Public Schools


Lance Izumi in Sacramento Bee: Should Teachers Be Paid Like Rock Stars?

Lance Izumi, Koret Senior Fellow in Education and Senior Director of PRI’s Center for Education, was asked by the Sacramento Bee for his comments on a statement by California gubernatorial candidate John Cox that teacher should be “paid like rock stars and baseball players.”  Read his comments below and click ...

Here’s Why Colleges Are Quickly Dropping SAT and ACT Essay Requirements

Colleges are quickly dropping their SAT and ACT essay requirements for applicants, with education experts saying the compositions “have never been of much use” and the institutions suggesting that their additional cost prevented poorer students from applying. Brown University ditched the requirement on Wednesday, making it the last Ivy League ...
Charter Schools

Charter Schools are Using Innovation to Help Kids with Special Needs

This month, as many Americans celebrated National Charter School Week, charter school opponents continued to claim that charter schools discriminate against students with special needs. Yet in fact, all across the country there are charter schools that are leading the way in helping children with special needs. Charter schools are ...
Charter Schools

Are #RedForEd Supporters Hurting Their Own Cause?

Teachers have been striking and walking out in a number of states this spring, including West Virginia, Oklahoma, Colorado, and now North Carolina. But Arizona—the third state to protest teacher pay and conditions—is remarkable for what it reveals about the internal workings of the organizers. Although the pay and funding ...

Put military families first, not school bureaucracies

Recently, a coalition of military associations came out against legislation supported by the Trump administration, that would give greater school-choice options to military service members and their children. Their letter to lawmakers, sadly, puts the concerns of school district bureaucracies above the clear needs and preferences of military families. The bill, the ...

Education Scholar: School Choice For Military Kids ‘Is A National Security Concern’

An education scholar believes school choice for the children of military members “is a national security concern,” he said Wednesday. School choice is imperative to retaining military members, Pacific Research Institute Senior Director of Education Studies Lance Izumi explained while speaking with The Daily Caller News Foundation. The scholar was ...

School Choice Could’ve Spelled The End For Teacher Who Called Soldiers ‘Dumbsh*ts’ Much Sooner

An education scholar said Friday he believes school choice could have prevented students from having to put up with Gregory Salcido, the California teacher fired after calling soldiers “dumbsh*ts.” The El Rancho Unified School District fired Salcido, a former Pico Rivera mayor, Tuesday after he went on an anti-military rant in class. He ...
Business & Economics

CAPITAL IDEAS: What Executives in High-Demand Industries are Saying About Moving to California

DOWNLOAD THE PDF California has a deserved reputation for losing businesses to states where companies believe their commercial prospects are more promising. At the same time, businesses that stay are too often reluctant to expand in-state while many outside are unwilling to relocate or extend their operations into California. Executives ...

Feinstein Foreshadowing

What a difference a few decades make: in 1990, Dianne Feinstein was apparently too far left for California voters, losing a gubernatorial race to Republican Pete Wilson. Nearly 30 years later, she’s not left enough—at least for the state Democratic Party, which has refused to endorse her for a fifth ...
Charter Schools

Trump’s Education Budget Puts Students Ahead Of Special Interests

President Trump’s proposed 2019 education budget, with its elimination of 29 ineffective or duplicative programs, drew howls from special-interest groups. Despite their hyperventilation, the president rightly focuses his spending priorities on the needs of students rather than on what the Washington spending lobby wants. Trump proposes a 5 percent reduction ...

Lance Izumi in Sacramento Bee: Should Teachers Be Paid Like Rock Stars?

Lance Izumi, Koret Senior Fellow in Education and Senior Director of PRI’s Center for Education, was asked by the Sacramento Bee for his comments on a statement by California gubernatorial candidate John Cox that teacher should be “paid like rock stars and baseball players.”  Read his comments below and click ...

Here’s Why Colleges Are Quickly Dropping SAT and ACT Essay Requirements

Colleges are quickly dropping their SAT and ACT essay requirements for applicants, with education experts saying the compositions “have never been of much use” and the institutions suggesting that their additional cost prevented poorer students from applying. Brown University ditched the requirement on Wednesday, making it the last Ivy League ...
Charter Schools

Charter Schools are Using Innovation to Help Kids with Special Needs

This month, as many Americans celebrated National Charter School Week, charter school opponents continued to claim that charter schools discriminate against students with special needs. Yet in fact, all across the country there are charter schools that are leading the way in helping children with special needs. Charter schools are ...
Charter Schools

Are #RedForEd Supporters Hurting Their Own Cause?

Teachers have been striking and walking out in a number of states this spring, including West Virginia, Oklahoma, Colorado, and now North Carolina. But Arizona—the third state to protest teacher pay and conditions—is remarkable for what it reveals about the internal workings of the organizers. Although the pay and funding ...

Put military families first, not school bureaucracies

Recently, a coalition of military associations came out against legislation supported by the Trump administration, that would give greater school-choice options to military service members and their children. Their letter to lawmakers, sadly, puts the concerns of school district bureaucracies above the clear needs and preferences of military families. The bill, the ...

Education Scholar: School Choice For Military Kids ‘Is A National Security Concern’

An education scholar believes school choice for the children of military members “is a national security concern,” he said Wednesday. School choice is imperative to retaining military members, Pacific Research Institute Senior Director of Education Studies Lance Izumi explained while speaking with The Daily Caller News Foundation. The scholar was ...

School Choice Could’ve Spelled The End For Teacher Who Called Soldiers ‘Dumbsh*ts’ Much Sooner

An education scholar said Friday he believes school choice could have prevented students from having to put up with Gregory Salcido, the California teacher fired after calling soldiers “dumbsh*ts.” The El Rancho Unified School District fired Salcido, a former Pico Rivera mayor, Tuesday after he went on an anti-military rant in class. He ...
Business & Economics

CAPITAL IDEAS: What Executives in High-Demand Industries are Saying About Moving to California

DOWNLOAD THE PDF California has a deserved reputation for losing businesses to states where companies believe their commercial prospects are more promising. At the same time, businesses that stay are too often reluctant to expand in-state while many outside are unwilling to relocate or extend their operations into California. Executives ...

Feinstein Foreshadowing

What a difference a few decades make: in 1990, Dianne Feinstein was apparently too far left for California voters, losing a gubernatorial race to Republican Pete Wilson. Nearly 30 years later, she’s not left enough—at least for the state Democratic Party, which has refused to endorse her for a fifth ...
Charter Schools

Trump’s Education Budget Puts Students Ahead Of Special Interests

President Trump’s proposed 2019 education budget, with its elimination of 29 ineffective or duplicative programs, drew howls from special-interest groups. Despite their hyperventilation, the president rightly focuses his spending priorities on the needs of students rather than on what the Washington spending lobby wants. Trump proposes a 5 percent reduction ...
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