Public Schools


Should We Pay Teachers the Same as Legislators?

California’s initiative process is imperfect.  We cherish the right to circulate citizen’s petitions when the Legislature refuses to act on matters of critical importance. But give any Californian the right to submit a ballot measure, and you’re sure to have some wild ideas in the bunch. The latest is a ...

Harvey Weinsteins And Their Enablers Also Run Our Public Schools

Meet teacher Mitchell Whitehurst, the Harvey Weinstein of public education. Meet the Portland Public Schools, the education Hollywood of enablers. Meet the Portland teachers union, which like the Mafia in The Godfather, practices “omerta,” or silence when questioned. And meet the children, victims of a heinous sexual predator shielded by ...

Students need an escape from public school violence

Recently, a fistfight between two female students at an Alabama high school erupted into a campus-wide fracas that ended in gunfire. A massive brawl at a North Carolina school resulted in multiple arrests. And in San Diego, several teenage boys were rushed to the emergency room with stab wounds after ...

As Values Clash, Give Parents Choice

In their August opinion essay on the Philadelphia Inquirer’s website, law professors Amy Wax of the University of Pennsylvania and Larry Alexander of the University of San Diego decried the loss of universally accepted “bourgeois” values in America, from marriage to patriotism to getting an education necessary for gainful employment. ...

Most California voters polled back private school vouchers for low-income kids

Most California voters agree that low-income families have few choices about where to send their children, and a large majority favor providing government support, through tax credits or vouchers, to send low-income kids to the public or parochial school of their choice, a new poll by BerkeleyIGS/EdSource found. Voters are ...

Docs Need to Inoculate Themselves Against Single-Payer

A majority of doctors now approve of government-run, single-payer health care, according to a new survey from Merritt Hawkins, a physician recruitment firm. Doctors should be careful what they wish for. Single-payer could transform doctors from highly respected, independent professionals to order-taking, unionized government employees. It’s hard to understand why ...

New Book Sheds Light on Anti-Trump Agenda in Public Schools and Politicization of the Classroom

In his newly published book, The Corrupt Classroom, Lance Izumi of the Pacific Research Institute illustrates how the public school classroom has become increasingly politicized, with liberal teachers indoctrinating students with an anti-Trump and leftist agenda. Izumi makes the case that while many school choice supporters rely on academic school ...

Students Need An Escape From Public School Violence

America’s public schools are starting to resemble war zones. Recently, a fistfight between two female students at a Mobile, Alabama high school erupted into a campus-wide fracas that ended in gunfire. A massive lunchroom brawl at a North Carolina school resulted in multiple arrests. And in San Diego, several teenage ...

Lance Izumi discusses his new book on Fox and Friends

Lance Izumi, Koret Senior Fellow and Senior Director of PRI’s Center for Education, made a powerful case for why all students and parents need school choice on the nationally-televised morning show “Fox and Friends” on the Fox News Channel. Lance discussed his new book on school choice, The Corrupt Classroom: ...

Just Released: The Corrupt Classroom

NEW BOOK RELEASE THE CORRUPT CLASSROOM: BIAS, INDOCTRINATION, VIOLENCE, AND SOCIAL ENGINEERING SHOW WHY AMERICA NEEDS SCHOOL CHOICE As Lance Izumi writes in his new book, America’s public schools are becoming increasingly politicized, less safe, socially biased, and mismanaged.  Examples like these show why more and more parents are demanding school choice: ...

Should We Pay Teachers the Same as Legislators?

California’s initiative process is imperfect.  We cherish the right to circulate citizen’s petitions when the Legislature refuses to act on matters of critical importance. But give any Californian the right to submit a ballot measure, and you’re sure to have some wild ideas in the bunch. The latest is a ...

Harvey Weinsteins And Their Enablers Also Run Our Public Schools

Meet teacher Mitchell Whitehurst, the Harvey Weinstein of public education. Meet the Portland Public Schools, the education Hollywood of enablers. Meet the Portland teachers union, which like the Mafia in The Godfather, practices “omerta,” or silence when questioned. And meet the children, victims of a heinous sexual predator shielded by ...

Students need an escape from public school violence

Recently, a fistfight between two female students at an Alabama high school erupted into a campus-wide fracas that ended in gunfire. A massive brawl at a North Carolina school resulted in multiple arrests. And in San Diego, several teenage boys were rushed to the emergency room with stab wounds after ...

As Values Clash, Give Parents Choice

In their August opinion essay on the Philadelphia Inquirer’s website, law professors Amy Wax of the University of Pennsylvania and Larry Alexander of the University of San Diego decried the loss of universally accepted “bourgeois” values in America, from marriage to patriotism to getting an education necessary for gainful employment. ...

Most California voters polled back private school vouchers for low-income kids

Most California voters agree that low-income families have few choices about where to send their children, and a large majority favor providing government support, through tax credits or vouchers, to send low-income kids to the public or parochial school of their choice, a new poll by BerkeleyIGS/EdSource found. Voters are ...

Docs Need to Inoculate Themselves Against Single-Payer

A majority of doctors now approve of government-run, single-payer health care, according to a new survey from Merritt Hawkins, a physician recruitment firm. Doctors should be careful what they wish for. Single-payer could transform doctors from highly respected, independent professionals to order-taking, unionized government employees. It’s hard to understand why ...

New Book Sheds Light on Anti-Trump Agenda in Public Schools and Politicization of the Classroom

In his newly published book, The Corrupt Classroom, Lance Izumi of the Pacific Research Institute illustrates how the public school classroom has become increasingly politicized, with liberal teachers indoctrinating students with an anti-Trump and leftist agenda. Izumi makes the case that while many school choice supporters rely on academic school ...

Students Need An Escape From Public School Violence

America’s public schools are starting to resemble war zones. Recently, a fistfight between two female students at a Mobile, Alabama high school erupted into a campus-wide fracas that ended in gunfire. A massive lunchroom brawl at a North Carolina school resulted in multiple arrests. And in San Diego, several teenage ...

Lance Izumi discusses his new book on Fox and Friends

Lance Izumi, Koret Senior Fellow and Senior Director of PRI’s Center for Education, made a powerful case for why all students and parents need school choice on the nationally-televised morning show “Fox and Friends” on the Fox News Channel. Lance discussed his new book on school choice, The Corrupt Classroom: ...

Just Released: The Corrupt Classroom

NEW BOOK RELEASE THE CORRUPT CLASSROOM: BIAS, INDOCTRINATION, VIOLENCE, AND SOCIAL ENGINEERING SHOW WHY AMERICA NEEDS SCHOOL CHOICE As Lance Izumi writes in his new book, America’s public schools are becoming increasingly politicized, less safe, socially biased, and mismanaged.  Examples like these show why more and more parents are demanding school choice: ...
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