

Even Bernie Sanders knows single-payer is painful

More than half of American adults want to transition to a single-payer healthcare system, according to a Washington Post-Kaiser Family Foundation poll conducted earlier this year. Most of these people have no idea how challenging such a switch would be — or the trade-offs it would entail. Even the pied piper of ...

Democrats Bet Their 2018 Hopes on Destroying Healthcare

As November’s midterm elections approach, Democrats, even the comparatively centrist members, are embracing government-run healthcare. Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California, for instance, has officially endorsed a public insurance option, as have other Democrats running in swing districts in Kentucky and Illinois. Meanwhile, single-payer advocates have won Democratic congressional primaries in ...

Is Statewide Single-Payer Feasible, or Is It Just California Dreamin’?

California’s leading progressives are currently debating — amicably, for the moment — when the right time will arrive to destroy the state’s healthcare system. The frontrunner in the race for the governor’s mansion, current Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom, has long championed single-payer health care. But he recently softened his support. ...

Canadians Are One in a Million — While Waiting for Medical Treatment

Canada’s single-payer healthcare system forced over 1 million patients to wait for necessary medical treatments last year. That’s an all-time record. Those long wait times were more than just a nuisance; they cost patients $1.9 billion in lost wages, according to a new report by the Fraser Institute, a Vancouver-based think-tank. Lengthy treatment ...

California’s ‘All-Payer’ Healthcare Proposal Is Rationing by Another Name

California lawmakers believe they’ve found an ingenious way to make health care more affordable — just legislate lower prices. That’s effectively what AB 3087, which was introduced by San Jose Democrat Ash Kalra in the Assembly in March, would do. The bill would direct a panel of nine experts to set prices for ...
Business & Economics

New Study: Patients, Employers and Taxpayers Could Save Significantly if Barriers to Biosimilars Removed

A new study released today found that, by removing barriers holding back the increased use of biosimilars, savings could be significant. In a case study of infliximab, used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s disease, and other illnesses, reforms could realize an annual savings of between $412 million and $465 million. ...

When the Public Option Is the Only Option

Single-payer has failed abroad and at home. Yet the call for single-payer from progressives has never been louder. Vermont senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and his dedicated followers have been the loudest. In his campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2016, he promised “Medicare for All.” In September 2017, he ...

Don’t Let Britain’s Single-Payer Sickness Spread Stateside

Several contenders for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination are staking their candidacies on a government takeover of the U.S. health care system, whereby the feds become the lone payer, or “single-payer” for health care services. Sens. Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, Kirsten Gillibrand, and Cory Booker are all co-sponsors of a ...

Liberals Sue Gov. Paul LePage For Protecting Them From Fiscal Disaster

Activist groups in Maine are suing Gov. Paul LePage, a Republican, for refusing to participate in Obamacare’s Medicaid expansion. The suit comes months after Maine became the first state in the nation to expand Medicaid via a ballot vote. Expansion advocates claim that growing the program would enable thousands of ...

Trump’s Drug Pricing Speech Mostly Hit the Right Notes

Last Friday, President Trump delivered a major speech from the White House Rose Garden on prescription drug prices. He announced several policies aimed at reducing the overall cost of pharmaceuticals and limiting patients’ out-of-pocket expenses. His reform agenda, entitled “American Patients First,” is largely excellent. It mostly harnesses the power ...

Even Bernie Sanders knows single-payer is painful

More than half of American adults want to transition to a single-payer healthcare system, according to a Washington Post-Kaiser Family Foundation poll conducted earlier this year. Most of these people have no idea how challenging such a switch would be — or the trade-offs it would entail. Even the pied piper of ...

Democrats Bet Their 2018 Hopes on Destroying Healthcare

As November’s midterm elections approach, Democrats, even the comparatively centrist members, are embracing government-run healthcare. Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California, for instance, has officially endorsed a public insurance option, as have other Democrats running in swing districts in Kentucky and Illinois. Meanwhile, single-payer advocates have won Democratic congressional primaries in ...

Is Statewide Single-Payer Feasible, or Is It Just California Dreamin’?

California’s leading progressives are currently debating — amicably, for the moment — when the right time will arrive to destroy the state’s healthcare system. The frontrunner in the race for the governor’s mansion, current Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom, has long championed single-payer health care. But he recently softened his support. ...

Canadians Are One in a Million — While Waiting for Medical Treatment

Canada’s single-payer healthcare system forced over 1 million patients to wait for necessary medical treatments last year. That’s an all-time record. Those long wait times were more than just a nuisance; they cost patients $1.9 billion in lost wages, according to a new report by the Fraser Institute, a Vancouver-based think-tank. Lengthy treatment ...

California’s ‘All-Payer’ Healthcare Proposal Is Rationing by Another Name

California lawmakers believe they’ve found an ingenious way to make health care more affordable — just legislate lower prices. That’s effectively what AB 3087, which was introduced by San Jose Democrat Ash Kalra in the Assembly in March, would do. The bill would direct a panel of nine experts to set prices for ...
Business & Economics

New Study: Patients, Employers and Taxpayers Could Save Significantly if Barriers to Biosimilars Removed

A new study released today found that, by removing barriers holding back the increased use of biosimilars, savings could be significant. In a case study of infliximab, used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s disease, and other illnesses, reforms could realize an annual savings of between $412 million and $465 million. ...

When the Public Option Is the Only Option

Single-payer has failed abroad and at home. Yet the call for single-payer from progressives has never been louder. Vermont senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and his dedicated followers have been the loudest. In his campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2016, he promised “Medicare for All.” In September 2017, he ...

Don’t Let Britain’s Single-Payer Sickness Spread Stateside

Several contenders for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination are staking their candidacies on a government takeover of the U.S. health care system, whereby the feds become the lone payer, or “single-payer” for health care services. Sens. Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, Kirsten Gillibrand, and Cory Booker are all co-sponsors of a ...

Liberals Sue Gov. Paul LePage For Protecting Them From Fiscal Disaster

Activist groups in Maine are suing Gov. Paul LePage, a Republican, for refusing to participate in Obamacare’s Medicaid expansion. The suit comes months after Maine became the first state in the nation to expand Medicaid via a ballot vote. Expansion advocates claim that growing the program would enable thousands of ...

Trump’s Drug Pricing Speech Mostly Hit the Right Notes

Last Friday, President Trump delivered a major speech from the White House Rose Garden on prescription drug prices. He announced several policies aimed at reducing the overall cost of pharmaceuticals and limiting patients’ out-of-pocket expenses. His reform agenda, entitled “American Patients First,” is largely excellent. It mostly harnesses the power ...
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