graduation Rate

PRI’s Senior Director of the Center for Education and Koret Senior Fellow in Education Lance Izumi contributed an article to the Heritage Foundation’s 2017 Index of Culture and Opportunity. Over the past several years, the U.S. high school graduation rate has climbed significantly. That increase, however, is not necessarily due ...

Is Cap-and-Trade Really A Free Market Solution To Climate Change?

The mood was reportedly celebratory on the evening of July 17 after legislators approved a decade-long extension of the state’s carbon dioxide cap-and-trade program. But that’s not to say everyone was happy, or should be. Assembly Bill 398 will continue the current cap-and-trade system through 2030. It places a cap ...

The Corrupt Classroom Bias Indoctrination Violence And Social Engineering Show Why America Needs School Choice

Click here to buy your copy of “The Corrupt Classroom” on As Lance Izumi writes in his new book, America’s public schools are becoming increasingly politicized, less safe, socially biased, and mismanaged. Examples like these show why more and more parents are demanding school choice: Politicized Teachers: In 2016, ...

The Corrupt Classroom

As Lance Izumi writes in his new book, America’s public schools are becoming increasingly politicized, less safe, socially biased, and mismanaged.  Examples like these show why more and more parents are demanding school choice.

LAUSD Election, New Data Provide Momentum For Charter Schools

Los Angeles Unified recently experienced a huge earthquake – a political seismic shift – when school board candidates supportive of charter schools defeated incumbents backed by the powerful local teachers union. And in a one-two punch, new research shows that charter schools are improving the achievement of the predominantly minority ...

Even Blue California Warms To School Choice

A new poll by the respected Public Policy Institute of California found that a large majority of Californians support school-choice vouchers, which would grant parents public funding to pay for private-school tuition for their children. While that finding may seem shocking in blue California, that shock quickly dissipates given the ...

Politicized Teachers Push Radical Leftist Agenda

Typically, school choice advocates rely on school and student performance data to show that public schools are academically failing or underperforming compared to other schooling options. But as I have documented in my soon-to-be-released book, The Corrupt Classroom, parents in California and many other states have an even more-compelling reason ...
Charter Schools

Black Lives Matter Is Not Inclusive

Black Lives Matter Philadelphia made a good bit of news this week because its invitation for its April 15 strategy meeting stated, “Please note that BLM Philly is a Black only space.” They followed up by tweeting out, “If you identify as a person of the African Diaspora. You can ...

A Choice For Kids With No Options Left

January 22nd to 28th will mark National School Choice Week, which promotes efforts to empower parents to choose the best education option for their children. There is probably no better example of why children need choices in education than Life Learning Academy (LLA) public charter school. Opponents of charter schools, ...
Common Core

Capital Ideas: Lots Of Reasons To Celebrate National School Choice Week

Download the Brief This week marks National School Choice Week (NSCW) and efforts to empower parents to choose the best public or private education option for their children. NSCW comes at perfect time given recent news about student performance and politics in the classroom. In December, scores for the 2015 ...

Fake Achievement: The Rising High School Graduation Rate

PRI’s Senior Director of the Center for Education and Koret Senior Fellow in Education Lance Izumi contributed an article to the Heritage Foundation’s 2017 Index of Culture and Opportunity. Over the past several years, the U.S. high school graduation rate has climbed significantly. That increase, however, is not necessarily due ...

Is Cap-and-Trade Really A Free Market Solution To Climate Change?

The mood was reportedly celebratory on the evening of July 17 after legislators approved a decade-long extension of the state’s carbon dioxide cap-and-trade program. But that’s not to say everyone was happy, or should be. Assembly Bill 398 will continue the current cap-and-trade system through 2030. It places a cap ...

The Corrupt Classroom Bias Indoctrination Violence And Social Engineering Show Why America Needs School Choice

Click here to buy your copy of “The Corrupt Classroom” on As Lance Izumi writes in his new book, America’s public schools are becoming increasingly politicized, less safe, socially biased, and mismanaged. Examples like these show why more and more parents are demanding school choice: Politicized Teachers: In 2016, ...

The Corrupt Classroom

As Lance Izumi writes in his new book, America’s public schools are becoming increasingly politicized, less safe, socially biased, and mismanaged.  Examples like these show why more and more parents are demanding school choice.

LAUSD Election, New Data Provide Momentum For Charter Schools

Los Angeles Unified recently experienced a huge earthquake – a political seismic shift – when school board candidates supportive of charter schools defeated incumbents backed by the powerful local teachers union. And in a one-two punch, new research shows that charter schools are improving the achievement of the predominantly minority ...

Even Blue California Warms To School Choice

A new poll by the respected Public Policy Institute of California found that a large majority of Californians support school-choice vouchers, which would grant parents public funding to pay for private-school tuition for their children. While that finding may seem shocking in blue California, that shock quickly dissipates given the ...

Politicized Teachers Push Radical Leftist Agenda

Typically, school choice advocates rely on school and student performance data to show that public schools are academically failing or underperforming compared to other schooling options. But as I have documented in my soon-to-be-released book, The Corrupt Classroom, parents in California and many other states have an even more-compelling reason ...
Charter Schools

Black Lives Matter Is Not Inclusive

Black Lives Matter Philadelphia made a good bit of news this week because its invitation for its April 15 strategy meeting stated, “Please note that BLM Philly is a Black only space.” They followed up by tweeting out, “If you identify as a person of the African Diaspora. You can ...

A Choice For Kids With No Options Left

January 22nd to 28th will mark National School Choice Week, which promotes efforts to empower parents to choose the best education option for their children. There is probably no better example of why children need choices in education than Life Learning Academy (LLA) public charter school. Opponents of charter schools, ...
Common Core

Capital Ideas: Lots Of Reasons To Celebrate National School Choice Week

Download the Brief This week marks National School Choice Week (NSCW) and efforts to empower parents to choose the best public or private education option for their children. NSCW comes at perfect time given recent news about student performance and politics in the classroom. In December, scores for the 2015 ...
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