

The coming collapse of health care exchanges

Two federal agencies just released some new research that probably isn’t going over too well in the White House. In its most recent baseline projections, the Congressional Budget Office estimated that 18 million people would have coverage through the Affordable Care Act’s exchanges in 2025. That’s 4 million fewer than ...

Collapse of Obamacare a matter of when, not if

Two federal agencies just released some new research that probably isn’t going over too well in the White House. In its most recent baseline projections, the Congressional Budget Office estimated that 18 million people would have coverage through Obamacare’s exchanges in 2025. That’s 4 million fewer than it projected just ...

N.J. should embrace doctor teleconferencing

At hospitals and clinics across New Jersey, thousands of new doctors could soon be on call — literally. In Trenton, lawmakers are considering two bills that would enable doctors and patients to skip the office visit and conduct appointments using video-conferencing tools like Skype. They’re right to embrace this kind ...

Trump’s Healthcare Plan: Right Diagnosis, Wrong Prescription

Donald Trump recently released a healthcare reform plan. If only he had spent as much time crafting it as he does his hair. The GOP frontrunner is right that Obamacare has failed to fix what ails America’s healthcare system. As Trump put it, the Affordable Care Act has “tragically but ...

ObamaCare Keeps Our Health System In A State Of Emergency

America’s emergency rooms are on life support. The average ER visit takes over two hours. In some states, it’s north of three. President Obama promised that the Affordable Care Act would alleviate the pressure on ERs by expanding access to insurance — and thus diverting people who previously would’ve gone ...

Obamacare’s Sixth Birthday Provides No Reason To Celebrate

This Wednesday, March 23, Obamacare turns all of six years old. The administration is using the occasion to celebrate. At a speech in Milwaukee earlier this month, the president claimed that 20 million people have gained health insurance because of the law. The truth is far more complicated. Enrollment in ...

Donald Trump’s Obamacare Alternative Isn’t Bad, But It Isn’t Great Either

“Repeal and replace with something terrific.” That was Donald Trump’s promise for how he’d deal with Obamacare shortly after he announced his candidacy in June. Trump has finally revealed just what he meant by “terrific.” Last week, he released a seven-point plan outlining his alternative to Obamacare. Trump calls it ...

Time To Liberate Health Savings Accounts

Two members of Congress are trying to make paying for health care easier. Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, and Rep. Erik Paulsen, R-Minn., just introduced companion legislation that would boost the power of Health Savings Accounts, which allow consumers to set aside money tax-free for health care expenses. They’re right to ...

Telemedicine could revolutionize health care

The house call is back. Several tech companies are working to deliver doctors to patients’ doorsteps at the touch of a button — or the swipe of a smartphone. For patients outside the cities where these apps are taking off, there’s the virtual house call, whether via video-messaging services like ...

Trump and Obama promise to be terrible negotiators

President Barack Obama and presidential hopeful Donald Trump don’t agree on much. But they’ve found common ground in pushing to upend the Medicare drug benefit. At a rally days before his resounding victory in New Hampshire, Trump grumbled about government drug spending — and called for Medicare to take over ...

The coming collapse of health care exchanges

Two federal agencies just released some new research that probably isn’t going over too well in the White House. In its most recent baseline projections, the Congressional Budget Office estimated that 18 million people would have coverage through the Affordable Care Act’s exchanges in 2025. That’s 4 million fewer than ...

Collapse of Obamacare a matter of when, not if

Two federal agencies just released some new research that probably isn’t going over too well in the White House. In its most recent baseline projections, the Congressional Budget Office estimated that 18 million people would have coverage through Obamacare’s exchanges in 2025. That’s 4 million fewer than it projected just ...

N.J. should embrace doctor teleconferencing

At hospitals and clinics across New Jersey, thousands of new doctors could soon be on call — literally. In Trenton, lawmakers are considering two bills that would enable doctors and patients to skip the office visit and conduct appointments using video-conferencing tools like Skype. They’re right to embrace this kind ...

Trump’s Healthcare Plan: Right Diagnosis, Wrong Prescription

Donald Trump recently released a healthcare reform plan. If only he had spent as much time crafting it as he does his hair. The GOP frontrunner is right that Obamacare has failed to fix what ails America’s healthcare system. As Trump put it, the Affordable Care Act has “tragically but ...

ObamaCare Keeps Our Health System In A State Of Emergency

America’s emergency rooms are on life support. The average ER visit takes over two hours. In some states, it’s north of three. President Obama promised that the Affordable Care Act would alleviate the pressure on ERs by expanding access to insurance — and thus diverting people who previously would’ve gone ...

Obamacare’s Sixth Birthday Provides No Reason To Celebrate

This Wednesday, March 23, Obamacare turns all of six years old. The administration is using the occasion to celebrate. At a speech in Milwaukee earlier this month, the president claimed that 20 million people have gained health insurance because of the law. The truth is far more complicated. Enrollment in ...

Donald Trump’s Obamacare Alternative Isn’t Bad, But It Isn’t Great Either

“Repeal and replace with something terrific.” That was Donald Trump’s promise for how he’d deal with Obamacare shortly after he announced his candidacy in June. Trump has finally revealed just what he meant by “terrific.” Last week, he released a seven-point plan outlining his alternative to Obamacare. Trump calls it ...

Time To Liberate Health Savings Accounts

Two members of Congress are trying to make paying for health care easier. Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, and Rep. Erik Paulsen, R-Minn., just introduced companion legislation that would boost the power of Health Savings Accounts, which allow consumers to set aside money tax-free for health care expenses. They’re right to ...

Telemedicine could revolutionize health care

The house call is back. Several tech companies are working to deliver doctors to patients’ doorsteps at the touch of a button — or the swipe of a smartphone. For patients outside the cities where these apps are taking off, there’s the virtual house call, whether via video-messaging services like ...

Trump and Obama promise to be terrible negotiators

President Barack Obama and presidential hopeful Donald Trump don’t agree on much. But they’ve found common ground in pushing to upend the Medicare drug benefit. At a rally days before his resounding victory in New Hampshire, Trump grumbled about government drug spending — and called for Medicare to take over ...
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