
Business & Economics

The Best States For Business

Twelve years ago, the world watched as Muhammad Ali lit the Olympic torch during the opening ceremonies of the Summer Olympics in Atlanta. It was a transformative moment for the city and the state. “The Olympics put Georgia on the map internationally,” says Kenneth Stewart, commissioner of the Georgia Department ...
Business & Economics

Soaking the rich won’t solve boom-and-bust cycles

California’s Democratic legislators just proposed to slap $8.2 billion in tax hikes on “the rich.” This might raise some quick cash, but it’s a recipe for recession and more of the revenue roller coaster that will only make the next budget crisis worse. The Golden State’s most productive citizens already ...
Business & Economics

Smaller Government is Only Solution to Budget Crisis

The debate over California’s fiscal crisis continues, with the governor seeking constitutional limits on spending and others calling for a flat tax or mechanisms such as “paygo.” Yet in order for any of these proposals to work, California citizens need to stop looking to the state to run their lives. ...
Business & Economics

Turning POTS into PANS

The California Public Utilities Commission on Tuesday proposed relaxing 13-year-old price caps on basic telephone service. Yielding to the demands of public interest groups, regulators currently force telecommunications companies to offer the cheapest basic rates in the nation. Yet, if artificially low prices are necessary to protect consumer welfare, why ...
Business & Economics

Turning POTS into PANS: California Regulators Slam the Phone on Price Controls

The California Public Utilities Commission on Tuesday proposed relaxing 13-year old price caps on basic phone service. Yielding to the demands of public interest groups, regulators currently force telecommunications companies to offer the cheapest basic rates in the nation. But if artificially low prices are necessary to protect consumer welfare, ...

Government-Monopoly Health Care in California: Legislative Analyst Concludes That Taxes Must Be Hiked One-Third More Than Anticipated

California’s non-partisan Legislative Analyst has weighed in on the costs of government-monopoly health care. Backers of such systems are rushing to the barricades, but the revelations serve as welcome enlightenment for all Californians. Last year, Governor Schwarzenegger, former Assembly Speaker Fabian Nuñez, and an unlikely alliance of business and union ...

Single-Payer Health Care in California: Legislative Analyst Weighs In

The last decisive action we saw on SB-840, a bill to impose government-monopoly health care in California, was a gubernatorial veto in September 2006. Nevertheless, its sponsor, state senator Sheila Kuehl pitched the same bill into the Legislature again in 2007. Senator Kuehl’s analytical support for SB-840 is a positively ...
Climate Change

Questions for McCain

Senator McCain, as an across-the-board conservative, I plan to vote for you in November—unless a more authentically conservative ticket emerges or you choose a liberal running mate, such as Mitt Romney. You would be superior to a President Barack Obama in protecting and defending America and promoting free market reforms ...
Business & Economics

The Best States For Business

Twelve years ago, the world watched as Muhammad Ali lit the Olympic torch during the opening ceremonies of the Summer Olympics in Atlanta. It was a transformative moment for the city and the state. “The Olympics put Georgia on the map internationally,” says Kenneth Stewart, commissioner of the Georgia Department ...
Business & Economics

Soaking the rich won’t solve boom-and-bust cycles

California’s Democratic legislators just proposed to slap $8.2 billion in tax hikes on “the rich.” This might raise some quick cash, but it’s a recipe for recession and more of the revenue roller coaster that will only make the next budget crisis worse. The Golden State’s most productive citizens already ...
Business & Economics

Smaller Government is Only Solution to Budget Crisis

The debate over California’s fiscal crisis continues, with the governor seeking constitutional limits on spending and others calling for a flat tax or mechanisms such as “paygo.” Yet in order for any of these proposals to work, California citizens need to stop looking to the state to run their lives. ...
Business & Economics

Turning POTS into PANS

The California Public Utilities Commission on Tuesday proposed relaxing 13-year-old price caps on basic telephone service. Yielding to the demands of public interest groups, regulators currently force telecommunications companies to offer the cheapest basic rates in the nation. Yet, if artificially low prices are necessary to protect consumer welfare, why ...
Business & Economics

Turning POTS into PANS: California Regulators Slam the Phone on Price Controls

The California Public Utilities Commission on Tuesday proposed relaxing 13-year old price caps on basic phone service. Yielding to the demands of public interest groups, regulators currently force telecommunications companies to offer the cheapest basic rates in the nation. But if artificially low prices are necessary to protect consumer welfare, ...

Government-Monopoly Health Care in California: Legislative Analyst Concludes That Taxes Must Be Hiked One-Third More Than Anticipated

California’s non-partisan Legislative Analyst has weighed in on the costs of government-monopoly health care. Backers of such systems are rushing to the barricades, but the revelations serve as welcome enlightenment for all Californians. Last year, Governor Schwarzenegger, former Assembly Speaker Fabian Nuñez, and an unlikely alliance of business and union ...

Single-Payer Health Care in California: Legislative Analyst Weighs In

The last decisive action we saw on SB-840, a bill to impose government-monopoly health care in California, was a gubernatorial veto in September 2006. Nevertheless, its sponsor, state senator Sheila Kuehl pitched the same bill into the Legislature again in 2007. Senator Kuehl’s analytical support for SB-840 is a positively ...
Climate Change

Questions for McCain

Senator McCain, as an across-the-board conservative, I plan to vote for you in November—unless a more authentically conservative ticket emerges or you choose a liberal running mate, such as Mitt Romney. You would be superior to a President Barack Obama in protecting and defending America and promoting free market reforms ...
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