

State Study of Single-Payer Care Wastes $100,000

Washington is the latest state to contemplate a government takeover of its health care system. The Evergreen State’s legislature just allocated $100,000 for a “study of single-payer and universal coverage health care systems.” They may as well have lit that money on fire. Several other states have explored implementing single-payer ...

One ObamaCare Mandate Just Got A Little Less Mandatory

The Trump administration is trying to make health insurance affordable again. That’s the aim of a regulation issued earlier this month by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. The new rule would give states greater leeway over how they comply with ObamaCare’s essential health benefits, or EHB, mandate, which ...

U.S. Seniors Deserve Better Than Canadian Health Care

Seven in 10 Democrats want to establish a Canada-style single-payer health care system. Progressive lawmakers are even more gung-ho. Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., has introduced a “Medicare for All” bill modeled on Canada’s system. Sixteen of his Democratic colleagues have co-sponsored it. Meanwhile, over 60 percent of Democrats in the ...

Canada’s Health Care Is Abysmal. Why Would We Copy It?

Americans have come down with single-payer fever. A whole 59% now back a national health plan, according to a March 2018 Kaiser Health Tracking Poll—way up from the 33% reported by the Pew Research Center in summer 2017. But the American people don’t really understand what supporting a single-payer plan means. For ...

Idaho Can’t Ignore ObamaCare Completely — But It Can Pry Open These Loopholes

Last month, the Trump administration saved ObamaCare from destruction. It was a difficult decision — and the correct one. Administration officials shot down a daring plan from Idaho Gov. C.L. “Butch” Otter that would have allowed Idaho insurers to ignore ObamaCare’s premium-inflating regulations. Under the proposal, insurers would have been able ...

Expanding Affordable Healthcare in the States, The Legal Way

In March, the Trump administration saved Obamacare in Idaho. It was a hard decision for administration officials, who harbor no love for the health law. But it was the right call. Idaho officials wanted to help residents who have been harmed by Obamacare’s premium-inflating regulations. So they planned to allow ...

This Easter, Single-Payer Is Rising from the Grave

A revival movement is sweeping the nation. Millions of souls have already been converted, thanks to a charismatic preacher and his passionate disciples. I’m talking, of course, about the doctrine of “Medicare for All” and its chief evangelist, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders. The socialist senator’s sermons appear to have swayed ...
Health Care

Take Single-Payer Health Care Proposals Seriously: Sally Pipes

By Allison Bell Advocates of pure single-payer health care proposals for the United States are in a stronger position than ever, and those proposals would create a system much different from Medicare Advantage for all. Sally Pipes. president of the Pacific Research Institute, has delivered those messages in her new book, “The ...
Health Care

Sally Pipes Discusses Her New Book on Encounter Books Podcast

PRI’s Sally C. Pipes joins Ben Weingarten on the Encounter Books podcast to discuss her new Encounter Broadside “The False Promise of Single-Payer Health Care”, the state of Obamacare, how staggeringly wrong our politicians were about Medicare and Medicaid, and much more. To learn more about her new book, click ...

Single-Payer in California: Slowly, Slowly, Catchy Monkey

For now, California’s progressive politicians have judged single-payer as a bridge too far.  But that doesn’t mean they’ve given up trying to take over health care. As my Canadian mother used to say, “slowly, slowly, catchy monkey” – or be patient. On March 14, Assembly lawmakers released a report by ...

State Study of Single-Payer Care Wastes $100,000

Washington is the latest state to contemplate a government takeover of its health care system. The Evergreen State’s legislature just allocated $100,000 for a “study of single-payer and universal coverage health care systems.” They may as well have lit that money on fire. Several other states have explored implementing single-payer ...

One ObamaCare Mandate Just Got A Little Less Mandatory

The Trump administration is trying to make health insurance affordable again. That’s the aim of a regulation issued earlier this month by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. The new rule would give states greater leeway over how they comply with ObamaCare’s essential health benefits, or EHB, mandate, which ...

U.S. Seniors Deserve Better Than Canadian Health Care

Seven in 10 Democrats want to establish a Canada-style single-payer health care system. Progressive lawmakers are even more gung-ho. Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., has introduced a “Medicare for All” bill modeled on Canada’s system. Sixteen of his Democratic colleagues have co-sponsored it. Meanwhile, over 60 percent of Democrats in the ...

Canada’s Health Care Is Abysmal. Why Would We Copy It?

Americans have come down with single-payer fever. A whole 59% now back a national health plan, according to a March 2018 Kaiser Health Tracking Poll—way up from the 33% reported by the Pew Research Center in summer 2017. But the American people don’t really understand what supporting a single-payer plan means. For ...

Idaho Can’t Ignore ObamaCare Completely — But It Can Pry Open These Loopholes

Last month, the Trump administration saved ObamaCare from destruction. It was a difficult decision — and the correct one. Administration officials shot down a daring plan from Idaho Gov. C.L. “Butch” Otter that would have allowed Idaho insurers to ignore ObamaCare’s premium-inflating regulations. Under the proposal, insurers would have been able ...

Expanding Affordable Healthcare in the States, The Legal Way

In March, the Trump administration saved Obamacare in Idaho. It was a hard decision for administration officials, who harbor no love for the health law. But it was the right call. Idaho officials wanted to help residents who have been harmed by Obamacare’s premium-inflating regulations. So they planned to allow ...

This Easter, Single-Payer Is Rising from the Grave

A revival movement is sweeping the nation. Millions of souls have already been converted, thanks to a charismatic preacher and his passionate disciples. I’m talking, of course, about the doctrine of “Medicare for All” and its chief evangelist, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders. The socialist senator’s sermons appear to have swayed ...
Health Care

Take Single-Payer Health Care Proposals Seriously: Sally Pipes

By Allison Bell Advocates of pure single-payer health care proposals for the United States are in a stronger position than ever, and those proposals would create a system much different from Medicare Advantage for all. Sally Pipes. president of the Pacific Research Institute, has delivered those messages in her new book, “The ...
Health Care

Sally Pipes Discusses Her New Book on Encounter Books Podcast

PRI’s Sally C. Pipes joins Ben Weingarten on the Encounter Books podcast to discuss her new Encounter Broadside “The False Promise of Single-Payer Health Care”, the state of Obamacare, how staggeringly wrong our politicians were about Medicare and Medicaid, and much more. To learn more about her new book, click ...

Single-Payer in California: Slowly, Slowly, Catchy Monkey

For now, California’s progressive politicians have judged single-payer as a bridge too far.  But that doesn’t mean they’ve given up trying to take over health care. As my Canadian mother used to say, “slowly, slowly, catchy monkey” – or be patient. On March 14, Assembly lawmakers released a report by ...
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