Nuclear Energy


CAPITAL IDEAS: When June Gloom Lasts All Year

DOWNLOAD THE BRIEF The overcast days of June Gloom, a month of cloud and fog cover along the usually sunny Southern California coastal regions, can be a bit depressing. It’s a natural phenomenon that can’t be controlled. The same can’t be said about the man-made darkness ahead that will affect ...

Energy Shortfalls In California? Who Would Have Ever Thought That?

Policymakers continue running along the diving board over an empty pool, determined to turn California green by outlawing any electricity-generating source that isn’t wind and solar. It’s not that they don’t know better. They do. Yet they refuse to deviate from their agenda. Last year, the California Public Utilities Commission ...

Is California Reconsidering Its Decision to Eliminate Nuclear Energy?

By Kerry Jackson & Wayne Winegarden As expected, the Newsom administration has asked Washington about qualifying for federal funds to help keep the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant open beyond its planned retirement date – “to maximize options to maintain electricity reliability as new projects come online,” Cabinet Secretary Ana ...
Business & Economics

Here’s why gas prices could skyrocket again

We’re all looking for relief from record-high gas prices these days. Gas prices are the highest in the United States history at a nationwide average of $4.59 as of May 19, according to AAA. Many states surpass this average with California at $6.050, Nevada at $5.224, Washington at $5.148, and ...
Business & Economics

NEW BRIEF: City and State Climate Change Lawsuits Drive Up Gas Prices, Discourage Clean Energy Innovation

SACRAMENTO – City and state climate change lawsuits discourage private sector innovation required to meet America’s clean energy goals – and expensive judgements in these cases can increase gas prices by 31-cents per gallon, finds a new issue brief released today by the nonpartisan Pacific Research Institute.   “Sustainably addressing ...

Is ‘Blue Fatigue’ Building in Liberal California? Polls Suggest Yes.

The results of a poll released, appropriately, on Tax Day, indicate that Californians, no matter their partisan alignment, have grown weary of having to hand over so much of their money to the state and local governments. A separate poll arriving four days later shows that an increasing portion of ...
Climate Change

To Help The Earth Let’s Acknowledge The Limits Of Alternative Energy

Earth Day is this week. A day set aside to celebrate “the planet’s clean natural resources”, which is now synonymous with alleviating the costs associated with global climate change. Since alternative technologies are viewed as clean resources that will solve the problem of global climate change, the website claims that, consumer demand for ...

Earth Day Has Become Polluted By Political Correctness And Ignorance

The first Earth Day celebration, a nationwide environmental teach-in, held in 1970, was the brainchild of Democratic Sen. Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin, who was interested in environmental issues. He recruited Rep. Pete McCloskey, a conservation-minded liberal Republican congressman, to serve as his co-chair, and they enlisted Denis Hayes, a young ...

California Should Embrace Nuclear in Race to Meet All Renewables Mandate

DOWNLOAD THE PDF California is the first state to surpass a million plug-in electric vehicle registrations. It’s a proud moment for those who are determined to eliminate fossil fuel vehicles. But it’s not the grand achievement they think it is. At the end of 2021, 663,014 electric cars and 379,125 ...
Business & Economics

NEW STUDY: Bad Policy Choices Zap Californians with $1450 Average Electricity Bills

Californians are being zapped with higher electricity bills – averaging $1450 per year – thanks to state government energy regulations, taxes, and subsidies, finds a new report released today by the nonpartisan Pacific Research Institute.   Repealing or reforming these costly policies could save the average household $517 per year, ...

CAPITAL IDEAS: When June Gloom Lasts All Year

DOWNLOAD THE BRIEF The overcast days of June Gloom, a month of cloud and fog cover along the usually sunny Southern California coastal regions, can be a bit depressing. It’s a natural phenomenon that can’t be controlled. The same can’t be said about the man-made darkness ahead that will affect ...

Energy Shortfalls In California? Who Would Have Ever Thought That?

Policymakers continue running along the diving board over an empty pool, determined to turn California green by outlawing any electricity-generating source that isn’t wind and solar. It’s not that they don’t know better. They do. Yet they refuse to deviate from their agenda. Last year, the California Public Utilities Commission ...

Is California Reconsidering Its Decision to Eliminate Nuclear Energy?

By Kerry Jackson & Wayne Winegarden As expected, the Newsom administration has asked Washington about qualifying for federal funds to help keep the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant open beyond its planned retirement date – “to maximize options to maintain electricity reliability as new projects come online,” Cabinet Secretary Ana ...
Business & Economics

Here’s why gas prices could skyrocket again

We’re all looking for relief from record-high gas prices these days. Gas prices are the highest in the United States history at a nationwide average of $4.59 as of May 19, according to AAA. Many states surpass this average with California at $6.050, Nevada at $5.224, Washington at $5.148, and ...
Business & Economics

NEW BRIEF: City and State Climate Change Lawsuits Drive Up Gas Prices, Discourage Clean Energy Innovation

SACRAMENTO – City and state climate change lawsuits discourage private sector innovation required to meet America’s clean energy goals – and expensive judgements in these cases can increase gas prices by 31-cents per gallon, finds a new issue brief released today by the nonpartisan Pacific Research Institute.   “Sustainably addressing ...

Is ‘Blue Fatigue’ Building in Liberal California? Polls Suggest Yes.

The results of a poll released, appropriately, on Tax Day, indicate that Californians, no matter their partisan alignment, have grown weary of having to hand over so much of their money to the state and local governments. A separate poll arriving four days later shows that an increasing portion of ...
Climate Change

To Help The Earth Let’s Acknowledge The Limits Of Alternative Energy

Earth Day is this week. A day set aside to celebrate “the planet’s clean natural resources”, which is now synonymous with alleviating the costs associated with global climate change. Since alternative technologies are viewed as clean resources that will solve the problem of global climate change, the website claims that, consumer demand for ...

Earth Day Has Become Polluted By Political Correctness And Ignorance

The first Earth Day celebration, a nationwide environmental teach-in, held in 1970, was the brainchild of Democratic Sen. Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin, who was interested in environmental issues. He recruited Rep. Pete McCloskey, a conservation-minded liberal Republican congressman, to serve as his co-chair, and they enlisted Denis Hayes, a young ...

California Should Embrace Nuclear in Race to Meet All Renewables Mandate

DOWNLOAD THE PDF California is the first state to surpass a million plug-in electric vehicle registrations. It’s a proud moment for those who are determined to eliminate fossil fuel vehicles. But it’s not the grand achievement they think it is. At the end of 2021, 663,014 electric cars and 379,125 ...
Business & Economics

NEW STUDY: Bad Policy Choices Zap Californians with $1450 Average Electricity Bills

Californians are being zapped with higher electricity bills – averaging $1450 per year – thanks to state government energy regulations, taxes, and subsidies, finds a new report released today by the nonpartisan Pacific Research Institute.   Repealing or reforming these costly policies could save the average household $517 per year, ...
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