Nuclear Energy


Supreme Court Hearing in Key Labor Case Could Impact Private Property Rights in California

On Monday, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments for Cedar Point Nursery v. Hassid, a case regarding a California regulation that allows union organizers onto private farm property 120 days a year for three hours a day. The regulation specifies that organizers must not be disruptive and only speak with ...

Power Outages: California, Texas, next the U.S?

California was the object of ridicule last year when residents experienced widespread power outages due to high temperatures and wildfires.  Now, during an historic cold spell, Texas is under fire for an energy infrastructure that left much of the state without power. The finger pointing will go on for months ...

Lessons from the Left Coast: The economic costs from adopting California’s approach to global climate change

All signs indicate that the Biden Administration is adopting California’s approach to global climate of prohibit, discourage, and subsidize. The prohibit plank refers to punishing the politically disfavored energy sources of nuclear and natural gas. California has punished nuclear power generation by shuttering the San Onofre Nuclear Generating station in ...
Climate Change

President Biden Should Not Adopt California’s Approach To The Environment

Whether it is canceling the Keystone XL pipeline or obstructing new permits for oil and gas projects on federal lands, President Biden appears to be adopting California’s approach to addressing the problem of global climate change. If fully adopted, there will be large economic consequences with little net environmental benefit. ...

Wildfires, Global Climate Change, And The Policy Environment

California is suffering from raging wildfires that, as of September 10th, have burned over 3.1 million acres, caused 12 fatalities, and destroyed over 3,900 structures. Residents are also enduring rolling electricity blackouts and unaffordable energy, yet California’s greenhouse gas emissions are now rising while the long-term national decline in emissions continues unabated. Connecting ...

California is back in black due to going green

California was hit last month with rolling blackouts, for the first in nearly two decades. Gov. Gavin Newsom says he knows why. His answer is not politically popular. But it is correct. According to Politico, “the exact root” of the trouble “is still unclear as more power outages loom.” Unclear, that is, ...
Climate Change

Pandemics, Pollution, and Poppycock

By Henry I. Miller, M.S, M.D. and Andrew I. Fillat With the world in the grip of the COVID-19 pandemic, most of the short-term focus is now on how to avoid surges of infections and get the economy functioning so people can go back to work. Hindsight is, of course, ...

What We’re Watching – April 24

Tim Anaya – Taking a Time Machine to a Lower Drug Price Future In the latest video in the “Escape the Drug Pricing Maze” series, Professor Salvare takes Pete Paystoomuch in a time machine to learn how drugs become cheaper after higher initial costs that incentivize innovation. Then they go ...

Tales of Woe: How Dysfunctional Regulation Has Decimated Entire Sectors of Biotechnology

“To observe government is to observe the absence of accountability,” James Freeman wrote in the Wall Street Journal.1  That’s certainly true of unwise regulation of many innovative technologies; and modern biotechnology, also known as “genetic engineering (GE)” or “genetic modification (GM),” perhaps along with civilian applications of nuclear power, could be ...

Free Markets: Power to The People

Gov. Gavin Newsom announced last week that he was going to name an energy czar “in the wake of Pacific Gas and Electric Company’s prolonged power outages,” says the Sacramento Bee, because. According to the governor, “the entire system needs to be reimagined.” “We cannot afford the kind of public ...

Supreme Court Hearing in Key Labor Case Could Impact Private Property Rights in California

On Monday, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments for Cedar Point Nursery v. Hassid, a case regarding a California regulation that allows union organizers onto private farm property 120 days a year for three hours a day. The regulation specifies that organizers must not be disruptive and only speak with ...

Power Outages: California, Texas, next the U.S?

California was the object of ridicule last year when residents experienced widespread power outages due to high temperatures and wildfires.  Now, during an historic cold spell, Texas is under fire for an energy infrastructure that left much of the state without power. The finger pointing will go on for months ...

Lessons from the Left Coast: The economic costs from adopting California’s approach to global climate change

All signs indicate that the Biden Administration is adopting California’s approach to global climate of prohibit, discourage, and subsidize. The prohibit plank refers to punishing the politically disfavored energy sources of nuclear and natural gas. California has punished nuclear power generation by shuttering the San Onofre Nuclear Generating station in ...
Climate Change

President Biden Should Not Adopt California’s Approach To The Environment

Whether it is canceling the Keystone XL pipeline or obstructing new permits for oil and gas projects on federal lands, President Biden appears to be adopting California’s approach to addressing the problem of global climate change. If fully adopted, there will be large economic consequences with little net environmental benefit. ...

Wildfires, Global Climate Change, And The Policy Environment

California is suffering from raging wildfires that, as of September 10th, have burned over 3.1 million acres, caused 12 fatalities, and destroyed over 3,900 structures. Residents are also enduring rolling electricity blackouts and unaffordable energy, yet California’s greenhouse gas emissions are now rising while the long-term national decline in emissions continues unabated. Connecting ...

California is back in black due to going green

California was hit last month with rolling blackouts, for the first in nearly two decades. Gov. Gavin Newsom says he knows why. His answer is not politically popular. But it is correct. According to Politico, “the exact root” of the trouble “is still unclear as more power outages loom.” Unclear, that is, ...
Climate Change

Pandemics, Pollution, and Poppycock

By Henry I. Miller, M.S, M.D. and Andrew I. Fillat With the world in the grip of the COVID-19 pandemic, most of the short-term focus is now on how to avoid surges of infections and get the economy functioning so people can go back to work. Hindsight is, of course, ...

What We’re Watching – April 24

Tim Anaya – Taking a Time Machine to a Lower Drug Price Future In the latest video in the “Escape the Drug Pricing Maze” series, Professor Salvare takes Pete Paystoomuch in a time machine to learn how drugs become cheaper after higher initial costs that incentivize innovation. Then they go ...

Tales of Woe: How Dysfunctional Regulation Has Decimated Entire Sectors of Biotechnology

“To observe government is to observe the absence of accountability,” James Freeman wrote in the Wall Street Journal.1  That’s certainly true of unwise regulation of many innovative technologies; and modern biotechnology, also known as “genetic engineering (GE)” or “genetic modification (GM),” perhaps along with civilian applications of nuclear power, could be ...

Free Markets: Power to The People

Gov. Gavin Newsom announced last week that he was going to name an energy czar “in the wake of Pacific Gas and Electric Company’s prolonged power outages,” says the Sacramento Bee, because. According to the governor, “the entire system needs to be reimagined.” “We cannot afford the kind of public ...
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