A Healthcare Blueprint For A President Mitt Romney
Mitt Romney caused a stir during his recent speech before the NAACP, telling the crowd, I will eliminate expensive non-essential programs like Obamacare. The largely pro-Obama crowd was not thrilled with Romneys attack on the presidents signature legislative achievement. But its hard to imagine how anyone could be excited about ...
Sally C. Pipes
July 23, 2012
Skin in the Game: Governor Brown is Right and Secretary Sebelius Is Wrong About Medicaid Co-Pays
Key Points: Governor Jerry Brown and California legislators have attempted to get Medi-Cal’s budget under control by charging reasonable co-pays for medical and hospital services, especially emergency rooms. Secretary Sebelius has just quashed the state’s co-pay reform, relying on dubious legal interpretation. This federal overreach cost California taxpayers half a ...
John R. Graham
April 3, 2012
Health Care
Block Grants to States Give Medicaid New Hope
The House of Representatives is now considering a piece of legislation that would fundamentally improve Medicaid the health insurance program for low-income Americans jointly funded by the federal government and the states and help this country avoid fiscal apocalypse. Medicaid is on the front-burner in Washington, as the ...
Sally C. Pipes
April 2, 2012
Health Care
Obamacare faces Supreme test
The Supreme Court on Monday begins hearing what could be one of the most important cases in our country’s history. The nine justices are set to determine the constitutionality of the “individual mandate” included in the president’s health care bill, passed two years ago this month. The mandate requires that ...
Sally C. Pipes
March 26, 2012
Obamacare drives up health care costs for everyone
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services recently released their annual report on health care spending in America. And surprise, surprise – spending continues to grow. It amounted to 17.9 percent of the nation’s gross domestic product in 2010, or $2.6 trillion. But the annual rate of growth was lower ...
Sally C. Pipes
March 16, 2012
Health spending slows but premiums still rising
A funny thing happened as a result of Obamacare, signed in March 2010: Although the cost of health care has increased at a slower rate than in previous years, premiums for health insurance and the share of premiums used for purposes other than paying claims has been increasing faster than ...
John R. Graham
March 15, 2012
Kill the CLASS Act Before It Kills Taxpayers
The House of Representatives just voted to wipe a major part of President Obamas healthcare law from the books the Community Living Assistance Service and Supports Act. This CLASS Act wouldve established a federally run long-term-care insurance program. The Senate should continue the Houses work and repeal CLASS right ...
Sally C. Pipes
March 10, 2012
President Obama’s Medical Board: A Backdoor Path to Health Rationing
Last week, a House of Representatives subpanel overwhelmingly approved a measure to repeal a key component of President Obamas 2010 health reform bill. By a bipartisan 17-5 margin, the Energy and Commerce Committees Health Subcommittee agreed to get rid of Sections 3403 and 10320 of the Patient Protection and Affordable ...
Sally C. Pipes
March 5, 2012
Is CDC immune to pneumonia science?
Officials at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention met last week to discuss the latest developments in the fight against pneumonia. They had the chance to prevent tens of thousands of deaths from the disease each year simply by recommending a new vaccine for routine delivery to adults. Unfortunately, ...
Sally C. Pipes
February 26, 2012
Health Care
Just Say No to ACOs
Say hello to Obamacare’s latest technocratic gimmick — the Accountable Care Organization (ACO). The first of these federally-chartered Pioneer ACO groups of healthcare providers just launched. Proponents of ACOs claim that the new entities will help doctors and hospitals better coordinate care in order to improve the health of Medicare ...
Sally C. Pipes
February 23, 2012
A Healthcare Blueprint For A President Mitt Romney
Mitt Romney caused a stir during his recent speech before the NAACP, telling the crowd, I will eliminate expensive non-essential programs like Obamacare. The largely pro-Obama crowd was not thrilled with Romneys attack on the presidents signature legislative achievement. But its hard to imagine how anyone could be excited about ...
Skin in the Game: Governor Brown is Right and Secretary Sebelius Is Wrong About Medicaid Co-Pays
Key Points: Governor Jerry Brown and California legislators have attempted to get Medi-Cal’s budget under control by charging reasonable co-pays for medical and hospital services, especially emergency rooms. Secretary Sebelius has just quashed the state’s co-pay reform, relying on dubious legal interpretation. This federal overreach cost California taxpayers half a ...
Block Grants to States Give Medicaid New Hope
The House of Representatives is now considering a piece of legislation that would fundamentally improve Medicaid the health insurance program for low-income Americans jointly funded by the federal government and the states and help this country avoid fiscal apocalypse. Medicaid is on the front-burner in Washington, as the ...
Obamacare faces Supreme test
The Supreme Court on Monday begins hearing what could be one of the most important cases in our country’s history. The nine justices are set to determine the constitutionality of the “individual mandate” included in the president’s health care bill, passed two years ago this month. The mandate requires that ...
Obamacare drives up health care costs for everyone
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services recently released their annual report on health care spending in America. And surprise, surprise – spending continues to grow. It amounted to 17.9 percent of the nation’s gross domestic product in 2010, or $2.6 trillion. But the annual rate of growth was lower ...
Health spending slows but premiums still rising
A funny thing happened as a result of Obamacare, signed in March 2010: Although the cost of health care has increased at a slower rate than in previous years, premiums for health insurance and the share of premiums used for purposes other than paying claims has been increasing faster than ...
Kill the CLASS Act Before It Kills Taxpayers
The House of Representatives just voted to wipe a major part of President Obamas healthcare law from the books the Community Living Assistance Service and Supports Act. This CLASS Act wouldve established a federally run long-term-care insurance program. The Senate should continue the Houses work and repeal CLASS right ...
President Obama’s Medical Board: A Backdoor Path to Health Rationing
Last week, a House of Representatives subpanel overwhelmingly approved a measure to repeal a key component of President Obamas 2010 health reform bill. By a bipartisan 17-5 margin, the Energy and Commerce Committees Health Subcommittee agreed to get rid of Sections 3403 and 10320 of the Patient Protection and Affordable ...
Is CDC immune to pneumonia science?
Officials at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention met last week to discuss the latest developments in the fight against pneumonia. They had the chance to prevent tens of thousands of deaths from the disease each year simply by recommending a new vaccine for routine delivery to adults. Unfortunately, ...
Just Say No to ACOs
Say hello to Obamacare’s latest technocratic gimmick — the Accountable Care Organization (ACO). The first of these federally-chartered Pioneer ACO groups of healthcare providers just launched. Proponents of ACOs claim that the new entities will help doctors and hospitals better coordinate care in order to improve the health of Medicare ...