Public Schools

Charter Schools

PRI’s Lance Izumi Featured in Article on DeVos Interview

Lance Izumi, senior director of the Pacific Research Institute’s Center for Education, recently interviewed U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos, and covered the importance of expanding school choice opportunities for every student in America, school re-openings following the COVID-19 pandemic, and the President’s education reform agenda. Izumi is the author ...
Charter Schools

State lawmakers hurt charter schools, online learning with funding deal

The 2020-21 state budget signed back in June by Gov. Newsom glaringly failed to fund regular public schools and public charter schools with growing enrollments. A purported “fix” to this problem, pushed by the governor and Democratic legislators, turns out to be just more Sacramento smoke and mirrors. The budget ...

Prop 16 – No Truth in Advertising

One of the most disturbing political ads airing across the state this election season is a television ad urging a “yes” vote on Prop. 16, the ballot initiative that asks voters to overturn Prop. 209, the landmark California law that ended racial preferences in university admissions, government employment and contracting. ...
Charter Schools

During COVID-19 pandemic, blue states defund online charter schools

As the COVID-19 pandemic keeps many regular public schools closed, it should be a no-brainer that states would fund online public charter schools, which specialize in delivering instruction through distance-learning tools. Shockingly, however, some blue states are actually defunding these online charters. In California, the legislature’s Democrat-supermajority passed an education ...

While California Wars Against Charter Schools, Harvard Finds Charter Performance Growth

Like in so many policy areas, California is going in the wrong direction when it comes to charter schools.  But while Sacramento is making it hard for charters to grow, a new Harvard University study finds charter-school students are learning more than their regular public school peers. Last year, the ...
Charter Schools

California Cheats Charter School Students of Funding Again

The 2020-21 state budget signed back in June by Governor Newsom glaringly failed to fund growing regular public schools and public charter schools.  A purported “fix” to this problem, pushed by the governor and Democrat legislators, turns out to be just more Sacramento smoke and mirrors. The budget for the ...

What We’re Watching – Labor Day Weekend Edition

Kerry Jackson – Beware of the “Fact Checkers” So who is fact checking the fact checkers? Someone needs to because “all too often they fail to get even basic facts correct,” says Jim Agresti, president of Just Facts. Ben Smithwick – Charter School City Douglas Harris, a professor at Tulane ...

CAPITAL IDEAS – Defending Equity: Newsom Defunds Students So Students Sue

DOWNLOAD THE PDF As if they didn’t have enough to shocks in their lives already, Californians recently woke up to find that Governor Newsom and the Legislature had defunded schoolchildren in the state budget.  But the children are now fighting back and suing the state to demand their fair share ...
Charter Schools

With Teacher Unions Blocking Reopening, Parents Seek Alternative Schools

Across the country, teacher unions are demanding that school reopenings be postponed and many state and local officials are acquiescing to those demands, which is fueling greater interest among parents in school-choice alternatives. In Florida, the state teachers union has sued to block school reopenings scheduled for the end of August. In ...

Racial Quotas Could Be Mandated for California Companies

Last year, California became the first state to mandate women on corporate boards.  Now the legislature wants to make California the first state to require racial quotas. Assembly Bill 979 introduced by Chris Holden (D-Pasadena) and Cristina Garcia (D-Bell Gardens) forces companies to appoint board members from “under-represented communities” by ...
Charter Schools

PRI’s Lance Izumi Featured in Article on DeVos Interview

Lance Izumi, senior director of the Pacific Research Institute’s Center for Education, recently interviewed U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos, and covered the importance of expanding school choice opportunities for every student in America, school re-openings following the COVID-19 pandemic, and the President’s education reform agenda. Izumi is the author ...
Charter Schools

State lawmakers hurt charter schools, online learning with funding deal

The 2020-21 state budget signed back in June by Gov. Newsom glaringly failed to fund regular public schools and public charter schools with growing enrollments. A purported “fix” to this problem, pushed by the governor and Democratic legislators, turns out to be just more Sacramento smoke and mirrors. The budget ...

Prop 16 – No Truth in Advertising

One of the most disturbing political ads airing across the state this election season is a television ad urging a “yes” vote on Prop. 16, the ballot initiative that asks voters to overturn Prop. 209, the landmark California law that ended racial preferences in university admissions, government employment and contracting. ...
Charter Schools

During COVID-19 pandemic, blue states defund online charter schools

As the COVID-19 pandemic keeps many regular public schools closed, it should be a no-brainer that states would fund online public charter schools, which specialize in delivering instruction through distance-learning tools. Shockingly, however, some blue states are actually defunding these online charters. In California, the legislature’s Democrat-supermajority passed an education ...

While California Wars Against Charter Schools, Harvard Finds Charter Performance Growth

Like in so many policy areas, California is going in the wrong direction when it comes to charter schools.  But while Sacramento is making it hard for charters to grow, a new Harvard University study finds charter-school students are learning more than their regular public school peers. Last year, the ...
Charter Schools

California Cheats Charter School Students of Funding Again

The 2020-21 state budget signed back in June by Governor Newsom glaringly failed to fund growing regular public schools and public charter schools.  A purported “fix” to this problem, pushed by the governor and Democrat legislators, turns out to be just more Sacramento smoke and mirrors. The budget for the ...

What We’re Watching – Labor Day Weekend Edition

Kerry Jackson – Beware of the “Fact Checkers” So who is fact checking the fact checkers? Someone needs to because “all too often they fail to get even basic facts correct,” says Jim Agresti, president of Just Facts. Ben Smithwick – Charter School City Douglas Harris, a professor at Tulane ...

CAPITAL IDEAS – Defending Equity: Newsom Defunds Students So Students Sue

DOWNLOAD THE PDF As if they didn’t have enough to shocks in their lives already, Californians recently woke up to find that Governor Newsom and the Legislature had defunded schoolchildren in the state budget.  But the children are now fighting back and suing the state to demand their fair share ...
Charter Schools

With Teacher Unions Blocking Reopening, Parents Seek Alternative Schools

Across the country, teacher unions are demanding that school reopenings be postponed and many state and local officials are acquiescing to those demands, which is fueling greater interest among parents in school-choice alternatives. In Florida, the state teachers union has sued to block school reopenings scheduled for the end of August. In ...

Racial Quotas Could Be Mandated for California Companies

Last year, California became the first state to mandate women on corporate boards.  Now the legislature wants to make California the first state to require racial quotas. Assembly Bill 979 introduced by Chris Holden (D-Pasadena) and Cristina Garcia (D-Bell Gardens) forces companies to appoint board members from “under-represented communities” by ...
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