

Basic Income Comes to Stockton

Just six years after declaring bankruptcy due to a 15-year spending binge, Stockton is now exploring creative new ways of spending again.  This time, it’s a one-year experiment to give several dozen Stockton families $500 a month, with no strings attached.  The idea of “universal basic income” – providing everyone ...

God Save The Queen’s Health Care System

On Jan. 23, Senator Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., hosted an online town hall to promote “Medicare for All.” Over 1 million people tuned in to watch Vermont’s junior senator tout his single-payer plan, which he promised would “guarantee care for all Americans.” His pledge is about as sound as a Venezuelan ...

California Can’t Afford Single-Payer Health Care Fantasy

A civil war is brewing within California’s Democratic party. Progressives — led by Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom, the frontrunner for governor, and the politically powerful California Nurses Association — plan to fight for a single-payer healthcare system this year. Their more moderate rivals — among them Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon ...

Sally Pipes in Wall Street Journal: Single-Payer Health Care Isn’t Worth Waiting For

When Brian Day opened the Cambie Surgery Centre in 1996, he had a simple goal. Dr. Day, an orthopedic surgeon from Vancouver, British Columbia, wanted to provide timely, state-of-the-art medical care to Canadians who were unwilling to wait months—even years—for surgery they needed. Canada’s single-payer health-care system, known as Medicare, ...

Free Marketers Should Use 2018 To Lay The Foundation For Medicare Reform

Earlier this month, President Trump, House Speaker Paul Ryan, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, and other senior Republicans huddled at Camp David to plan the party’s 2018 legislative agenda. Speaker Ryan argued for reforming Medicare. That “is how you tackle the debt and the deficit,” he said. He’s right. Unfortunately, ...

Democrats Idolize Canada’s Health System as It Recovers from Worst Year Ever

Mainstream Democrats are clamoring for Canadian-style single-payer health care — a demand once relegated to the far-left fringe of the party. Sixteen Senate Democrats, including several with aspirations for the party’s presidential nomination in 2020, have signed onto Sen. Bernie Sanders’s “Medicare for All” plan. Fealty to single-payer is already proving ...

Social Security Beneficiaries Reach an All-Time High

An oft-cited survey from 1994 found that one out of every three respondents age 18 and 34 said they were more likely to see a UFO than receive a Social Security check.  Fast forward 23 years later — last November, the U.S. reached a record number of Social Security beneficiaries ...

Don’t Blame Trump for Obamacare’s Lackluster Open Enrollment Season

Obamacare’s 2018 open enrollment period came to a close in most states on December 15. Roughly 8.8 million people signed up for health plans through, the federal exchange that operates in 39 states. That’s a 4 percent decline compared to last year’s total of 9.2 million sign ups through ...
Drug Pricing

Report: 340B Drug Program Rife with Abuse, Profiteering

A program designed to help poor people afford prescription drugs is being used by hospitals to generate easy profits, according to a Pacific Research Institute report. A well-intended program designed to help poor people obtain prescription drugs is riddled with abuse and creates a perverse incentive for healthcare providers to ...
Health Care

Waiting Times For Canada’s Single-Payer Health Care System Hit Record High

Waiting times for medically necessary health care services under Canada’s single-payer system have hit a record high, according to a report from the Fraser Institute. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) has touted Canada’s single-payer system, saying it is a model the United States should follow. He introduced a “Medicare for All” plan this past September. “The ...

Basic Income Comes to Stockton

Just six years after declaring bankruptcy due to a 15-year spending binge, Stockton is now exploring creative new ways of spending again.  This time, it’s a one-year experiment to give several dozen Stockton families $500 a month, with no strings attached.  The idea of “universal basic income” – providing everyone ...

God Save The Queen’s Health Care System

On Jan. 23, Senator Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., hosted an online town hall to promote “Medicare for All.” Over 1 million people tuned in to watch Vermont’s junior senator tout his single-payer plan, which he promised would “guarantee care for all Americans.” His pledge is about as sound as a Venezuelan ...

California Can’t Afford Single-Payer Health Care Fantasy

A civil war is brewing within California’s Democratic party. Progressives — led by Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom, the frontrunner for governor, and the politically powerful California Nurses Association — plan to fight for a single-payer healthcare system this year. Their more moderate rivals — among them Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon ...

Sally Pipes in Wall Street Journal: Single-Payer Health Care Isn’t Worth Waiting For

When Brian Day opened the Cambie Surgery Centre in 1996, he had a simple goal. Dr. Day, an orthopedic surgeon from Vancouver, British Columbia, wanted to provide timely, state-of-the-art medical care to Canadians who were unwilling to wait months—even years—for surgery they needed. Canada’s single-payer health-care system, known as Medicare, ...

Free Marketers Should Use 2018 To Lay The Foundation For Medicare Reform

Earlier this month, President Trump, House Speaker Paul Ryan, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, and other senior Republicans huddled at Camp David to plan the party’s 2018 legislative agenda. Speaker Ryan argued for reforming Medicare. That “is how you tackle the debt and the deficit,” he said. He’s right. Unfortunately, ...

Democrats Idolize Canada’s Health System as It Recovers from Worst Year Ever

Mainstream Democrats are clamoring for Canadian-style single-payer health care — a demand once relegated to the far-left fringe of the party. Sixteen Senate Democrats, including several with aspirations for the party’s presidential nomination in 2020, have signed onto Sen. Bernie Sanders’s “Medicare for All” plan. Fealty to single-payer is already proving ...

Social Security Beneficiaries Reach an All-Time High

An oft-cited survey from 1994 found that one out of every three respondents age 18 and 34 said they were more likely to see a UFO than receive a Social Security check.  Fast forward 23 years later — last November, the U.S. reached a record number of Social Security beneficiaries ...

Don’t Blame Trump for Obamacare’s Lackluster Open Enrollment Season

Obamacare’s 2018 open enrollment period came to a close in most states on December 15. Roughly 8.8 million people signed up for health plans through, the federal exchange that operates in 39 states. That’s a 4 percent decline compared to last year’s total of 9.2 million sign ups through ...
Drug Pricing

Report: 340B Drug Program Rife with Abuse, Profiteering

A program designed to help poor people afford prescription drugs is being used by hospitals to generate easy profits, according to a Pacific Research Institute report. A well-intended program designed to help poor people obtain prescription drugs is riddled with abuse and creates a perverse incentive for healthcare providers to ...
Health Care

Waiting Times For Canada’s Single-Payer Health Care System Hit Record High

Waiting times for medically necessary health care services under Canada’s single-payer system have hit a record high, according to a report from the Fraser Institute. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) has touted Canada’s single-payer system, saying it is a model the United States should follow. He introduced a “Medicare for All” plan this past September. “The ...
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