Nuclear Energy

Climate Change

Peril Policy Segment 10: It’s A Moral Issue, August 24, 2009 Today’s excerpt from CEI’s film, Policy Peril: Why Global Warming Policies Are More Dangerous Than Global Warming Itself, offers a free-market perspective on Al Gore’s proclamation, at the end of An Inconvenient Truth, that global warming is “a moral issue.” Considered in the abstract, apart from ...
Climate Change

The Annual Green Orgy: Earth Day

On Earth Day we will have been engulfed by the avalanche of “Green” propaganda that preceded it, fills the day, and then continues relentlessly thereafter. When I say “propaganda”, I am being polite. Much of the foundation of the environmental movement is pure lies, mind boggling distortions of questionable “science”, ...
Climate Change

Free Market Energy Experts Doubt Effectiveness of Obama’s Green Jobs Policies, March 24, 2009 Lux Libertas, March 24, 2009 Green Being, March 24, 2009 ( – While President Barack Obama touted a greener future for America on Monday, free-market economists expressed skepticism about the prospects of green jobs and how effective government spending will be for long-term energy policy. The ...

Is it about time to pull the plug on windpower? Can taxpayers afford another ethanol boondoggle?

Home Energy Savings, December 31, 2008 Yahoo Answers, December 31, 2008 Resolved Question: Is it about time to pull the plug on windpower? Can taxpayers afford another ethanol boondoggle? “According to a recent report by the National Renewable Technology Laboratory (DOE), wind energy could account for 20 percent of the ...

PRI’s California Energy Survey Assesses Potential Impact of AB 32

PRI’s California Energy Survey Assesses Potential Impact of AB 32 San Francisco – California needs a more rational and responsible approach to energy-policy in order to reduce regulatory uncertainty in the marketplace and attract new investment, according to a Pacific Research Institute report released today. Lights On: California Energy Policy ...
Business & Economics

Where have Silicon Valley’s Republicans gone?

Calling venture capitalist Tim Draper an ardent Republican is something of an understatement. In 1999, he was enough of a fan of then-candidate George W. Bush that he chaired three fundraisers over a year before the actual election. Salon once dubbed him “George W.’s point man in Silicon Valley.” The ...

Little Rhetoric Riding Hood

Barack Obama has made his economic thinking excruciatingly clear, so it also is clear that his running mate should be Rumpelstiltskin. He spun straw into gold, a skill an Obama administration will need to fulfill its fairy-tale promises. Obama recently said that he would “require that 10 percent of our ...

Cap and Trade for Climate Change

Rightly or wrongly, Global Warming offers disaster for our planet. Countering it has become a consuming concern. Emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) focus on carbon dioxide. “A reduction in carbon emissions has become an end in itself,” observes Bjorn Lomborg, whose Copenhagen Consensus found 36 better ways to accomplish the ...

There’s a price for subsidizing wind energy with taxpayer dollars

Much has been written about the merits or demerits of wind energy as a viable source of electricity generation for meeting the growing needs of electricity consumption in the United States. No matter which side of the debate one comes down on, one issue is crystal clear. Trillions of taxpayer ...
Climate Change

Questions for McCain

Senator McCain, as an across-the-board conservative, I plan to vote for you in November—unless a more authentically conservative ticket emerges or you choose a liberal running mate, such as Mitt Romney. You would be superior to a President Barack Obama in protecting and defending America and promoting free market reforms ...
Climate Change

Peril Policy Segment 10: It’s A Moral Issue, August 24, 2009 Today’s excerpt from CEI’s film, Policy Peril: Why Global Warming Policies Are More Dangerous Than Global Warming Itself, offers a free-market perspective on Al Gore’s proclamation, at the end of An Inconvenient Truth, that global warming is “a moral issue.” Considered in the abstract, apart from ...
Climate Change

The Annual Green Orgy: Earth Day

On Earth Day we will have been engulfed by the avalanche of “Green” propaganda that preceded it, fills the day, and then continues relentlessly thereafter. When I say “propaganda”, I am being polite. Much of the foundation of the environmental movement is pure lies, mind boggling distortions of questionable “science”, ...
Climate Change

Free Market Energy Experts Doubt Effectiveness of Obama’s Green Jobs Policies, March 24, 2009 Lux Libertas, March 24, 2009 Green Being, March 24, 2009 ( – While President Barack Obama touted a greener future for America on Monday, free-market economists expressed skepticism about the prospects of green jobs and how effective government spending will be for long-term energy policy. The ...

Is it about time to pull the plug on windpower? Can taxpayers afford another ethanol boondoggle?

Home Energy Savings, December 31, 2008 Yahoo Answers, December 31, 2008 Resolved Question: Is it about time to pull the plug on windpower? Can taxpayers afford another ethanol boondoggle? “According to a recent report by the National Renewable Technology Laboratory (DOE), wind energy could account for 20 percent of the ...

PRI’s California Energy Survey Assesses Potential Impact of AB 32

PRI’s California Energy Survey Assesses Potential Impact of AB 32 San Francisco – California needs a more rational and responsible approach to energy-policy in order to reduce regulatory uncertainty in the marketplace and attract new investment, according to a Pacific Research Institute report released today. Lights On: California Energy Policy ...
Business & Economics

Where have Silicon Valley’s Republicans gone?

Calling venture capitalist Tim Draper an ardent Republican is something of an understatement. In 1999, he was enough of a fan of then-candidate George W. Bush that he chaired three fundraisers over a year before the actual election. Salon once dubbed him “George W.’s point man in Silicon Valley.” The ...

Little Rhetoric Riding Hood

Barack Obama has made his economic thinking excruciatingly clear, so it also is clear that his running mate should be Rumpelstiltskin. He spun straw into gold, a skill an Obama administration will need to fulfill its fairy-tale promises. Obama recently said that he would “require that 10 percent of our ...

Cap and Trade for Climate Change

Rightly or wrongly, Global Warming offers disaster for our planet. Countering it has become a consuming concern. Emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) focus on carbon dioxide. “A reduction in carbon emissions has become an end in itself,” observes Bjorn Lomborg, whose Copenhagen Consensus found 36 better ways to accomplish the ...

There’s a price for subsidizing wind energy with taxpayer dollars

Much has been written about the merits or demerits of wind energy as a viable source of electricity generation for meeting the growing needs of electricity consumption in the United States. No matter which side of the debate one comes down on, one issue is crystal clear. Trillions of taxpayer ...
Climate Change

Questions for McCain

Senator McCain, as an across-the-board conservative, I plan to vote for you in November—unless a more authentically conservative ticket emerges or you choose a liberal running mate, such as Mitt Romney. You would be superior to a President Barack Obama in protecting and defending America and promoting free market reforms ...
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