
Health Care

Which Is More Efficient: Employer-Sponsored Insurance Or Medicaid?

An old disagreement between Uwe Reinhardt and Sally Pipes in Forbes is a teachable moment. There’s a dearth of confrontational debates in health policy and education is worse off for it. Crux of the issue is the more efficient system: employer-sponsored insurance (ESI) or Medicaid. Sally Pipes, president of the ...

If GOP Fails To Repeal And Replace Obamacare, Single-Payer Could Be Next

It’s no secret that the cost of failure in the GOP healthcare reform effort will be that Obamacare remains on the books indefinitely. Last week, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell hinted that he might be willing to pay that cost. He said that Republicans would work with Democrats to produce ...

Is The Horror Story Of Single-payer Health Care Coming Soon To A Theater Near You?

Hollywood loves a sequel. This summer, studios are releasing a fifth Pirates of the Caribbean, a third edition of the Despicable Me franchise, and yet another Spiderman. But warmed-over ideas are not the sole province of the film industry. Progressive lawmakers are launching a reboot of their own — Single-Payer ...

Ignoring Single-Payer’s Siren Song

Government-run, single-payer health care is apparently back in vogue. The California state Senate recently green-lit a bill that would abolish private insurance and force all residents — including those currently on Medicare and the state’s version of Medicaid, Medi-Cal — into a new government-run plan. The bill has been put ...
Business & Economics

Empower The Private Sector To Close The Infrastructure Funding Gap

If you believe the civil engineers, then on top of current planned expenditures, the U.S. needs an additional $5.2 trillion in investment into the nation’s roads, water systems, electric grids, ports & waterways, and airports between now and 2040. While such investments may be imperative, the ability of the government ...

Single-Payer Health Care Is Dead — For Now. Californians Shouldn’t Let It Come Back

Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon, D-Paramount, has shelved Senate Bill 562. The bill aims to create a government-run, single-payer health care system in California. But, as Rendon noted, “This action does not mean SB562 is dead.” The California Legislature is still in the first half of a two-year session. The Senate ...

Californians Fear Losing Coverage In Obamacare Reform

As the Republican-led U.S. Senate prepares to vote — possibly by next week — to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, a new poll shows that 56 percent of Californians worry that they or someone in their family will lose health insurance coverage if the law, commonly called Obamacare, ...

Dream Of Single Payer Would Be A Nightmare

Fully government-run health care may be coming to the Empire State. The State Senate will soon consider the New York Health Act, a bill that would sweep every New Yorker into a single, government-funded health plan. The Assembly green-lit the bill in mid-May. On paper, the measure seems like a ...

Repeal And Replace Can’t Wait Any Longer

The chief obstacle to repealing and replacing Obamacare may no longer be congressional Democrats. It could be the GOP itself. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has promised to hold a vote on the party’s repeal-and-replace plan by the end of June. But as he’s tacked his plan to the center ...

California’s ‘Free’ Health Care Won’t Come Cheap

(Note: After the column went to print, SB 562 passed the State Senate on June 1 by a vote of 23 to 14.) Democrats in California’s state Senate spent Thursday hemming and hawing over Senate Bill 562, the Healthy California Act. When this column went to print, the Democratic caucus ...
Health Care

Which Is More Efficient: Employer-Sponsored Insurance Or Medicaid?

An old disagreement between Uwe Reinhardt and Sally Pipes in Forbes is a teachable moment. There’s a dearth of confrontational debates in health policy and education is worse off for it. Crux of the issue is the more efficient system: employer-sponsored insurance (ESI) or Medicaid. Sally Pipes, president of the ...

If GOP Fails To Repeal And Replace Obamacare, Single-Payer Could Be Next

It’s no secret that the cost of failure in the GOP healthcare reform effort will be that Obamacare remains on the books indefinitely. Last week, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell hinted that he might be willing to pay that cost. He said that Republicans would work with Democrats to produce ...

Is The Horror Story Of Single-payer Health Care Coming Soon To A Theater Near You?

Hollywood loves a sequel. This summer, studios are releasing a fifth Pirates of the Caribbean, a third edition of the Despicable Me franchise, and yet another Spiderman. But warmed-over ideas are not the sole province of the film industry. Progressive lawmakers are launching a reboot of their own — Single-Payer ...

Ignoring Single-Payer’s Siren Song

Government-run, single-payer health care is apparently back in vogue. The California state Senate recently green-lit a bill that would abolish private insurance and force all residents — including those currently on Medicare and the state’s version of Medicaid, Medi-Cal — into a new government-run plan. The bill has been put ...
Business & Economics

Empower The Private Sector To Close The Infrastructure Funding Gap

If you believe the civil engineers, then on top of current planned expenditures, the U.S. needs an additional $5.2 trillion in investment into the nation’s roads, water systems, electric grids, ports & waterways, and airports between now and 2040. While such investments may be imperative, the ability of the government ...

Single-Payer Health Care Is Dead — For Now. Californians Shouldn’t Let It Come Back

Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon, D-Paramount, has shelved Senate Bill 562. The bill aims to create a government-run, single-payer health care system in California. But, as Rendon noted, “This action does not mean SB562 is dead.” The California Legislature is still in the first half of a two-year session. The Senate ...

Californians Fear Losing Coverage In Obamacare Reform

As the Republican-led U.S. Senate prepares to vote — possibly by next week — to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, a new poll shows that 56 percent of Californians worry that they or someone in their family will lose health insurance coverage if the law, commonly called Obamacare, ...

Dream Of Single Payer Would Be A Nightmare

Fully government-run health care may be coming to the Empire State. The State Senate will soon consider the New York Health Act, a bill that would sweep every New Yorker into a single, government-funded health plan. The Assembly green-lit the bill in mid-May. On paper, the measure seems like a ...

Repeal And Replace Can’t Wait Any Longer

The chief obstacle to repealing and replacing Obamacare may no longer be congressional Democrats. It could be the GOP itself. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has promised to hold a vote on the party’s repeal-and-replace plan by the end of June. But as he’s tacked his plan to the center ...

California’s ‘Free’ Health Care Won’t Come Cheap

(Note: After the column went to print, SB 562 passed the State Senate on June 1 by a vote of 23 to 14.) Democrats in California’s state Senate spent Thursday hemming and hawing over Senate Bill 562, the Healthy California Act. When this column went to print, the Democratic caucus ...
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