The Medicare tsunami
In a recent news conference, President Obama said: “The biggest driving force behind our federal deficit is the skyrocketing cost of Medicare and Medicaid. So let me be clear: If we do not control these costs, we will not be able to control our deficits.” He is absolutely right. The ...
Jeffrey H. Anderson
August 26, 2009
N.Y. Congressman Pushes ‘Medicare-for-all’ on ‘Morning Joe’
‘Morning Joe’ fails to note problems in claim there is no need for private insurers. While the uproar over a government-run public option continues in Washington, D.C. and around the country, one Democratic congressman is pushing for an even more drastic “takeover” of health care. Rep. Anthony Weiner, D-N.Y., told ...
Julia A. Seymour
August 19, 2009
Even If It’s Not a ‘Death Panel,’ It Doesn’t Belong in Medicare
But even if we don’t go off the deep end with the “death panel” rhetoric, there’s still a fundamental problem with this, which gets to the core of why health insurance is so expensive: There is no reason for a health insurer to pay for such counselling. It’s a service ...
John R. Graham
August 13, 2009
Costs of Medicare/Medicaid Have Outpaced Other Health Costs by 1/3 Since 1970
Ezra Klein has posted a blog criticizing the claim (made by Bill Kristol on the Daily Show Monday night) that the costs of government-run health care have greatly outpaced other health costs. But Klein is mistaken. Advocates of ObamaCare like to rely on studies comparing the cost-increases of government-run care ...
Pacific Research Institute
July 29, 2009
Health Care
Medicaid’s Costs, Like Medicare’s, Have Risen Far More Than the Costs of Private Health Care
As the congressional debate heats up over President Obama’s proposed “public option” and his proposed expansion of Medicaid, the debate largely centers on the question of controlling costs. The president claims that more government control would make health care more affordable. The empirical evidence, however, confirms that more government control ...
Jeffrey H. Anderson
July 14, 2009
Medicare: The Problem and the Solution?
What has the most potential to mire the United States in long-term debt? According to White House Office of Management and Budget Director Peter Orszag, the answer is Medicare and Medicaid. Orszag writes that every other federal program’s effect on future deficits and debt is “swamped” by the effects of ...
Jeffrey H. Anderson
June 26, 2009
Public Option To Cut Health Costs? Medicare’s Record Says Dream On
“First, the rising cost of health care must be brought down.” That’s what President Obama recently declared when outlining the basic principles of his health care plan. His supporters have echoed his emphasis. The New York Times writes that, when it comes to health policy, “The president’s main focus is ...
Jeffrey H. Anderson
June 19, 2009
Health Care
Medicare Costs Have Risen Far More than the Costs of Private Health Care
As Americans contemplate a significant expansion of government’s role in health care, in the form of the Medicare-like “public option” proposed by President Obama, we must consider how successful Medicare has been at controlling costs in relation to privately purchased health care. This analysis takes all health spending in the ...
Jeffrey H. Anderson
June 9, 2009
Fewer Alaska Doctors Take New Medicare Patients
Health Care News (Heartland Institute), June 1, 2009 Fewer than 20 percent of physicians surveyed in Alaska’s largest city are accepting new patients covered by Medicare, according to a study by the University of Alaska-Anchorage’s Institute of Social and Economic Research. Only 38 percent of that total are in private ...
Krystle Russin
June 1, 2009
Medicare Benefits Fall Short of Employer-Provided Health Care Plans
Employer-provided health plans provide more generous benefits to seniors than Medicare does, according to an analysis conducted by the Kaiser Family Foundation and Lincolnshire, Illinois-based Hewitt Associates. The study compared the traditional fee-for-service Medicare benefit package, including the prescription drug benefit, with typical large employer-provided health plans. The study found ...
Dr. Sanjit Bagchi
December 1, 2008
The Medicare tsunami
In a recent news conference, President Obama said: “The biggest driving force behind our federal deficit is the skyrocketing cost of Medicare and Medicaid. So let me be clear: If we do not control these costs, we will not be able to control our deficits.” He is absolutely right. The ...
N.Y. Congressman Pushes ‘Medicare-for-all’ on ‘Morning Joe’
‘Morning Joe’ fails to note problems in claim there is no need for private insurers. While the uproar over a government-run public option continues in Washington, D.C. and around the country, one Democratic congressman is pushing for an even more drastic “takeover” of health care. Rep. Anthony Weiner, D-N.Y., told ...
Even If It’s Not a ‘Death Panel,’ It Doesn’t Belong in Medicare
But even if we don’t go off the deep end with the “death panel” rhetoric, there’s still a fundamental problem with this, which gets to the core of why health insurance is so expensive: There is no reason for a health insurer to pay for such counselling. It’s a service ...
Costs of Medicare/Medicaid Have Outpaced Other Health Costs by 1/3 Since 1970
Ezra Klein has posted a blog criticizing the claim (made by Bill Kristol on the Daily Show Monday night) that the costs of government-run health care have greatly outpaced other health costs. But Klein is mistaken. Advocates of ObamaCare like to rely on studies comparing the cost-increases of government-run care ...
Medicaid’s Costs, Like Medicare’s, Have Risen Far More Than the Costs of Private Health Care
As the congressional debate heats up over President Obama’s proposed “public option” and his proposed expansion of Medicaid, the debate largely centers on the question of controlling costs. The president claims that more government control would make health care more affordable. The empirical evidence, however, confirms that more government control ...
Medicare: The Problem and the Solution?
What has the most potential to mire the United States in long-term debt? According to White House Office of Management and Budget Director Peter Orszag, the answer is Medicare and Medicaid. Orszag writes that every other federal program’s effect on future deficits and debt is “swamped” by the effects of ...
Public Option To Cut Health Costs? Medicare’s Record Says Dream On
“First, the rising cost of health care must be brought down.” That’s what President Obama recently declared when outlining the basic principles of his health care plan. His supporters have echoed his emphasis. The New York Times writes that, when it comes to health policy, “The president’s main focus is ...
Medicare Costs Have Risen Far More than the Costs of Private Health Care
As Americans contemplate a significant expansion of government’s role in health care, in the form of the Medicare-like “public option” proposed by President Obama, we must consider how successful Medicare has been at controlling costs in relation to privately purchased health care. This analysis takes all health spending in the ...
Fewer Alaska Doctors Take New Medicare Patients
Health Care News (Heartland Institute), June 1, 2009 Fewer than 20 percent of physicians surveyed in Alaska’s largest city are accepting new patients covered by Medicare, according to a study by the University of Alaska-Anchorage’s Institute of Social and Economic Research. Only 38 percent of that total are in private ...
Medicare Benefits Fall Short of Employer-Provided Health Care Plans
Employer-provided health plans provide more generous benefits to seniors than Medicare does, according to an analysis conducted by the Kaiser Family Foundation and Lincolnshire, Illinois-based Hewitt Associates. The study compared the traditional fee-for-service Medicare benefit package, including the prescription drug benefit, with typical large employer-provided health plans. The study found ...