Public Schools


School Choice: California Looks Backwards, Florida Looks Forward

Reviewing the 2019 education landscape shows some states taking giant steps backwards, while others made great strides, and this contrast is nowhere more stark than between California and Florida. In California, the education theme was “let’s take choice away from parents and children.” The teacher strikes in Oakland and Los ...

Lance Izumi Talks with the Epoch Times About Problems with California Public Schools

Lance Izumi, PRI’s Senior Director of the Center for Education, recently sat down with the Epoch Times to discuss a few of the many issues plaguing California public schools.
Charter Schools

Warren’s ‘Big Fat Payoff to the Unions’ Education Plan

Recently, Senator Elizabeth Warren released her education plan titled “A Great Public School Education for Every Student,” but the scheme should have been named “My Big Fat Payoff to the Teacher Unions.” The publicity splash in Warren’s plan is her call to quadruple funding for the federal Title I program, which funnels ...

California Student Test-Score Plunge: Common Core a Likely Culprit

The results of the 2019 National Assessment for Educational Progress, often called the “Nation’s Report Card,” came out recently and California’s scores once again tanked, with one of the likely causes being the national Common Core standards and aligned curricula. The NAEP exam, which is given every two years, tests ...

It’s No Surprise Republicans Are Leaving Liberals To Fester In High-Cost California

It was a New York governor, not one in California, who said conservatives weren’t welcome in the state. But apparently conservatives out here are getting the message. A recent poll found that 46 percent of those who consider themselves “very conservative” have considered leaving California. Overall, the “high cost of ...

Liberal Interests Going “All In” for Policy Wish List in 2020 Campaign

Last week came news that the California School Boards Association finally submitted its long-discussed ballot measure to the state Attorney General’s office to begin the process of qualifying it for the November 2020 general election ballot. According to EdSource, the so-called “Public School Progress, Prosperity, and Accountability Act of 2020” ...
Blended Learning

Rx for the iGen Generation: Intellectual Virtue, Not Safe Spaces

While many adults are perplexed by today’s young people, a number of important books offer insight and answers to why, according to the cover of one of them, “Today’s super-connected kids are growing up less rebellious, more tolerant, less happy—and completely unprepared for adulthood.” Members of today’s iGen generation were ...

Classroom Indoctrination Is Causing A Rise In Homeschooling

Watching leftist politicians such as New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio goading students to go on “strike” to protest climate change underscored for many American parents the increasing political indoctrination going on in the nation’s public schools, which will likely cause many of them to more seriously consider taking ...

California Globe Article on Charter Schools Features Lance Izumi

Gov. Gavin Newsom sent out a press release Wednesday announcing that he will sign “the first major overhaul to the charter schools law since its enactment 27 years ago, and will address longstanding challenges for both traditional public school districts and charter schools.” . . . . . .“’Taken together,’ says ...

What We’re Watching – September 27

Tim Anaya – Let Charter Schools Teach PRI’s Lance Izumi has extensively covered the passage of AB 1505, which would impose new restrictions and regulations on charter schools in California. In this video, Reason TV’s John Stossel explores the efforts of elected officials to try and restrict charter schools from ...

School Choice: California Looks Backwards, Florida Looks Forward

Reviewing the 2019 education landscape shows some states taking giant steps backwards, while others made great strides, and this contrast is nowhere more stark than between California and Florida. In California, the education theme was “let’s take choice away from parents and children.” The teacher strikes in Oakland and Los ...

Lance Izumi Talks with the Epoch Times About Problems with California Public Schools

Lance Izumi, PRI’s Senior Director of the Center for Education, recently sat down with the Epoch Times to discuss a few of the many issues plaguing California public schools.
Charter Schools

Warren’s ‘Big Fat Payoff to the Unions’ Education Plan

Recently, Senator Elizabeth Warren released her education plan titled “A Great Public School Education for Every Student,” but the scheme should have been named “My Big Fat Payoff to the Teacher Unions.” The publicity splash in Warren’s plan is her call to quadruple funding for the federal Title I program, which funnels ...

California Student Test-Score Plunge: Common Core a Likely Culprit

The results of the 2019 National Assessment for Educational Progress, often called the “Nation’s Report Card,” came out recently and California’s scores once again tanked, with one of the likely causes being the national Common Core standards and aligned curricula. The NAEP exam, which is given every two years, tests ...

It’s No Surprise Republicans Are Leaving Liberals To Fester In High-Cost California

It was a New York governor, not one in California, who said conservatives weren’t welcome in the state. But apparently conservatives out here are getting the message. A recent poll found that 46 percent of those who consider themselves “very conservative” have considered leaving California. Overall, the “high cost of ...

Liberal Interests Going “All In” for Policy Wish List in 2020 Campaign

Last week came news that the California School Boards Association finally submitted its long-discussed ballot measure to the state Attorney General’s office to begin the process of qualifying it for the November 2020 general election ballot. According to EdSource, the so-called “Public School Progress, Prosperity, and Accountability Act of 2020” ...
Blended Learning

Rx for the iGen Generation: Intellectual Virtue, Not Safe Spaces

While many adults are perplexed by today’s young people, a number of important books offer insight and answers to why, according to the cover of one of them, “Today’s super-connected kids are growing up less rebellious, more tolerant, less happy—and completely unprepared for adulthood.” Members of today’s iGen generation were ...

Classroom Indoctrination Is Causing A Rise In Homeschooling

Watching leftist politicians such as New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio goading students to go on “strike” to protest climate change underscored for many American parents the increasing political indoctrination going on in the nation’s public schools, which will likely cause many of them to more seriously consider taking ...

California Globe Article on Charter Schools Features Lance Izumi

Gov. Gavin Newsom sent out a press release Wednesday announcing that he will sign “the first major overhaul to the charter schools law since its enactment 27 years ago, and will address longstanding challenges for both traditional public school districts and charter schools.” . . . . . .“’Taken together,’ says ...

What We’re Watching – September 27

Tim Anaya – Let Charter Schools Teach PRI’s Lance Izumi has extensively covered the passage of AB 1505, which would impose new restrictions and regulations on charter schools in California. In this video, Reason TV’s John Stossel explores the efforts of elected officials to try and restrict charter schools from ...
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