Public Schools

Charter Schools

Under Biden Administration, Charter Schools Face Threats at Multiple Levels

As the Biden administration gets into gear, many parents worry about possible new anti-charter-school policies coming out of Washington.  Such policies would add to recent anti-charter actions by state and local governments that have curtailed educational choice at exactly the time when children need more learning options. In his campaign, ...

The Bottom Line with Roger Marsh Talks to Lance Izumi about his new book on school choice

PRI’s Lance Izumi joins Roger Marsh on the Bottom Line on KBRITE San Diego to discuss details of his new book on education and school choice called A Kite in a Hurricane No More. Izumi’s book chronicles the education journey of Mia Giordano, a young woman with serious learning disabilities and ...
Charter Schools

Lance Izumi Featured in EdSource, “California Voices: budget reactions 2021-22”

EdSource asked leaders representing all segments of California’s education system to comment on Gov. Newsom’s 2021-22 budget proposal. This year, we’ve presented their responses in reverse alphabetical order, which seemed apt for these topsy-turvey times. . . . What stands out in the governor’s proposed budget for education? There is ...

A New Year, A Promising New Education Model

With the disastrous education landscape of 2020 now in the rear-view mirror, the New Year offers the opportunity to consider new ways of delivering effective learning to America’s children.  Portal Schools is one such promising model. Confronted with student-learning catastrophes during the COVID crisis, some states, according to a new ...

We Need More Educational Choice Options for Special Needs Children

With the education world in flux because of the COVID pandemic, it is time to push for the broadest range of education options possible for all children, including those with special needs. My new book A Kite in a Hurricane No More, which I co-authored with Mia Giordano, tells the ...
Business & Economics

The Right Diversity Approach

By Henry Miller, M.S., M.D. and Andrew Fillat NASDAQ recently proposed new diversity requirements for the corporate boards of companies listed on the exchange. “Successful companies must cultivate diversity to fuel innovation and to thrive in today’s era of ongoing environmental, social and economic change,” said TechNet president and CEO ...

Would-be Education Secretary Lily Garcia Should Meet Mia Giordano

Lily Eskelsen Garcia, the former teachers union boss who wants to be Joe Biden’s education secretary, has been slammed for her disparaging comments about learning-disabled children. Garcia should meet Mia Giordano, a young woman who overcame her learning disabilities outside of the conventional public school system. Garcia, who headed the ...

Nevada Experience Shows Charter and Private Schools Could Lose Out on Covid-19 Funds

On December 3rd, in a live CNN interview with Jake Tapper, president-elect Joe Biden declared his plans to re-open elementary schools nation-wide. After speaking with the leaders of the teacher unions, he determined that sanitization, ventilation, and more teachers (for smaller pods of students) would cost $100 billion nationwide, for ...
Charter Schools

LA, Oakland receive “F” for funding disparity between regular public schools and charters

It is well known that regular public schools receive more funding than public charter schools, but a just-released study finds that this gap becomes massive when all sources of revenues are included, and this yawning chasm can be seen especially in Oakland and Los Angeles. The University of Arkansas study, entitled ...

Who’s Better for the Stock Market? Republicans vs. Democrats

Free marketers often assume that between the two political parties, Republicans are better for the stock market.  It makes sense. Republicans believe that economic growth can be achieved by reducing regulation and costs for businesses and relying on competition to encourage innovation.  In contrast, Democrats believe that government should take ...
Charter Schools

Under Biden Administration, Charter Schools Face Threats at Multiple Levels

As the Biden administration gets into gear, many parents worry about possible new anti-charter-school policies coming out of Washington.  Such policies would add to recent anti-charter actions by state and local governments that have curtailed educational choice at exactly the time when children need more learning options. In his campaign, ...

The Bottom Line with Roger Marsh Talks to Lance Izumi about his new book on school choice

PRI’s Lance Izumi joins Roger Marsh on the Bottom Line on KBRITE San Diego to discuss details of his new book on education and school choice called A Kite in a Hurricane No More. Izumi’s book chronicles the education journey of Mia Giordano, a young woman with serious learning disabilities and ...
Charter Schools

Lance Izumi Featured in EdSource, “California Voices: budget reactions 2021-22”

EdSource asked leaders representing all segments of California’s education system to comment on Gov. Newsom’s 2021-22 budget proposal. This year, we’ve presented their responses in reverse alphabetical order, which seemed apt for these topsy-turvey times. . . . What stands out in the governor’s proposed budget for education? There is ...

A New Year, A Promising New Education Model

With the disastrous education landscape of 2020 now in the rear-view mirror, the New Year offers the opportunity to consider new ways of delivering effective learning to America’s children.  Portal Schools is one such promising model. Confronted with student-learning catastrophes during the COVID crisis, some states, according to a new ...

We Need More Educational Choice Options for Special Needs Children

With the education world in flux because of the COVID pandemic, it is time to push for the broadest range of education options possible for all children, including those with special needs. My new book A Kite in a Hurricane No More, which I co-authored with Mia Giordano, tells the ...
Business & Economics

The Right Diversity Approach

By Henry Miller, M.S., M.D. and Andrew Fillat NASDAQ recently proposed new diversity requirements for the corporate boards of companies listed on the exchange. “Successful companies must cultivate diversity to fuel innovation and to thrive in today’s era of ongoing environmental, social and economic change,” said TechNet president and CEO ...

Would-be Education Secretary Lily Garcia Should Meet Mia Giordano

Lily Eskelsen Garcia, the former teachers union boss who wants to be Joe Biden’s education secretary, has been slammed for her disparaging comments about learning-disabled children. Garcia should meet Mia Giordano, a young woman who overcame her learning disabilities outside of the conventional public school system. Garcia, who headed the ...

Nevada Experience Shows Charter and Private Schools Could Lose Out on Covid-19 Funds

On December 3rd, in a live CNN interview with Jake Tapper, president-elect Joe Biden declared his plans to re-open elementary schools nation-wide. After speaking with the leaders of the teacher unions, he determined that sanitization, ventilation, and more teachers (for smaller pods of students) would cost $100 billion nationwide, for ...
Charter Schools

LA, Oakland receive “F” for funding disparity between regular public schools and charters

It is well known that regular public schools receive more funding than public charter schools, but a just-released study finds that this gap becomes massive when all sources of revenues are included, and this yawning chasm can be seen especially in Oakland and Los Angeles. The University of Arkansas study, entitled ...

Who’s Better for the Stock Market? Republicans vs. Democrats

Free marketers often assume that between the two political parties, Republicans are better for the stock market.  It makes sense. Republicans believe that economic growth can be achieved by reducing regulation and costs for businesses and relying on competition to encourage innovation.  In contrast, Democrats believe that government should take ...
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