Minimum Wage


New Studies Confirm the Obvious – $15 Minimum Wage Hurts California Job Opportunities

The negative impacts of setting — and increasing — minimum wages should be beyond debate by now. The economic science is settled. Yet California policymakers continue to believe in unicorn economic fantasies. For example, more than a dozen cities and counties in the Bay Area have changed their minimum-wage ordinances ...

End-of-Session Housing Push Won’t Make Dent in State’s Housing Problem

Lawmakers haven’t yet voted on legislation they say addresses the state’s housing crisis, but it’s just as well. The proposals they were trying to pass off as solutions aren’t solutions at all. One bill that’s key to the rest of the legislative package would add to real estate costs, while ...

Where Have All The Interns Gone?

The other day, a freshman from Santa Clara University called me to inquire about internships at PRI. She had just heard Sally Pipes give a talk on health care. She was also familiar with the work of Arthur Laffer. As an economics student, she thought PRI would be a great ...
Business & Economics

Policymakers Ignore Long-Term Consequences Of California Minimum Wage Hike

They were warned and they knew better but they did it nonetheless. It’s become the California Way. Continually legislate, never bother to contemplate. In 1992, economists David Card and Alan B. Krueger published a National Bureau of Economic Research paper that claimed, “Relative to stores in Pennsylvania, fast food restaurants ...
Business & Economics

Misguided State Policies Lead To More Companies Leaving California

This spring marks the first anniversary of the announcement that Carl’s Jr., a California burger icon for more than six decades, was relocating its headquarters to Nashville. It’s yet another business that has quit California in what was once an almost quiet exodus of companies but now looks more like ...

Gender Pay Gap

Don’t Mind the Gap: Gender Pay Disparities Are No Evidence of Discrimination By Sally C. Pipes, President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy Pacific Research Institute October 14, 2016 Hillsdale College’s Center for Constructive Alternatives Forum, Atlanta, Georgia Executive Summary Almost every discussion of gender pay ...

Driving Up Labor Costs Drives Down Jobs

Gov. Jerry Brown has advised lawmakers to expect a slowdown in tax revenue, a warning he issued weeks after he signed into law a bill raising the state’s minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2022. Maybe he should consider that there’s a connection. When Brown signed the minimum wage ...
Business & Economics

Indiana’s Friendly To Small Business But Not With Incentives

It’s a mixed bag for small businesses in Indiana. On one hand, there’s very little red tape, which experts say enables small businesses to get off the ground, expand and thrive. The rub, however, is that those businesses don’t receive the lion’s share of state-backed grants and tax credits, according ...
Business & Economics

Study: Indiana’s Friendly To Small Business But Not With Incentives

Bloomberg News It’s a mixed bag for small businesses in Indiana. On one hand, there’s very little red tape, which experts say enables small businesses to get off the ground, expand and thrive. The rub, however, is that those businesses don’t receive the lion’s share of state-backed grants and tax ...
Business & Economics

Increasing Benefits Without Reducing Jobs

Thought leaders on the left believe we can save federal government dollars by making employers pay more to their employees. Ralph Nader’s recent blog on the Huffington Post cites a Center for American Progress study that welfare rolls would drop by 6 percent if a minimum wage of $10.10 were ...

New Studies Confirm the Obvious – $15 Minimum Wage Hurts California Job Opportunities

The negative impacts of setting — and increasing — minimum wages should be beyond debate by now. The economic science is settled. Yet California policymakers continue to believe in unicorn economic fantasies. For example, more than a dozen cities and counties in the Bay Area have changed their minimum-wage ordinances ...

End-of-Session Housing Push Won’t Make Dent in State’s Housing Problem

Lawmakers haven’t yet voted on legislation they say addresses the state’s housing crisis, but it’s just as well. The proposals they were trying to pass off as solutions aren’t solutions at all. One bill that’s key to the rest of the legislative package would add to real estate costs, while ...

Where Have All The Interns Gone?

The other day, a freshman from Santa Clara University called me to inquire about internships at PRI. She had just heard Sally Pipes give a talk on health care. She was also familiar with the work of Arthur Laffer. As an economics student, she thought PRI would be a great ...
Business & Economics

Policymakers Ignore Long-Term Consequences Of California Minimum Wage Hike

They were warned and they knew better but they did it nonetheless. It’s become the California Way. Continually legislate, never bother to contemplate. In 1992, economists David Card and Alan B. Krueger published a National Bureau of Economic Research paper that claimed, “Relative to stores in Pennsylvania, fast food restaurants ...
Business & Economics

Misguided State Policies Lead To More Companies Leaving California

This spring marks the first anniversary of the announcement that Carl’s Jr., a California burger icon for more than six decades, was relocating its headquarters to Nashville. It’s yet another business that has quit California in what was once an almost quiet exodus of companies but now looks more like ...

Gender Pay Gap

Don’t Mind the Gap: Gender Pay Disparities Are No Evidence of Discrimination By Sally C. Pipes, President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy Pacific Research Institute October 14, 2016 Hillsdale College’s Center for Constructive Alternatives Forum, Atlanta, Georgia Executive Summary Almost every discussion of gender pay ...

Driving Up Labor Costs Drives Down Jobs

Gov. Jerry Brown has advised lawmakers to expect a slowdown in tax revenue, a warning he issued weeks after he signed into law a bill raising the state’s minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2022. Maybe he should consider that there’s a connection. When Brown signed the minimum wage ...
Business & Economics

Indiana’s Friendly To Small Business But Not With Incentives

It’s a mixed bag for small businesses in Indiana. On one hand, there’s very little red tape, which experts say enables small businesses to get off the ground, expand and thrive. The rub, however, is that those businesses don’t receive the lion’s share of state-backed grants and tax credits, according ...
Business & Economics

Study: Indiana’s Friendly To Small Business But Not With Incentives

Bloomberg News It’s a mixed bag for small businesses in Indiana. On one hand, there’s very little red tape, which experts say enables small businesses to get off the ground, expand and thrive. The rub, however, is that those businesses don’t receive the lion’s share of state-backed grants and tax ...
Business & Economics

Increasing Benefits Without Reducing Jobs

Thought leaders on the left believe we can save federal government dollars by making employers pay more to their employees. Ralph Nader’s recent blog on the Huffington Post cites a Center for American Progress study that welfare rolls would drop by 6 percent if a minimum wage of $10.10 were ...
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