

What ‘United States of Care’ Truly Cares About

There’s a new kid on the health policy block. A deep-pocketed, nominally bipartisan advocacy group called United States of Care — which counts former governors, senators, and top health policy officials among its members — launched earlier this month to great media acclaim. Since its debut, the group hasn’t said much. Its ...

Sally Pipes Releases New Book The False Promise of Single-Payer Health Care

As the political drumbeat for single-payer health care rises in Sacramento, other states around the country, and in Washington, DC, PRI’s Sally Pipes today released a new book that makes the case for why single-payer health care would be a disaster for all Americans, The False Promise of Single-Payer Health ...

Bernie Sanders’ Single-Payer Message Won’t Fly

Government-run health care is back on the front burner of American politics. Last week, President Trump took a shot at Democrats for pushing for British-style single-payer health care. The United Kingdom’s “system is going broke and not working,” he wrote on Twitter. The president’s tweet followed an online town-hall meeting ...
Business & Economics

Put the Risks on Health Insurers, Where It Belongs

When it comes to the U.S. health insurance market, the adage about communist economics is apropos. In this instance, instead of being “they pretend to pay us, we pretend to work”, it is “they pretend to sell insurance, we pretend to buy it”. What we call health insurance in the ...
Business & Economics

Economist: Leahy’s CREATES Act, Excluded From Budget, Would Help Trial Lawyers, Hurt Patients

By Glenn Minnis Despite support from a few Republicans, a measure championed by Sen. Pat Leahy, D-VT, targeting health care costs did not make its way into the budget passed by Congress earlier this month. The exclusion of the Creating and Restoring Equal Access to Equivalent Samples (CREATES) Act disappointed ...

Doctors Who Support Single-Payer Should Seek a Second Opinion

Sen. Bernie Sanders isn’t alone in his adoration for universal healthcare. According to one recent survey, 56 percent of U.S. doctors are at least somewhat supportive of government-run healthcare. Their support is somewhat understandable. Every insurer has different administrative requirements, covers different therapies at different levels, and reimburses on a ...

California’s Nurses Are Militant — And Mistaken

The California State Assembly earlier this month heard testimony from proponents of The Healthy California Act, a bill that would establish a state-run, single-payer healthcare system. Among the most prominent witnesses testifying in support of the bill was Michael Lighty, director of public policy at the California Nurses Association. The ...

Senate Budget Deal Benefits Insurers at the Expense of Sick Seniors

On Wednesday, the Senate announced its two-year budget deal. It contains a healthcare provision that many are touting as a victory for seniors. The reform aims to close the so-called “donut hole” coverage gap in the Medicare Part D drug benefit by shifting more of the program’s costs to drug companies. But ...

Trump Already Making Progress on Making Prescription Drugs Affordable

During Tuesday’s State of the Union address, President Trump pledged to drive down drug prices. That’s a worthy goal. And fortunately, the Trump administration is already pursuing it in a way that protects patients and encourages research and development. Many of the strategies that candidate Trump proposed on the campaign ...

Bernie Sanders Puts Lipstick on the ‘Medicare for all’ Pig

In late January, more than a million Americans watched an online town hall hosted by Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt. The topic? “Medicare for All.” No mainstream network would carry the event. Predictably, the event was more of a pep rally for socialized medicine than a serious discussion of healthcare policy. Over the ...

What ‘United States of Care’ Truly Cares About

There’s a new kid on the health policy block. A deep-pocketed, nominally bipartisan advocacy group called United States of Care — which counts former governors, senators, and top health policy officials among its members — launched earlier this month to great media acclaim. Since its debut, the group hasn’t said much. Its ...

Sally Pipes Releases New Book The False Promise of Single-Payer Health Care

As the political drumbeat for single-payer health care rises in Sacramento, other states around the country, and in Washington, DC, PRI’s Sally Pipes today released a new book that makes the case for why single-payer health care would be a disaster for all Americans, The False Promise of Single-Payer Health ...

Bernie Sanders’ Single-Payer Message Won’t Fly

Government-run health care is back on the front burner of American politics. Last week, President Trump took a shot at Democrats for pushing for British-style single-payer health care. The United Kingdom’s “system is going broke and not working,” he wrote on Twitter. The president’s tweet followed an online town-hall meeting ...
Business & Economics

Put the Risks on Health Insurers, Where It Belongs

When it comes to the U.S. health insurance market, the adage about communist economics is apropos. In this instance, instead of being “they pretend to pay us, we pretend to work”, it is “they pretend to sell insurance, we pretend to buy it”. What we call health insurance in the ...
Business & Economics

Economist: Leahy’s CREATES Act, Excluded From Budget, Would Help Trial Lawyers, Hurt Patients

By Glenn Minnis Despite support from a few Republicans, a measure championed by Sen. Pat Leahy, D-VT, targeting health care costs did not make its way into the budget passed by Congress earlier this month. The exclusion of the Creating and Restoring Equal Access to Equivalent Samples (CREATES) Act disappointed ...

Doctors Who Support Single-Payer Should Seek a Second Opinion

Sen. Bernie Sanders isn’t alone in his adoration for universal healthcare. According to one recent survey, 56 percent of U.S. doctors are at least somewhat supportive of government-run healthcare. Their support is somewhat understandable. Every insurer has different administrative requirements, covers different therapies at different levels, and reimburses on a ...

California’s Nurses Are Militant — And Mistaken

The California State Assembly earlier this month heard testimony from proponents of The Healthy California Act, a bill that would establish a state-run, single-payer healthcare system. Among the most prominent witnesses testifying in support of the bill was Michael Lighty, director of public policy at the California Nurses Association. The ...

Senate Budget Deal Benefits Insurers at the Expense of Sick Seniors

On Wednesday, the Senate announced its two-year budget deal. It contains a healthcare provision that many are touting as a victory for seniors. The reform aims to close the so-called “donut hole” coverage gap in the Medicare Part D drug benefit by shifting more of the program’s costs to drug companies. But ...

Trump Already Making Progress on Making Prescription Drugs Affordable

During Tuesday’s State of the Union address, President Trump pledged to drive down drug prices. That’s a worthy goal. And fortunately, the Trump administration is already pursuing it in a way that protects patients and encourages research and development. Many of the strategies that candidate Trump proposed on the campaign ...

Bernie Sanders Puts Lipstick on the ‘Medicare for all’ Pig

In late January, more than a million Americans watched an online town hall hosted by Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt. The topic? “Medicare for All.” No mainstream network would carry the event. Predictably, the event was more of a pep rally for socialized medicine than a serious discussion of healthcare policy. Over the ...
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